Chapter 13

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Aera's P.O.V

I got up early the next day, despite not having school or any sleep. It was a sunny day and the sun blinded me as I slowly opened my eyes, ensuring that I would not be falling back asleep. But the sun wasn't the only thing that has awoken me. I grabbed my ringing phone off of the side table and pressed against my ear with a scowl.

"Hello?" I grumbled.

"Oh, wow. I didn't think you'd actually pick up."

"Then you shouldn't have called," I told Namjoon.


"I'm tired. What do you need?" I sighed, sitting up.

"There's this really cool hiking trail near, would you wanna, maybe, check it out? With me?" He asked slowly.

"It's 7:09 am," I told him.

"Early morning is the perfect time for a hike," he explained as if it was obvious.

"I guess so."

"Wait, you guess you'll go with me or you guess morning is good hiking time?" He asked.

"I guess both. I'll go, sure," I yawned.

"Great! Be ready by 7:30!" He said cheerfully, hanging up before I could argue about the time.

"Aish," I groaned as I pulled off the covers.

I pulled on jeans and a sweat shirt that I'd stolen from my dad. Grabbing my bag and the most durable shoes I could find, I quietly made my way downstairs. I was surprised to see my dad sitting at the kitchen table, looking grumpy as he drank some tea.

"Dad? Why are you up so early?" I asked. "On a Saturday?"

"Your grandpa is snoring much louder than usual." He scowled. "Why are you up so early?"

Going on a hike," I mumbled.

"Ah, with who?" He asked sipping his drink.

"You know who, Dad," I snapped. "No need to feign innocence."

He grinned.

"I'm just glad your making friends." He frowned, thoughtfully. "Even if they are all boys..."

"How do you know I don't have a girl friend?" I said defensively.

"Do you?"

I cleared my throat and glanced at the clock.

"I have to go, see you later." I grabbed a piece of fruit and hurried out the door.

It was only 7:20 as I sat on the front steps to wait for Namjoon, but I didn't feel like continuing the conversation with my dad. He always acted annoyingly cocky when he knew he was right. I yawned again, stretching out my arms. I had to admit it was a beautiful day, probably the perfect day to go hiking. I wondered if Namjoon was bringing anyone else, though either way I didn't mind. They were all growing on me. I glanced up in surprise at the sound of someone coughing.

"Namjoon? Why are you early?" I asked.

He made his way towards the steps I was sitting on.

"I'm always early," he told me proudly.

"Right." I stood up. "I guess we should go then."

"Yeah. Come on, we have to take the bus to get there," he told me, turning back the way he'd came.



"Is this your idea of 'near here'?" I asked after twenty minutes of sitting on the crowded bus.

"More or less." He shrugged. "I thought if I made it sound closer than it actually was, I'd have more of a chance of getting you to come."

"Then you're a manipulative liar," I told him.

"Yah! It's not that far!" He complained.

I turned away with a tired smile.

When we finally got to the location after a half hour bus ride, I was starving.

"Didn't you eat?" Namjoon responded to my complaining.

"Bananas aren't that filling," I admitted.

"Ugh, and you didn't bring a snack?"

"I brought money," I offered.

"Money isn't gonna help on a hike."

"I'm still hungry," I told him.

"Fine." He pulled off his bag and unzipped it, rummaging around inside.

He pulled out a bag of chips which I snatched away gratefully.

"There goes half of my lunch," he sighed, watching me finish off the bag.

"That's what you get for tricking me into coming here," I said, crumpling up the bag. "Okay, I'm ready."

We started our hike, and I actually enjoyed it. The weather was nice and Namjoon was actually quiet for most of the time, so I got to enjoy the peacefulness of the forest. We walked along for hours, I wasn't really keeping time, but that was what it felt like. I didn't feel tired until the sun was high in the sky and beating down on us. I pulled off my sweatshirt and wrapped it around my waist.

"You know what?" I said after a while.

"What?" Namjoon asked.

"I'm actually glad you woke me up at 7 on a Saturday to go hiking," I admitted. "But please warn me next time."

"Okay." he grinned at me. "I will."

I smiled back, stretching out my arms. As we walked on in silence, I felt him watching me.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Oh, uh. Nothing," he said, turning away. "It's only a few more minutes till we reach the cliffs."

When we did reach the cliffs, I sucked in my breath at the amazing view.

"Wow," I said.

"I know," he replied quietly.

We sat down on some rocks and let the sun shine down onto our faces.

"We should do this more. What other trails do you know?" I asked.

"Well, there's Amnam Park. That's my favorite," he said.

"Why didn't we go there then?"

"It's a lot farther away from here."

To my surprise, my phone started to ring from in my bag. I had wondered whether or not we got reception up here.

"Huh, wonder who it is," I said to myself, pulling it out. "It's Taehyung."

I looked at Namjoon in confusion. He shrugged, but looked a bit annoyed.

"Hello, Taehyung?"


"Jimin?" I asked in surprise.

"Yeah, he let me borrow it."

" I mean where are you?"

"We sort of ran into each other--"

"Yeah, then he practically stole my phone!" I heard Taehyung from the back around.

"Why? Is something wrong?" I asked.

"I just...I don't know. Can you hang out?" Jimin asked.

I frowned. For some reason, his voice sounded strained and almost shaky.

"Um. Yeah, I can meet you at the park in an hour."

I hung up with him in confusion.

"That was--"

"Let's go then," Namjoon said, rudely interrupting me.

"Yeah, okay."

We walked back the way we came. But his legs were longer, so he had quicker and larger strides and traveled faster, leaving me to stumble around behind.

"Yah! Wait up!" I called.

He didn't slow down.


He didn't turn around.

"If I break an ankle it's your fault!"

I scowled at his back, then actually did trip over some log I hadn't noticed. I fell to the ground with a strangled cry.

"Ouch," I groaned quietly.

I looked up to see Namjoon walking back towards me quickly.

"Oh, now you come," I snapped in annoyance.

"Are you okay?" He asked, reaching down to help me.

"Yeah, fine," I huffed, swatting his hands away. "Just keep walking  and ignoring me."

"Look, I'm sorry. I'm just annoyed, okay?"

I managed to get back on my feet, wincing a little, but crossing my arms.

"Why?" I asked, though somehow, I already knew why.

"It's just...we had to stop our hike just so you could go hang out with that kid." He scowled.

"That kid? Are you serious?" I asked. "What do you have against Jimin?! You've only met him once!"

"Nothing! Nothing at all!"

"It's obviously something! Go ahead! Why do you hate him?!"

"I don't hate him! I--I just don' him."

"Well, that explains everything. You just don't like him. Okay, Namjoon, glad you finally told me," I replied sarcastically.

"Look, Aera. I don't know why, okay? Just...there's something about him. He annoys me."

"Funny. That's exactly how I felt about you," I told him, pushing past and continuing down the trail.

"Aera!" He called after me.

But now I ignored him. He had only met Jimin one time, hardly said anything to him, and already had decided he disliked him. Truthfully, that was exactly how I'd felt about Namjoon. But still, Jimin was sweet and quiet. What's not to like? Maybe Namjoon gets that same feeling I get around Jimin. And maybe Namjoon didn't like that feeling. Not Jimin himself. But then did that mean I only liked being around Jimin because of the feeling he gave off? Or because I actually liked him as a person? Maybe Namjoon was mystified by Jimin, just like how I was. But instead of wanting to figure out more about him and why he was so mysterious like me, Namjoon didn't want anything to do with someone who didn't make sense.

And maybe I shouldn't have either. But it was too late.

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