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Craig woke up in his bed, he started himself again and went downstairs, seeing Tweek troubled on the couch speaking with Thomas.
"There you are! We were worried sick, Craig!", his dad said, running towards him and hugging him.
Tweek let out a long sigh and looked at him, worried.
"Uhm.. Mr. Tucker, I have to apologize again for my behavior. I can't believe, I did this and whatever it is, I will do it to make it up to you. Craig, I'm sorry! I didn't wanted to and somehow I couldn't control myself anymore. It won't happen again."

Thomas nodded, patting Tweek's back softly.
"H-how can I make i-it up to you?", the blonde stuttered.
Suddenly Craig stepped between them and said something very unexpected:"Be my friend."
Mr. Tucker just stared at him, not believing what he just heard from a robot.
Tweek was silent. He stared at him and then slightly raised an eyebrow.
"You want to be friends with me, after I punched you unconscious?"

Craig nodded.
"Uhm..", Tweek began, "why the f-fuck not?"
Then he stared at his watch.
"I h-have to go", the twitchy boy smiled, "s-see you tomorrow.. Friend."
He walked out the door and gently closed it.
Mr. Tucker was still super surprised after this, so he knelt down and grabbed CT by his shoulders.
"Friends? Where did you hear that word?", he asked.

Craig shrugged, leaving Mr. Tucker in complete confusion.
"Craig..", he began, "you know, when you begin to develop an own personality or feelings and a will to live as something you are not, a human for example, I have to either shut you down permanently or erase your memory. Don't do anything stupid. You're a robot, nothing more."
He nodded in silence but inside he knew, something was changing inside of him. And it wasn't anything, he could control.

At 10 p.m. Craig's watch blinked. Someone was calling him.
"Hey! It's me.. T-tweek! So, uh.. You know h-how next week is this.. D-dance? It's like a p-prom, I heard.. Do y-you have a date?"
Craig tilted his head to the right.
"Are you hitting on me?", he asked.
"What! No! If y-you don't have a date, let's m-make a deal! I'll make s-sure you have a date and y-you make sure, I have one. What d-do you say?"
Tweek was silent and laughed awkwardly.
"It's kinda easier to get you a date, s-since you're so.. H-handsome.. And w-who would date someone l-like me, haha?"

"I'm sure, many people would like to date you. You have to be more self-confident."
"Uh.. T-thanks.. But after t-this incident in school, I'm s-sure no girl is going to a-ask me anymore.."
Craig played his memory card and 'remembered' the things he said in front of the whole school.
"Sorry again."
"N-no sweat.."

CT didn't wanted Tweek to spend that night with someone else, since he was actually Craig's first friend. Wouldn't he be alone the whole evening with his boring date then?
"Tweek, I already have a date for you. Not sure if you like the idea though."
"What d-do you mean?"
"Why don't we go together?"
Before Craig could hear any reaction, he heard a loud crack, which was probably-..
"Sorry.. I.. I d-dropped m-my p.. Phone.."

Craig remained silent, showing Tweek, he insisted an answer.
Then he hung up.
The robot threw himself in his bed and looked at the sky.
"Humans are weird", he said.

It was morning and Craig went downstairs. He felt weird, it was like he was unconsciously hurrying to school, to see Tweek.
He even forgot to wish Thomas a good morning and rushed out the house.

50 meters away from the bus stop, he sighed, brushed the dirt of his clothes and walked calmly towards Tweek.
Tweek stared at his phone, smiling.
Wondering why, CT looked over his shoulder, seeing SPMessage open, chatting with a.. 'Red'.
She was sending so many hearts after her messages. And Tweek always send many back.

"Ack-! Craig, since when-!"
Craig felt weird. His calculations now showed, that he was going to be rejected for sure. And he could also imagine those two together, since the profile picture of Red was also a picture of them next to each other.
"Your girlfriend?", the robot asked, clearly not pleased.
Tweek shook his head repeatedly.

"About your invitation.. I'd love to-"
"No problem. Go with your not-yet-girlfriend. Hope you have a good time there. You don't have to get me a date anymore. I'll be at home. Somehow, I really don't feel like going there anymore. And I'll walk to school today. Bye."
"Craig, wait!", Tweek yelled after him.
But CT already turned around, hands in his pockets, a little angry expression.
Then he stopped.

"What am I doing? What is wrong with me.."
He put his hand on his forehead.
"This boy is no good for me."
A sharp pain rushed through his entire body. He coughed and put his hand on the position where his fake heart should be.
He ran and ran till he found a calm, silent place.
"What is this?", he could barely bring out of his mouth.

Running towards a bush, he quickly hid behind it.
Again, a sting of pain causing him to moan.
After he was sure, no one was around, he shut his eyes and started a computer check. Opening his eyes with little, blue screens in from them, he searched for a reason.
The blue screens turned red and had 'ERROR' written all over them.
"Darn it."

He quickly typed 'search for problem and remove it' in his computer and waited. The pain was unbearable.
He felt a small thing on his tongue and grabbed it. A small, black chip with 'feelings' on it. Why would he have that chip?
He zoomed on it and could read a few words.


"What are those words? Why did they hurt so much and why do I have this chip?"
Questions over questions were all over the place. He thought about them a little but decided to not tell Thomas about this. He was scared, that he would turn him off.
"I am scared? What.. Why do I know this word and how does it feel? .. What is happening to me?" He put the chip in there again, scared to break his system with not doing so.

"Craig?", a familiar voice yelled, "Craig, answer.. Are y-you here?"
CT hyperventilated, he actually panicked. He didn't know how to handle this situation, since he never had to deal with something like this. Or with feelings.
He stood up and was about to run, but he was a little too loud trying to do, so Tweek ran towards him and jumped on him.

"Ugh.. That wasn't necessary.."
"I-it was! You h-have to listen me!", the blonde stuttered, "I want to g-go on that dance with you, idiot! 'urgh, you a-actually made me s-say it.. "
"You don't. You like that Red girl."
Tweek yelled at him and made himself heavier, so Craig's thighs hurt a little.
"I'm going to prove i-it, alright?!"

Suddenly Tweek grabbed Craig by his collar and pulled him closer, nearly hitting each others foreheads. The twitchy boy flushed red but finally gave him a quick kiss.
Then he wiped his lips and said:"You believe me now, moron?"

Craig's eyes widened and the gray in them turned into clear blue. He felt a weird sensation through his body and his eyes.. They were shining. Full of life and not emotionless anymore.
"Are you wizard or something?", Craig asked, laughing, like a normal person.
"Uhm.. H-hocus, pocus, you accept my invitation to the dance.."
"I do", the robot answered.
"Guess I a-am a wiz", said Tweek, shrugging.

They were both laughing till their stomach hurt. Little did Craig know how many more emotions were added to his 'feelings-chip'.

Also a certain emotion called love.

Author's Note☕

I really need some inspiration for this story, like my head is EMPTY🙄 not like it's anything new hah

Anyway, Merry Christmas, y'all!
Also, in 1 day is 2018, sooo, rip

I love Tsundere Tweek, it's too cute haha
And I can't keep up with that Craig-language, help

Yeah, guess who's the villain in this story

Earlier I heard someone saying Creek is overrated. I was so sad suddenly :(
I don't think so, aight
Currently I'm nearly crying because of Creek comics, because it's too C U T E .

Ya, I'll update heartbeat soon!

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