Chapter 38

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Aera's P.O.V

I couldn't stop staring at him in silence. Even when he slowly approached me. Even when he gingerly grabbed my hand. Even when my feet started to move unconsciously with him, out the door and into the chilly morning air. I was silent, unable to form words as we walked to the park. Even when we sat down at a bench. Even when I realized I hadn't said a word or looked away from him for more than ten minutes. He watched me watch him, causing a painfully familiar feeling to wash over me.

"A--Aera," Jimin finally spoke, his voice cracking. "Please say--"

But his voice was what made me snap, and before he could finish his sentence, I felt myself crumple from the inside out. Sobs shook my body as I slumped over in agony.

"Aera!" He gasped.

I could feel his cool embrace around me within moments, but it only made me cry harder.

"Please don't cry," he said, so softly that I could barely hear him. "I can't--I can't handle..." his voice cracked again.

"You left me," I finally let out between gasps.

"I know," he whispered.

Somehow that seemed like enough for that moment. Crazy as it was.


After what seemed like forever, I calmed down. We sat side by side on the bench, staring out into the park, both silent in thought. I wondered if he knew what he put me through. I wondered when he would leave me in pain again. I wondered if I would be able to handle that.

"I'm not leaving you again," Jimin spoke in his familiarly quiet voice.

As if he'd heard my thoughts.

"Then why did you before?"

He sighed and turned to me.

"I thought that you'd be safer if I left. I thought Jungkook would leave you alone," Jimin admitted. "But I underestimated his ruthlessness."

I abruptly turned and looked him in the eye.

"Do you know that I would rather be in danger every second of everyday with you, than be completely safe without you?" I snapped.

First came sadness, now anger.

"I thought you'd get over me," he said quietly, hanging his head in shame.

"Why?! Why would I?! How could I?!" I practically yelled, before going almost completely silent as a thought came to me. "Did you...did you get over me?"

His eyes held more emotion than I'd ever seen before as he locked his gaze with mine again.

"Do you know that I'd rather die everyday for the rest of my lifetime, than see you in pain?!" Jimin cried out.

He stood in frustration.

"I was without you for almost a year, yet every moment my head was filled with you! I had to have my heart ripped out every time I closed my eyes! I told myself over and over again that you would forget me, I told myself that you would move on and be safe and happy without me!" Jimin turned to me with tears streaming down his face. "But that was the worst part! I started to believe that you'd forgotten me, and that magnified the pain so much, I began to wonder whether I should just let myself waste away!"

I stood up suddenly as well.

"You didn't have to leave!" I yelled, interrupting him. "I loved you so much and yet you left me without even the smallest form of goodbye. Yes, there was one point, after months of sickness and depression and anger and hating myself, that I did think I was starting to move on. But that's when the memories of you began flooding into my mind at the smallest trigger. That was when I realized I could never forget you. That I'd never stop loving you."

He watched me with so much pain in his eyes, the tears returned to my cheeks.

"I'm--I'm not human, Aera. I'm not like you," he whispered. "I'm death."

"No, Jimin," I replied, just as quietly. "You're my life."

Well hey guys! It's good to be back! How is everyone?? Don't mind this flood of short chapters, just know that everything is goin down now. Thank you for being so patient with me! (I hope the cheesiness hasn't been to strong for you guys) ❤️❤️❤️

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