Chapter 11

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Aera's P.O.V

"Stay away from what you can't understand." The boy had said. It echoed in my head as I sat and did my homework. Had he been talking about Jimin? It did seem like he was. But what did he mean? Sure, I couldn't understand Jimin, but that was because I'd just met him, I hadn't had the time to begin to understand him. Though, now it seemed I would never fully understand him, everything about him was so strange and mysterious. From the ambiguity of his answers to my questions to the cold teenager who had warned me to back off. Jimin, who are you? Where are you?

The sound of my phone cut off my train of thought. Blinking, I checked to see who had texted me.

"Have you eaten dinner?" Namjoon had texted.

"Yes." I replied, turning back to my homework.

"What about dessert?" He asked.

"Don't make me regret exchanging numbers." I hoped that would keep him quiet.

"Don't have to be so rude."

"I'm doing homework."

"Really? Which subject?"

"Goodnight, Kim Namjoon."

I silenced my phone and threw it onto the bed.


Once again, I had trouble going to sleep. So the next morning, I was exhausted. It seemed all the sleepless nights I'd been having had finally caught up to me on this morning. And I was a wreck.

"Do you feel okay, Aera? No offense, but you look horrible." My father frowned.

"Thanks, dad." I scowled, stumbling into the kitchen. "I feel fine. Just tired."

"Ah. Is the room uncomfortable? I don't think it'll be possible to get another bed..."

"It's fine," I insisted.

When Namjoon showed up to walk to school, I'd already nodded off twice.

"Aera?" He asked carefully as I stepped outside.

"Don't. I'm too tired," I snapped.

He frowned a little, but kept quiet.

The morning passed uneventfully, except for getting harshly reprimanded by my math teacher. By the lunchtime, I felt a bit more awake.

"Yah, Aera!"

I looked over from my locker to see Hoseok running down the hall, waving his arms.

"Hello. What do you need?" I asked with a yawn, as he stopped in front of me.

"We're going to the hangout for lunch. Wanna come?" He asked, breathlessly.

I considered it for a moment. I knew I'd rather eat with them than all alone in the loud cafeteria. I closed my locker and turned to him.

"Sure. But I don't have any money," I told him.

"That's fine. I'm sure Namjoon was gonna pay for you either way," he said with a knowing smirk.

In my head I agreed with him, but the way he'd said that confused me. With a shake of my head and another yawn, I followed Hoseok outside the school.

"Woah, you're actually coming!" Taehyung said in surprise as we walked up to him and Namjoon.

"I'm hungry for their bibimbap," I explained.

We walked to the cafe, and arrived in less than ten minutes. We sat in the same place as before.

"Is Jin hyung working today?" Taehyung asked.

"I don't think so," Namjoon replied.

I listened distractedly, feeling my eyes droop again.

"Looks like someone didn't get much sleep," Hoseok commented.

"Hm," I groaned in reply.

"Welcome, guys. Can I get your order?" A young waitress asked.

"Oh, Nabi! I didn't know you were working today." Taehyung grinned at her.

We gave the light-haired girl our orders and they settled back into conversation. I rested my chin in my palm again, closing my eyes. I could feel myself nodding off when suddenly my eyes shot open. I straightened up and looked around. The familiar feeling had returned.

"Aera? Are you okay?" Namjoon asked.

My eyes landed on the boy standing outside the shop, leaning against a telephone pole.

"Jimin," I murmured, standing.

"What?" Namjoon said.

"I've gotta go," I said, hurrying away.

I could feel the boys watching me as I walked out of the cafe. But I hardly focused on that. Jimin locked eyes with me as I stepped outside and down the stairs. I slowed down as I neared the telephone pole.

"Hi," he said softly.

"Hi," I replied.

"I guess you've been looking for me," he said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why would you say that?" I asked carefully.

"Well...I...I did say I went to your school. I thought maybe you were wondering where I was when I didn't show up. I guess not," he muttered, looking embarrassed.

"Where have you been then?" I asked.

Jimin watched me silently for a moment.

"Around..." He finally said.

"Around? Really?" I began, frustrated. "Jimin, I was--"

I paused. What are you saying? What are you doing? Why do you care where he was? I asked myself. You've only talked to him once!

"You were what?" He asked curiously.

"Nothing. I--uh...I was confused. I kind of was looking for you," I finished.

We shared another silent look.

"Are you gonna go to school?" I asked.

"Perhaps," he sighed.

I looked down, wondering why I'd walked out here so suddenly. Why I'd been thinking so much about Jimin since his sudden disappearance. I wondered why I cared so much about where he was, why he left. Maybe it was because, for some reason, I was drawn to him. I didn't know why. I wish I did.

"Jimin. Do you know anyone around here?" I asked. "Like who are your friends?"

"Why do you wanna know about my friends?" He asked, his voice suddenly colder.

"Never mind. It's not important," I told him.

Maybe it's not such a good idea to tell him. I told myself. I didn't know why, but I decided to keep it to myself. I decided not to tell him about the dark boy from the park.

"Aera! Your food is here! Do you want it?" Taehyung's voice sounded behind me.

I turned to see him peeking out of the cafe's glass door.

"You should go," Jimin said.

"You're coming to school tomorrow, right?" I asked.

"I, um, I dunno."

"Come!" I told him as I jogged back to the cafe. "I'll see you tomorrow!"

He didn't respond. Jimin just watched me go back inside and sit down. Then he turned and walked off. Looking sad for some reason.

Okay, for anyone who noticed that little Easter egg in this chapter, don't freak out or anything, she's not really going to be mentioned again, lol. Anyway, thank you for all of your votes and comments!

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