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"I.. I found this.. M-may be of you? I-is this y-your chip? For your r-robot?"
"May I ask, where you have found this?"
"M-my dad gave i-it to me.. Why?"
Craig looked at him, he thought about what to do and decided to..
"Get in here", he said, pulling on Tweek's arm.
"ACK, KIDNAPPER", Tweek yelled, waving his other arm around and snot coming out of his nose while crying a sea of water.
Craig just whispered:"Shut up and come in. We need to talk."
"ACCKKkkk-.. !"
The door closed.

Craig had a tight grab and dragged Tweek into his room, where he then threw him on the bed.
"You are making so many problems. I'm not supposed to be near you, now you have this chip."
"Who told you, t-to not go near m-me?"
"I'm n-not y-your toy!
Then, the door clicked.
Thomas knocked.
"Are you there?", the man asked softly.

Craig stared at the door and gave it a confident look.
He again, grabbed Tweek's arm and threw him in the closet.
"Not a word."
Thomas came in the room and greeted Craig.
Meanwhile Tweek was in the closet and found a weird.. Button.
"The hell?", he whispered, "ah shit, t-that was a word.. Ah, crap, I did it again!"

After calming down and breathing normally again, he picked up the button and looked at it a little bit closer, but couldn't see it clear since it was dark in this closet.
He quietly put it in his pocket and eavesdropped on the conversation, Thomas and Craig had.

"I have to test you a little. Okay, question number one, you can't get close to.. ?", Thomas asked.
CT looked at the ground and blinked a few times until he answered:"Tweek Tweak."
The man nodded and said:"Why?"
"I don't know.."
A smile sneaked on the face of the red haired man.
"Good. Your memory is gone. Okay, I got to go, it's a surprise, that you had.. Or nearly had a romantic relationship with this boy. Coincidence, that exactly that boy is Richard's kid."

Tweek flinched. They talked about his dad? Right, he was somehow involved in this. He remembered the scene he saw, when he creeped to the Tucker's. The blonde was scared and his whole body was shaking.
Tears were falling out of his eyes, he began crying. It was followed by Hiccups, he tried to hide.

"What was that?" Thomas turned around when he was about to leave the room.
"My stomach!", Craig yelled at him.
A chuckle left the mans mouth, he looked at him, pitiful.
"Worst excuse ever, you don't have a stomach.."
CT clenched his eyes together and hit himself on the head.
When Thomas stepped close and was about to open the closet, Craig had to face a difficult decision. Did he even had a choice? He was a robot, his life should have been programmed. Everything, from start to end. Now, why did he feel like there was actually a choice here? Did he beat his own system?

"Stop!", the boy screamed and jumped between the closet and Mr. Tucker.
The man looked enraged.
"How dare you!", he shouted and slapped Craig so hard that he fell on the ground.. But CT stood up and wobbled in front of the wood again and whispered:"Stop.. !"
That's when Thomas snapped and grabbed Craig's collar. He threw him out of the room, gave the closet a threatening look and stepped out of the room.
Before the door closed, Tweek peeked out of the wardrobe and looked at Craig's closed eyes and lifeless body, worried.

Although he was scared, shaking, twitching and nearly pissing himself, he decided to save Craig and spoke out.
"Hey, stop r-right t-there!"
Craig's father turned around but he didn't look nice at all. His steps towards Tweek were heavy and full of anger. The boy's fear let him walk backwards very slowly. He looked around for anything to protect himself but couldn't find anything. When he reached the end of the room, he panicked and looked behind him, only seeing a window.

He had to do something, anything!
He still loved Craig, he had to do something, to protect him. Especially after what he did just now, protecting Tweek.
He didn't see any way to run or something, so he just.. Punched the glass of the window, startling Thomas. Even though Tweek's hands were bloody and hurt, he grabbed a shard and ran towards the man with all his power.

• • •

A splatter of blood landed on Tweek's face, he took a last glance at the shard in Thomas' chest and him, on the ground, kneeling.
The blonde felt proud of what he did and hurried to Craig. His heart felt like exploding when he saw him there like dead.

e picked him up and sprinted out of the house, thinking of a good and safe place to go. He didn't have any time because Craig was injured, Thomas could find them and someone else could witness this and think something weird, like Tweek hurting Craig, disposing him..
He had to admit, it looked really weird.

So many question, no answers. What did he mean with Craig had no stomach? And how and why was his memory erased? Is that why he was acting so cold towards Tweek?
Also, why was there not a single scratch in his face? It was like.. He was not human?
When he arrived at Stark's Pond, he looked around. Not many people came here, maybe in the past but now nobody enjoyed nature anymore, they were all too focused on killing it. Scientists.

He put Craig on the bench and inspected his cheek. Not swollen but so soft!
Still, that didn't change the fact that he wasn't waking up! Really concerning was, that he didn't even breath! Tweek panicked, police? Knocking on someone's door? He had no phone and felt so useless.
Lifting Craig up, he hugged him tight.
"Wake u-up, oh g-god, p-please.. !"

It was like magic, Craig began to slowly open his eyes and stared directly into Tweek's emerald eyes.
The blonde let out a scream of happiness and hugged him again.
"What happened? Argh, I feel like there's something overheated inside me.."
Tweek sighed and grabbed CT's shoulders, giving him a very serious look.
"I s-stepped o-out of the cl-closet and confronted h-him. He w-was angry so I p-panicked and.. Punched y-your window.. T-took a shard a-and-"
Craig's eyes widened, which had never happened before.. He felt so different with Tweek. He actually FELT surprised!

"Crap, I d-don't know what t-to do next.. But y-you have explaining to do.. P-please.. I n-need to know e-everything. Do y-you have a s-stomach, if no, WHY a-and why did you say s-something was o-overheated in you and w-w-was your m-memory really e-erased and w-what in the w-world is that c-chip and-"

"Calm down. I'm going to explain, so just be quiet. I'm not supposed to tell but I guess I have no choice. Listen carefully, this is not a joke. I don't care if you don't believe me but you asked for answers. Okay, first of all, I do not have a stomach because I'm a damn robot. A robot, you hear?!"
"Hold o-on, hold on, h-hold on! You're a W-WHAT?"
"R-O-B-O-T, you idiot."
"Oh god, are y-you serious?! I'm i-in love with a r-robot? WHAT?! Was the love f-for me fake t-then.. ?"

"I said listen, dammit! I don't think so, but I can't remember. I only have this warm, comforting feeling when I am with you. I am sure, no robots are supposed to feel this. Anyway, I don't know what we were before my memory got erased but I know, we were special. Yeah, my memory got erased because I was doing something against the 'rules'. I was feeling something. And that chip was actually the reason why. They took it out, hoping it would stop me from loving you or what you humans call this shit. Well, it didn't. Not sure, why they put that inside me in the first place. And why I am still feeling this is questionable too."

"I am.. S-so confused and s-shocked, Craig.. How w-were you able to refuse t-to listen to your d-dad and.. Saving me?"
"I don't know. When I am with you, I feel like I have freedom, like no one is controlling me. I feel like I am the only one choosing how my life should be. It's weird, you mess up my whole program.."

Craig put one hand on his forehead and closed his eyes.
"You think I am weird now, right? I am sorry. I ruined your life."
Tweek sighed and took Craig's other hand. Then he removed his hand off his forehead and kissed his head.
The blonde stared into the lake whole blushing.
"You d-didn't r-ruin my life.. A-and you're not w-weird! I am.. B-because I still l-like you.."

Suddenly Craig looked really sad and depressed. When Tweek asked him, what was wrong, he just answered with:"I'm so sorry.. I just.. Don't know.. I really want to like you back but I don't know how."
"It's okay.. D-don't push yourself t-too hard.."
"I want to be human. I want to be with you."
"I.. D-don't know if t-that's possible..", Tweek whispered in a broken voice.
"Me neither. But I'll show you, Tweek Tweak. Everything's possible."

Author's Note☕

It's 3 am rn
This chapter is kinda shit :c

I'm so sorry man
Forgive me

BTW, I'm starting a new story, lol

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