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"And.. Why did you create him again?"

"There's seriously something wrong with South Park's highschool. I feel like there's much more, we can't see. And someone has to find out", the man mumbled.

"So.. You're sending a damn highschool robot to school?"

"Hey! He's really good designed. Nobody will notice, he's not a human. Also, nobody will care. Dude, this is the year 2108!"

"Well..", the other man said, "he does look really convincing. How do we call him? Since he's a human, he must have a human name."

The man scratched his head.

"His robot name is CT. We could use these letters for first and last name."

The other man nodded.

"Ideas for the first name? Connor? Conrad? Oh wait, actually my dog was named Craig. How about that?"

"Huh.. Even though I like Connor, Craig fits perfectly."

"Last name? Ideas?"

Both of them walked up to the robot and stared at it.

"If he would have gone to my school, he would be a total fucker, I see it. Emotionless, doesn't care about anything, but also hates everything. F u c k e r ."

The man raised an eyebrow.

"Fucker, huh? Let's replace the F with T then. Tucker. Hey, that will do. CT means Craig Tucker. That isn't as bad as I expected."

They both highfived each other.

"We got this! Soon enough, we will find out what's wrong with this school and make some money for selling this information. We just have to wake him up."

"You're honestly amazing. It's a pleasure working with you.. Thomas."

Thomas smiled at him.

He went up to a switch and pulled it down.

A strong, blue shining barrier was now around the robot. It got bigger and bigger, so Thomas and his assistant had to cover their eyes with their arms.
The robot was now standing and slowly opening his eyes with the same, blue light coming from his eyes and a strange pattern in them.

Thomas looked at him and you could see, how proud he was.
Even though in this year, robots were nothing special anymore, he was amazed by his own creation and so was his friend.
He looked like a real human, he looked alive.

"CT, answer me, if you can hear this", Thomas ordered.
The robot said in a monotone voice:"Yes, sir. I can hear you, just as you said."
Thomas smiled:"Good. Now listen, you are made for a reason. My assistant is going to tell you information about yourself and you better save them, got it? That's your life now."

The assistant and coughed to get their attention and finally spoke.
"CT, from now on, your name is Craig Tucker. You're 17 years old and attend South Park's highschool. Well, you're going to be new and join tomorrow. You have little cameras in your eyes and we are going to tell you, when to turn them on.
There are also bugs on every of your buttons and listening devices in your ear, if we want to tell you something.
Even though you're a robot, there's a chance, that you betray us, but don't even think about it. Thomas has a button that can destroy the 'heart' of you.
You don't actually have a heart, but it's just as one for you. For example the hospital, if you ever 'hurt' yourself and they examine your heartbeat. It beats just like a normal heart.
It is very important to your body.
Be careful that, when you get send into a hospital, you take off the bugs and listening devices, to not seem suspicious.

Anyway, you are a male, you like animals, especially guinea pigs. You are rather emotionless, but you come from a rich family, so you speak very formal.
You don't like being rich, so you often complain, how everybody judges you and stuff. You had a little sister, named Ruby, but she died because of a not-yet-discovered disease. You sometimes smoke cigarettes and you feel neglected of your father, because he's famous for his work and does not have time for you. Your mother committed suicide, because of your sisters death.

Yeah, that's your back story. Your father is Thomas. I hope you do not let us down."

Craig nodded silently, stared into the air and said:"I am Craig Tucker, 17 years old. I do not actually care a single bit about any of you, so you could spare some time and not try to talk to me. And especially don't ask me about my family, got it?
How was that, sir?"

Thomas and the assistant were surprised and proud. Their creation was perfect and he was full of surprises!

"You're ready, Craig. We will send you to school tomorrow. Here's a watch, that can allow you to send messages, call us, go on social media and more. Have fun with it.
I know you don't sleep, so kill some time with it. Make as much social media side accounts as possible, you have to get popular.
See you tomorrow, little one."

Both of the men left the room and closed the door.
Craig looked around the room, it didn't look that bad. Just like a normal boys room.
He saw the mirror and immediately walked in front of it.
Seeing himself, with the most bored expression ever, a blue chullo, a dark blue jacket, black skinny jeans and black converse, made him wonder, if he looked handsome for people.
He opened his watch. A bright blue square appeared over the watch and it looked just as a monitor.
Immediately, he googled "handsome".
Still, he didn't understand the definition of it, since all the pictures looked different.
Then he thought, he wasn't in these pictures meant he wasn't handsome.

He made some social media sides and shot cool selfies, when he realized, as he shot them, how his eyes looked like.
His room was pitch dark and he thought, the light came from his watch, but it was his eyes.
Again, he walked up to the mirror and looked at himself.
His eyes had a weird pattern and were shining bright blue.
Would it stay like this?
On the pictures, no one had eyes like this, so he just hoped, it would disappear soon.

He hopped into his bed, went to the school website and stalked every single student, wrote down things, he could say, if he stumbled over them, to impress them and then pressed the "off" button on his back, with the timer on 6:30 a.m..
He knew, there was one, on his back, because when he laid down, he could feel it. Damn uncomfortable.

He did not feel excited to go tomorrow.
He did not feel sad to go tomorrow.
He did not feel happy to go tomorrow.

He did not feel anything.

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