Chapter 45

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Jungkook's P.O.V

"What are we doing here?" I asked, rather impatiently.

"Hanging out," Yugyeom repeated.

I swallowed and stifled snapping in frustration.

"Yes, you've said that. But what is this place?" I asked.

"Wait...don't tell me you've never been to a bowling alley," he said slowly.



"What?" I said, crossing my arms.

A bowling alley? I'd seen signs and that sort of thing, but I'd never actually been to one. It was pointless.

"Didn't you have a childhood?" Yugyeom asked.

I tried not to smirk at that.

"Of course, I did," I replied.

"I'm starting to think not. Listen, Jungkook, today you are learning to bowl," Yugyeom said with his easy smile.

His cheeriness irked me. But also sort of fascinated me. I didn't have much else to do, so I allowed myself to shrug.

"Fine," I told him.

Yugyeom motioned me towards the counter where a young, bored-looking girl sat. She straightened up when we got up to the counter, and gave us a smile.

"How many?" The worker asked, a strange tone in her voice.

I disliked the way she eyed us. Sniffing, I turned to Yugyeom to handle the situation I'd forced myself into. What am I doing here? I asked myself once again.

"Hello, just two today, one round is fine," Yugyeom said with a smile.

The woman nodded and typed something onto her cash register while Yugyeom took out a small card that I believe people used for money. I was confused on why he didn't ask me to help pay. Maybe it wasn't very much.

"Shoe sizes?"

"8.5 for me," Yugyeom replied. "Jungkook?"


"Uh, what's your shoe size?" He asked as if it were obvious.

I frowned for a second. Were we here to buy shoes or something? I frowned and turned to him.

"9," I replied simply.

Yugyeom nodded and turned back to the woman. She smiled and ducked under the counter. The whole situation was quite confusing. Finally, she stood and sat two pairs of old and used-looking shoes into the smooth surface of the counter. Yugyeom grabbed a pair and turned to me. I grabbed the remaining pair hesitantly.

"Choose any open lane. I'll be over here if you need anything," the girl said with that strange tone, looking me up and down.

I scowled and turned to follow Yugyeom who'd already began walking to a nearby "lane" as she'd called them. He was laughing slightly as we sat down at a table.

"She was so checking you out," Yugyeom said as if it were extremely funny, untying his shoes.

"Checking me...what?" I watched him with a frown.

"You know...checking you out," he said again, simply saying it in a different way.

"I don't understand," I replied simply, beginning to untie my own shoes unsurely.

"You're really confusing, Jungkook," Yugyeom commented with a shake of his head.

"Simply because I don't understand?" I asked.

Yugyeom didn't reply, he just smiled at me, as if something were funny.

"Come on, hurry and put your shoes on so we can start," he said, standing up.

"Wait," I called as he started to walk towards the long wooden alley. "I want to know what it means!"


I lost our bowling match, at least according to Yugyeom. I was almost positive that he was making up the rules as he went. But, for some reason, I didn't really mind. The girl at the counter winked at me as we left, leaving Yugyeom in tears and me seething as he laughed endlessly. He was still chuckling as we got into the bus, and continued until we stopped and hopped off.

"Where are you taking me this time?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Don't worry, I know this great place we can go for dinner," Yugyeom replied. "It's a bit of a walk, though."

I shrugged with indifference.

"Just as long as you can calm down for once," I muttered darkly.

"Sure." Yugyeom smiled that smile.

That smile that made me not so annoyed anymore. For some reason.


"Do you have a girl phobia or something?" Yugyeom asked suddenly as we walked along the bustling sidewalk.

"Don't be ridiculous. I have a phobia of nothing," I scoffed.

"But it seems like you never go out, and I never see you talking to girls, or anyone really. Plus you don't know simple flirting techniques and terms."

"Oh and you do?" I challenged with my eyebrows raised.

"Well...o-of course!" He said defensively.

I gave him a dubious look.

"I at least know what "checking out" means," he reminded me. "I mean, have you ever even had feelings for a girl?"

"No. It's unnecessary," I replied simply.

Jimin suddenly came to mind. I wondered what had happened to make him actually fall for a girl. No doubt Aera was different, but why Jimin? Especially when he used to be like me?

"What about you? Have you ever liked a girl in that way?" I tried to turn the subject again.

Yugyeom suddenly turned a pinker shade and turned away. I raised my eyebrows again at his strange behavior.

"Well...I don't know. I guess," he mumbled. "I do like someone know...but she already likes someone else--I think."

"Do I know her?" I frowned.

"How would I know? I just said I've never even seen you talk to a girl," Yugeyom said.

"I don't know why that's so bad. I'm a...quiet person," I defended.

"You're no quieter than I am," Yugyeom said, suddenly smiling again.

"What?" I asked at his sudden change in expression.

"Nothing. I'm just...glad we're friends...It was kind of hard for me before you came," Yugyeom said, his smile turning slightly sad.

I frowned and looked away. Did he have to start bringing up such personal things with me? I was silent after that. He grew silent as well. The air seemed to grow a big tense. Just when I was about to ask when we would arrived, to fill the awkward air, the sound of music could suddenly be heard.

I frowned and glanced around, eyes landing on a small crowd. Yugyeom noticed too; his eyes immediately lit up.

"Come on!" He exclaimed, grabbing the sleeve of my shirt.

"Wait a sec--" I was interrupted as he yanked me forward, dragging me to the group.

The music grew louder as we neared. Much to my dismay, Yugyeom pushed to the front, shoving us past some annoyed onlookers. I snapped in protest, until we suddenly stopped. Before us was a group of two boys, looking to be around Yugyeom's age, dancing.

"What's going on?" I asked Yugyeom in confusion.

"Dance battle," he said in heavily accented English, sounding breathless.

"Dance..." I tilted my head and turned back to the performers.

The two seemed to be talented. Their movements were fluent and matched the beat. It was almost intriguing to watch. The people watching with us cheered whenever one of the two dancers would do something mildly difficult. Yugeyeom was moving to the rhythm of the music beside me, bumping into me whenever he moved back and forth. I sent him a frown.

"Who's next? Anyone?" A voice suddenly came.

I turned back to the event in front of us. The music still blared, but the dancers were smirking in triumph, looking about the crowd to find anyone to challenge them. Yugyeom tensed beside me. Immediately, I knew what he was thinking.

"Yugyeom. Don't," I warned, sending him a look.

He turned to look at me, a smile creeping up on his face. I shook my head, and he nodded, his smile turning wider and wider. I cursed under my breath as he raised his hand.

"I'll go," he called in his lighthearted voice.

The two dancers smirked at him, although I could see they were a bit intimidated by his height. Yugyeom jogged to the middle, encouraged by the crowds cheers. I crossed my arms and sunk back a bit in the crowd. But I didn't leave, I watched Yugyeom, slightly hesitant. He stood, nodding his head for a second, before suddenly moving to the side. And just as he started, I ducked my head. Everyone around me suddenly burst into shouts of excitement. The bystander right beside me sucked in a breath, as if taken aback by something. Hesitantly, i peaked up to see what was going on. And I realized I should have never doubted his abilities.

I didn't really know what humans considered good dancing to be. But if I could take a guess, it would look a lot like what Yugyeom was doing. He used all the space, moving to the music with a certain freedom. It was as if he'd been practicing for months to perfect it, not simple free-styling in the moment. We made eye contact, and I attempted to scowl at him. But he just smiled that smile. Then burst into laughter mid-dance.

And I felt a tug at the corners of my lips.

I felt myself smile back.

A/N: Thank you Infires_Queen for the bowling idea 😂. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Let me know if Jungkook's personality is changing too fast.

Thanks for reading! I hope this has been a nice break from Jimin and Aera's stressful relationship lol


jungkook+yugyeom >> "Wicked Game" - Ursine Vulpine ft. Annaca

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