Chapter 7

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Aera's P.O.V

"You've got to be kidding me."

"What? He seems friendly. And you need someone who can show you around," Dad insisted.

"You're kidding. Please be kidding," I begged.

"Oh, calm down, Aera. You're a young woman, so act like it." He grew more firm and annoyed, so I heaved a sigh and glanced out the window again.

Namjoon stood there on the doorstep awkwardly, nudging the ground with his toe.

"How..." I turned back to dad, pinching the bridge of my nose. "How did he even know where Grandpa's house was?"

"We talked at the grocery store yesterday."

"But we just went like four days ago!" I complained.

"Please do not use 'like' in that context. It makes you sound uneducated. And I was craving crab chips," he added sheepishly.

"That's real great, Dad. Look here's the plan: I'm going to sneak out the backdoor, while you go and tell him that I already left, okay? Maybe chat with him for a minute to give me some time to get far enough ahead--"

"Mok Aera. Go answer the door," he said firmly, interrupting me.

The tone of his voice made me slump over and moan, "Fine."

I stumbled over slowly towards the front door, wishing Dad hadn't invited Namjoon to walk with me to school. Now that I had mostly memorized the way from driving with Dad, he thought it would be best to walk. And he also thought it would be best for the class president to walk with me. Now Namjoon knew where I lived. For some reason, he really liked following me around. I wondered how many times he'd be coming over. Thanks Dad. Namjoon glanced up as I swung the door open.

"Hi," he said. "Your dad wanted me to walk with you."

"Yeah. I heard. Um, you don't have to, you know. I don't know why he thinks I don't know the way. But I do," I explained quickly.

"It's not a problem, I live close by. We may as well walk together, since we'll see each other anyway." He shrugged.

I was silent for a moment, considering whether or not I should tell him flat out that I didn't want to walk with him.

"Really, Namjoon. I'm fine, I can get there by myself." I tried not to grit my teeth.

Why does this guy annoy me so much? I asked myself.

"Don't be silly. Come on, we should leave." He turned to go.

I decided to try a different tactic.

"Fine, you go on ahead of me. I've gotta grab my bag and stuff. Just go on," I insisted.

"No it's--"

"Go on, hurry. Go."

"Aera, I--"


We went like this for a moment before my dad suddenly appeared beside me.

"Here, don't forget your things." He shoved my backpack into my hands. "Have a great day, guys. I'll see you tonight, Aera."

He pushed me forward and slammed the door behind me. I wished my dad wasn't so obsessed with me making friends. It wasn't that big of a deal. I turned away from the door, back to Namjoon, who stood there looking slightly amused. Clenching my jaw, I walked past him, down the two steps in front of the house. And, as always, he followed behind.

"Is your dad trying to like, set us up or something?" He snorted.

I stopped abruptly and turned to him with scowl.

"Please do not use 'like' in that context. It makes you sound uneducated," I snapped.

This was going to be another long day.


Once again, I ended up sitting with the three. I didn't know for sure, but I was suspicious that Namjoon had some coordinated plan, just to make sure I ended up at their table and next to them in class. It sounded ridiculous, but every time I exited a class, one of them were there waiting to walk with me to wherever I was going next. It was seriously starting to get on my nerves. I had no idea why he was always hanging around me.

"Yah, Aera, what do you like to do for fun?" Hoseok asked after a minute of chatting with Taehyung and Namjoon.

They all turned to me.

"Nothing, really."

"Lies," he said.

"Sorry to disappoint you," I replied coolly.

"Come on, there must be something you like to do. Don't you have any hobbies?" Taehyung asked.

"Okay. I like to draw."

"Really? Are you any good?" Namjoon asked, doubt laced his voice.

"I don't know, maybe," I told them.

"Can we see some of your drawings?" Taehyung said excitedly.






"Is there anything else? At all?" Namjoon interrupted.


"Anything. Anything at all?" He continued.

"Eating. If that counts as a hobby," I said after a minute.

"Great! Tonight we'll take you to our favorite hangout," Hoseok said.

"Perfect idea! This is gonna be fun!" Taehyung agreed.

"Actually, I--"

"I know where she lives, I can pick her up," Namjoon told them with a thumbs up.

"Wait a minute, hold on!" I snapped. "I--I'm busy tonight..."

That was a lie, and I think they could tell.

"Oh, really? What's happening?" Namjoon asked innocently.

"I'm going to dinner and a movie with my dad and grandad," I said flatly.

"What movie?" He interrogated.

It took all I had to refrain from a side glare at him.

"I...don't know, yet," I replied. "Why do you want me to go anyway?" I tried to turn the subject around.

"You're new. And you obviously never do anything. We're being friendly," Namjoon said.

"Well, thanks for the offer, but I can't go." I got up after that, with my tray in hand.

I could feel their narrowed and suspicious eyes following me as I hurried out of the cafeteria.


I sat at my desk that evening, trying to concentrate on my homework. But it was tedious with Dad and Grandpa playing cards. I didn't know why they got so loud when they played together. Maybe because of how competitive they both were? Especially against each other. But in any case, it was making it extremely difficult to work. So in defeat, I stood up and, pulling on a sweatshirt and packing up my things, wandered downstairs.

"Guys," I said, leaning against the kitchen doorway. "Guys!"

They both jumped and turned to me the second time.

"Oh, Aera. Were we bothering you?" Grandpa asked.

"A little. But it's okay. I'm just gonna head to the library," I told them.

"Okay, but be careful. Do you have your cellphone?" Dad said.

"Yes, Dad. I'll be back in an hour or two."

I slipped on my shoes and headed out the door, grateful for the fresh air. It was a warmer autumn than usual that year so the temperature was almost perfect. The sun was slowly setting as I walked down the quiet street towards the school, since the library was on the way. The library was pretty lonely when I got there, something I was very pleased with. I set down my things at a table in the corner. Now I can concentrate. I thought happily, starting from where I'd left off on the homework. But I'd hardly read a paragraph when someone spoke and startled me.

"Must have been an early dinner."

I looked up to see Namjoon standing with a serious face.

"Where the heck did you come from?!" I asked.

"The hangout we were talking about?" He pointed to a small cafe across the street that was visible through the large window. "That's the one. I saw you."

"Of course you did," I sighed.

"So what movie did you see?" He asked.

"Okay. You got me," I immediately confessed.

Who cares if Namjoon knew I lied? Maybe now he would hate me and leave me alone.

"Yeah, I kind of knew you were lying," he said, sitting down on the chair across from me. "You were really obvious."

"That's nice. I've got homework," I said.

"You could've said no."

"You all seemed pretty persistent," I told him.


"No. I have a feeling you wouldn't have taken no for an answer."

"Perhaps. But we were just trying to be nice," he complained.

"Yes. That's sweet of you. I have homework," I told him again.

"Well have you eaten yet? You could still come over. We're just about to order," Namjoon said.

"That's okay. I'm doing homework." I emphasized the last part.

"Oh, come on, Aera. Just come and eat with us," he insisted. "It'll be fun."

I gave him an "are you serious?" look that he didn't seem to catch.

"I am doing my homework. Homework. You know? Homework?" I said.

"You can do it later. I'm sure your starved."

"Actually, I'm not. I just ate for your information." My stomach growled at that moment.

This time, he gave me the "are you serious?" look.

"Fine. One meal. That's it!" I snapped.

"Well, come on then." Namjoon grabbed my bag.

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