Chapter 31

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Just wanted to mention, I won't be able to update nearly as much as before. I'll try to like every two or three nights, and more on the weekends, but it won't be everyday like before. I'm really sorry, but with school starting😫I'm getting really busy. Thanks for all of your votes and comments guys! I hope everyone has a great school year!

Aera's P.O.V

It was when Laurel first looked at Namjoon that I started growing suspicious. It was after she started talking to him that I knew for sure. Laurel had a major crush on Namjoon. Usually, I wasn't so intuitive with that sort of thing, but she wasn't exactly subtle. I glanced over at them again, stifling a giggle.

"So what do you like to do for fun, Oppa?" Laurel was asking him.

"Um, I don't know. I like hiking...I guess," he replied slowly.

"That's so cool! I guess you're more of an outdoorsy type then, huh?" She grinned.

"Yeah, I guess so."

I stole a glance at Jackson, who was sitting beside me at the restaurant booth. He sighed, looking extremely bored. I turned to my other side, where Yugyeom was sitting. He was studying Namjoon's and Laurel's interaction carefully. Clearing my throat, I tried to lighten the mood a bit.

"So, are you guys all ready for college?" I asked.

"More or less." Laurel finally returned her attention to everyone else. "I mean, I don't think I could be any more ready, but I also don't feel ready enough. You know?"

"Actually, yeah. I know what you mean," Namjoon told her.

She lit up again.

"Yugyeom, what about you? Are you ready for your last year in high school?" I asked.

"Yeah, I think," he replied.

We all fell silent again. I cleared my throat again and glanced around casually. Seeing our conversation was over, Laurel began talking to Namjoon again. I sighed with Jackson.

"What's new with you?" I turned to Yugyeom, laying the side of my head on my palm.

He shrugged.

"Nothing much," Yugyeom said.

I nodded, head still against my hand.

"Oh, you know, Jungkook was asking about you..." Yugyeom told me with a frown.

I sat up, suddenly tense.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing much, he just wanted to know how we met." He yawned. "Just thought you'd be interested in knowing, seeing as how you were asking about him before."

I nodded slowly and looked down at the table. I wasn't really sure what to think about that. It didn't really prove that he'd been faking his new attitude, though I was still positive that he was. I took in a deep breath, shuddering slightly at the thought of seeing Jungkook again. What are you up to?


"You're kidding, right?"

"I'm telling you, Aera. She does not. Laurel's just nice. And I speak fluent English."

I rolled my eyes at Namjoon's obliviousness to Laurel's obvious crush.

"That has nothing to do with it. She likes you. Admit it," I insisted with a small chuckle.

I glanced towards her closed bedroom door, shaking my head.

"You need some sleep," he told me over the phone.

"It's only ten," I replied. "And what's so bad about her liking you? Do you think she's weird?"

"Of course not. Like I said, she's nice. I just think you're taking her friendliness the wrong way."

"Why wouldn't she like you?"

"Why are we even talking about this?"

"I casually mentioned it and now you're denying it so I have to make sure you agree with me. Because it's so painfully obvious, Namjoon."

"I think I would know."

"Obviously not."

"Why do you care so much? What, are you jealous or something?" He asked, I could hear the smirk in his voice.

With a huffy, frustrated breath I made sure he could hear, I replied, "I already explained this. Why don't you want to date her? She's great."

"Omo, Aera. Can't we drop this?"

"You're an attractive, smart person, and someone's finally noticed. But you're pushing her away? Nice."

"I'm not push--Listen Aera, please stop obsessing over this. I don't like her like that, okay? I still-- I don't need any dating in my life right now, especially while college is starting. So please just quit it."

We fell silent for a moment.

"Okay. But you know she likes you, right? Like, you agree with that?"

"Goodnight Aera."

The line went silent, and I felt a wide smile spread on my face. With a shake of my head, I turned off my phone and laid my head back on the couch cushion. But after a few moments, the amusement I felt faded away as the silence began to sink in. I sighed, wondering if I would be getting any sleep tonight. Maybe not.

I stood up after another minute, and headed towards the bathroom. It was a difficult process, getting ready for bed. I was trying to be loud, to fill the emptiness, but I also didn't want to wake Laurel. After finally finishing, I crept to my room, passing the large window that was in between. A prickly feeling passed over my skin as I walked by. I frowned and paused, glancing over into the dark night. The sky was clear, and if I'd been back with my grandad and dad, I might've been able to see the stars. But here in this big city, it was hard to make out any. I sighed and stood there, suddenly missing my family. And him.

I lowered my gaze down to the large campus, trying to push away the sadness. My eyes landed on a dark figure standing in the girls' dorm yard, staring up at my window. With a small yelp, I jumped back, away from the window, tumbling onto the ground. Breathing heavily, I glanced over to Laurel's door, listening for any movement in her room. But nothing happened, and my breathing soon grew steadier. With a terrified gulp, I slowly crawled to the window, carefully peaking out again.

For some reason, it didn't surprise me, when I saw the figure had disappeared.

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