•chapter 10• {Two bullets}

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(A/N: I should probably take down oneshot sundays no one seems to request anyway...and yay update I guess)

(Y/N)'s POV:

It's been 2 months since Tord betrayed us, since Jack died, since we lived here in the now more safer safe building and since Edd left us, I don't think I even remember him anymore by the shots.....

Everything was fine some of our stuff increased along with the laboratory stuff and clothes so we dont use the same clothing everyday, I had taken already another shot of the zombie vaccine leaving us only one more left, after I did get the shot I forgot about some of my memories but thank heavens I still know how to make it. Although were low on the stuff I need to make the vaccine.
Anyway, we have still been trying to find Edd and Tord around the place we know they've would've been, I don't seem to even really remember what they both look like anymore even if Matt and Tom had been reminding me again and again I don't seem to really remember, all I know is that Tord had horn hair and an asshole, but still we continued the search. The darkest alleyway, hotels, the nearest convenient stores even in some trash cans or dumpsters yet they weren't there. I started getting worried for Edd, I remember he doesn't have much stuff so I know he might get hurt or worst infected. And we never had the heart to kill him or even think about it.

I sighed sitting down on our lunch table, eating lunch with Matt and Tom, Ringo was on the couch sleeping as if nothing was happening but I know she's tired every night she's been up meowing at the terres walls I guess she was also worried for Edd heh he was the closest person to her.

The two boys noticed how gloomy I am and frowned knowing that they couldn't help me no matter how much they wanted me to smile, I just couldn't especially not until Edd was found.

"You okay (Y/N)?" Tom asked after gulping down his beans.
I looked up at them from my food and nodded "I'm fine just a bit gloomy"

We were eating beaned can for lunch since some food we had found had been expired three days ago or contaminated, we don't wanna risk eating those shits.

"We can check again if you want to, you know this whole  town isn't that big and the aircraft's that they could use to escape are all damaged" Matt smiled trying to comfort me. (more like telling us that were trapped)
"No it's fine Matt...we should take a break....we've been all worrying non stop, I think we should let our minds cool off a bit"  I forced a smile trying to make them believe I'm fine, I never wanted them stressed anyway...but I also dont want Edd missing...

Matt frowned and sighed shaking his head left to right. Tom took his last bite and stood up throwing his can in the trash, getting it in one try.

"I'm gonna walk around a bit" Tom stated monotonously, taking his gun and a back pack that he took from an old abandoned shop.
I rest my head on my palm and poked my beans that I was eating "wouldn't that lead to your death like any cliché scary movie would happen?" I asked rolling my eyes.
"It's morning not night and that guy was pissing that's why he was killed" Tom said in a matter of fact tone.

He headed to the stairs and left hearing a soft click of the lock after he left. Ringo woke up because of it but soon quickly got back to sleep.

"I'm double checking the lock and making sure that Tom had his walkie talkie" Matt said standing up and leaving without throwing his empty can.

I sighed getting up, taking Matt's and my can then throwing it in the trash. I wonder how Edd was doing...I hope he eats well... I thought frowning.

I walked to my bag and took out my sniper. Loaded it then headed up stairs. I don't know how long I've been doing this, I can't even remember how many eaters I killed but I know that I have enjoyed doing this with Jack, coming here every morning feeling the cool breeze hitting my face and a few memories left behind from a friend of mine.

I stood between the frames of the door and looked around the best spot I had in my whole life, even if some of my memory was lost I still remember some of them but I'll never forget about meeting that lunatic randomly while I was on a hunt. I should've killed him from the start when I saw him or just ignored that there was another survivor besides me...Tom did say he was a big pain in the ass for Edd and him Matt doesn't seem to be included from the pain since Matt doesn't seem to really care about the guy.
But if I did then I wouldn't have met them...but Jack died cause of them...

I sighed and walked up to a near corner placing my gun on the edge as I tried to spot a good kill for today. While doing so I spotted Tom just killing off a eater on the streets it was only a few so I know he could handle them but something caught my eye....it was a red hooded guy with a gasmask on and- wait a minute! That horned haired bastard!

I gritted my teeth and I aimed my shot on him but before I could pull the trigger I saw Tom kneel with blood surrounding him he lifted his left knee up and hugged it in agonizing pain. I looked closer to him and saw that his knee was bleeding I looked back at Tord who had a gun in hand and about to shoot Tom again. But there was a near eater beside Tom ready to pounce on him just getting a little bit closer, I hesitated knowing if I shoot the eater it would alert Tord and run but if I shot Tord...Tom would be dead.


I sighed and aimed quickly at the eater, shooting it with a swift tug on the trigger.
It's blood splattered everywhere even on Tom, good thing he was covering himself before the blood splattered on him, didn't wanna get him infected.
As I had predicted Tord noticed the eater getting shot and instantly knew I was around running away from the scene.
I sighed, I watched as Tom picked up his gun and shot the left over eaters which weren't that close to him.
I didn't waste a moment ran downstairs picked up my back pack and got my gun and a knife, then dashed to the exit.

"Matt guard the place I'll be back in a few!" I shouted to him.

Before he could question I had already got out of the building and quickly ran to where Tom was. I was lucky to get across the streets without getting noticed by any of those man eaters, it got me faster to Tom. After taking another left turn from a short cut alleyway I saw Tom struggling on walking forward using his uninjured leg while dragging the other he was sweaty and had his leg wrap up by a dressing.
He was a little bit far so I quicken my pace torward him.

"Tom!" I called getting his attention.

When he saw me he smiled and kneeled there on his spot exhausted, trying to contain his heavy breathing and sweating since it seem to sting his knee. I smiled back but it was replaced by a frown... An eater was behind him running torwards him. My eyes widen and tried to run faster I cocked by gun and tried to shoot only to realize I had no bullets inserted in it, I panicked cold sweat drop from my forehead.





I stood there shock tears was rolling out of my eyes not knowing what just happened infront of me.
Tom had fainted with the eater behind him shot on the head blood splattered around like a bloody bath scene. I almost threw up but swallowed it in and looked around to know who had shot the eater before it could have infected Tom.

"Are you alright?" A brunette male asked walking out of an parked car.

He was wearing a trenchcoat a fedora that was hiding his face and held a gun on his right hand that had a few stripe of smoke coming out, meaning he had wasted his bullet to save Tom.

Has he been watching the whole scene? "Yes, um who are you?" I asked after realizing I had been staring at him.
The black trench coated guy seem to tensed "you don't recognized me?" He asked.

I stayed silent and he sighed, he walked up to Tom and picked him up which he struggled on instead he sling Tom's arm on his shoulder causing him and Tom to stumble a bit.

"um could you help me a bit?" He asked smiling shyly at me.

Embarrassed, I nodded and walked up to Tom's side and placed his other arm on my shoulder and we started walking to the building.

"Where do you two live?" He asked looking down on the road.
"In a building which we had protected and probably won't get killed at with a cat" I replied to him grunting as I tried to keep Tom up. "Damn this guy needs a diet for Pete's sake!"

The mysterious guy chuckles, after a few minutes silence wrapped around us, it was really getting awkward but non of us tried to speak to each other till we have finally arrived the building.

"Hold him for a sec please" I told the guy releasing Tom from my grip and taking out my walkie talkie, I pressed the speak button "Matt open up we're outside"
"Roger!" He communicate back.

I put back my walkie talkie and went back on picking up Tom's arm slinging it on my shoulder feeling the heavyweight  push me down again. After hearing a few stumbles and someone falling downstairs Matt had finally opened the door smiling at us.
But his smile dropped as he saw the mysterious brunette trenchcoat guy beside me, his eyes widen and pointed at the guy.

"W-where did y-you find him?" Matt asked stumbling on his words.
I raised a brow on him and face palmed"Matt stop pointing, it's rude especially when he helped me save Tom" I told him frowning. "Move we need to get in so Tom can get rest and get a new dressing for his wound" I told him.
"(Y/N) you don't understand!" Matt exclaimed.
"I don't understand what?! Tom is injured Matt Step. ASIDE" I told him getting irritated.
"THAT GUY BESIDE YOU IS EDD GOULD!" Matt exclaimed pointing to of his hands on the mysterious guy.
"Wait what?" I turned to the guy.

He smiled softly at me and took off his hat.

"I guess you're real name was never Curt huh?" He said taking off his fedora raising a brow then smiling at me.

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