Chapter 42

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Aera's P.O.V

I woke up with a piercing ache in the back of my neck. Eyes still closed, I frowned, trying to lift my head. Pain shot through me, and I groaned and laid my head back down. I let my eyes open slightly, adjusting to the bright light, as I tried to recall where I was.

"Ouch." I heard a soft voice beside me.

I turned my head slightly, to see Jimin grimacing as he tried to sit up. I remembered now. We'd both fallen asleep sitting on the couch. I finally forced my head upright, and quickly brought my hand up to massage my neck.

"Hi," Jimin said.

"Good morning," I replied, trying to give him a smile, but I was still in pain.

"What time is it?" He asked.

I stared at him for a second, realization washing over me.

"Crap!" I cried, repeating the English word I'd grown used to Laurel shouting.

I jumped up and hurried into the bathroom.


I tried to force away the bad feeling of leaving Jimin behind again, scared of another visit from Jungkook. Though it's not like he wouldn't be able to handle it. I frowned. Still. My fear would always be present. It was second nature now.

I made it to class on record time, but I still had to tiptoe to the desk I shared with Laurel, the teacher's glare following me the whole way. I was scowling at Laurel as I slipped into my seat with relief.

"What?" She whispered innocently.

"Do you have a death wish?" I asked darkly.

She grinned.

"Calm down, I was doing you a favor. You looked more peaceful than any other time I've caught you napping. I thought you could use an extra hour."

"Okay, that was nice of you and all, but right now, school is way more important than a peaceful sleep!" I hissed.

"Sorry," she said with a shrug.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to the class, still seething. Though, her words did turn my thoughts to Jimin. "You looked more peaceful than any other time I've caught you napping." That made sense. It made a lot of sense.

Jimin's P.O.V

I stared up at the ceiling as the effects of cabin fever finally started to catch up with me. I was bored. And a bit worried. I just wanted Aera to return. It was funny; she was safest with me. But also in the most danger around me. I smiled bitterly at the irony, standing up  to look around. I wandered the dorm; obviously though, there wasn't much to see. Sighing, I sat again, this time beside a large window in the wall behind the couch. I gazed down at the campus grounds, loneliness creeping up again as I watched students laugh and talk with each other. Aera, come home soon.

A memory suddenly appeared in my head. The time I had first visited Aera's college dorm, back when she'd first arrived. Being so close and yet so far, was too much to bear at that point. I almost made the mistake of going up and knocking on her door. Now, I wish I had. Instead, I'd overpowered the urge to see her, though I still wasn't able to stop myself from staying close to the building for the rest of that night. I sighed at the memory, leaning back against the wall beside the window.

Being away from her was a dark time.

My thoughts turned to when I'd first noticed Aera, and without realizing, I slipped into a more vivid memory...

I knew the elderly woman was nearing death as soon as I laid eyes on her. She was hunched over, her greying hair was pulled back in a loose bun. Her almond eyes looked tired. Tired of life. I sighed and sat down on a bench to wait. This was the worst part. Waiting. Not because I was an impatient person. But because I hated as they inched closer to the end of what they'd spent their whole lives clutching onto. I hated watching as they realized what they'd worked for had been the death of them. And they'd forgotten to actually live. That was why I hated to wait.

I was watching the woman carefully, when I felt a strange sensation pass through me. I froze. I felt as if someone was watching me. But that's impossible, I reminded myself. Unless Jungkook had decided to make an appearance. He was impatient. My hands clenched into a fist at the thought of him coming to "speed up the job" as he called it. I dared to peel my eyes away from the woman. I scanned the park for his familiar dark figure, but instead they landed upon a girl with a drawing pad, who was sitting across the park on an identical bench. Did she...? I shook my head. But that wasn't possible, I repeated. She can't see me. Yet, who else was there?

She suddenly lifted her head, and to my shock, locked eyes with me. She can see me. I stared at her, a shiver running down my spine at her deep gaze. We weren't even that close to each other, yet I could see her eyes so clearly. I was so enthralled that I barely noticed the movement to the left of me. I quickly broke the gaze to the old woman, who was now slowly standing. Giving the girl one last glance, I stood and started to follow the woman. Still shaken.

As I neared her and started to walk at a steady distance, I noticed the drawing pad girl walking quickly towards the old woman. She started a conversation with her as soon as she'd gotten up beside her. I tilted my head. What is she doing? I watched carefully, slowing slightly as the girl gave me a wary glance, before taking the woman's bags. Realization dawned over me. She's scared of me? I frowned. I didn't do anything. She's the creepy one. I shook my head and kept walking. Now they were walking together. I sighed. This would be very complicated. I didn't want the girl to have to experience the woman's passing. They walked on and I chewed my lips in thought. I didn't have much time to think however, as the two suddenly slowed and stopped by a tree. She helped the woman sit down. It's already happening, I thought as I watched the woman grow grayer. I couldn't just keep walking, so I decided to stop by anther nearby tree. I leaned against the trunk and crossed my arms. Now we wait.

I studied the girl more as we all rested in silence. She looked normal enough. I decided she was probably considered  pretty by human standards. I wondered if she was older than me. She turned her head slightly my way, though not completely, then back to the woman. I frowned as I felt the woman drift away.

"Go now," I sent my thoughts to her drifting spirit. "Free from the binds of a heavy life."

It was a weak send off, but it was easy to grow tired of repeating such a phrase over and over. She disappeared, and I breathed in relief, turning to leave as well.

"Oh," a soft voice murmured aloud.

My eyes widened. Was she talking to me? I turned back around to see the girl huddled over the woman's forgotten body.

"Grandmother?" She asked quietly, horror creeping into her voice.

A new strange feeling washed over me. A bad feeling. I closed my eyes, a slight frown forming on my face. My hands clenched. And I didn't know why.

"Grandmother!" She cried again.

I gasped and turned, leaving abruptly. I couldn't take anymore. The way her pained voice pierced deep through me.


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