1. Breathe

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1. Breathe

"Eins," a voice started.

"...Zwei." the second voice said, a little moodily.

"Drei!" the third voice piped up sportively.

An explosion of white mist burst forth, clouding the visible scenery and filling the space with a smoky, scentless fog. The smokescreen dissipates, and three suited silhouettes made themselves known. 

Top-hats held precariously in their right hands, locked above the heart, they hunched slightly in a respectful bow. An imitator's smile on each of their faces, one could mistake them as doppelgangers of different sizes. 

Synchronously, the three fixed their posture, straightening their backs sternly, their poise raised uptight.

The shortest in the trio threw her hat to the sky. A quick curtsy followed by a hard spin, playfully she came a distance forward. Magnificent twirls three rounds of elegance, and superbly, her hat drifted down to its place on her head. She danced around with feathery steps in her ecstatic excitement. Giggling, she raised her right arm to the sky, a declaration to the heavens she raised her voice to the crowd, 

"Ladies and Gentlemen!"

Consequently, the second hatter produced a black wand from the invisible box of his hands. Revolving it around his knuckles like a pianist with an invisible tune, he hummed to the cheery melody of the background music. The rod between his fingers split into two, to threes...

His face was a smile, but his eyes were the unreadable mystique of a blue masquerade mask. A humble bow he gave, a killer smile erupted a swoon. Gently tossing a baton to his companions who captured it immaculately, his hands spread open in a welcoming manner as he made his voice known to the crowd, 

"welcome once again, to the night of glory days."

Last but not least, the red hatter took a stride forward, not much to show but his looks and his smile. A rose sprouting from his hands, he placed it at his lips like the killer host he was trying to be-- "we hope you enjoy the stay," he winked.

"Now, then," throwing the rose to the sky, "let the show begin!"

At the word, hundreds of doves emerged from under his sleeves. The crowd erupted in cheers. Music started to play.

"Morning," my older brother, Zen, greeted me. A yawn rumbling at his throat, he rubbed his sleep-blurred eyes foggily, staggering back and forth as he dropped down onto his seat on the dining table. His arms on the table, his head buried in them, he fell back to sleep almost instantly.

"Good morning, Zen," I said, placing down a mug of coffee in front of him, "is Eve awake?" 

I brought a plate with a sandwich on it to the dining table.

"Mm?" Zen mumbled, his voice muffled. Taking a moment to register his surroundings, he got up to drink his coffee. Then, he picked up the sandwich, "mhm."

As if on cue, the oldest of us three walked into the room. "Morning, Zen and Drew," Eve greeted, stepping into the room. A rare smile on his face, he settled down in his seat.

It has always been just the three of us. No parents, no nothing. Fascinated by the magic of our travelling magician parents that eventually left us behind-- the three of us became our own to make a living. 

Eve, Zen and Drew; Eins, Zwei, and Drei. That was us.


"Drew, do you think you could... skip school for today?" Eve gave a strangely awkward plea. He was always a good actor-- but now his poker face was failing him for nervousness. "Please?"

I stopped in my tracks. My hand was at the doorknob, my bag was thrown over my shoulder. Curiously I turned to my brothers who were standing at the doorway. 

"What this, all of a sudden?" I inquired, suspicion in my head, "What's the occasion?"

But I had a feeling it wasn't anything simple. Eve's eyes, for once, conveyed anxiety. For someone that boasted his expert poker face, this was unusual. Eve was always the master of disguise. His smiles were never real for the crowd--his smile was something reserved for only Zen and I. But now, he wore a face full of worry and concern.

A hand was laid on the door, pushing it firm. Zen was physically the strongest among us. I would never overpower him, and he knew that. Whatever the reason, he, as well, was stopping me from going out of the house. 

"Uhm, guys?" I spoke up.

"Just for today," Zen said.

"Look, I've got an important examination today, it's the official international one that'll really count," I began, "I can't miss it."

"Please, just forget it!" Eve snapped.

I flinched. Eve had never spoken harshly against me. Crude language was not common in this household either, so it hit me pretty hard. What's with them today? They promised me that they'd never interfere with my studies until I graduated

"But Eve..."

"Just don't go!"

One thing they failed to count upon was the fact that my reflexes bested them on all accounts. Ducking under an arm, flipping a semi-somersault, I was charging out the back door in less than a moment. Opting for the roundabout route to school, I was confident they wouldn't catch me before I found myself on school grounds.

"They're always ordering me around," I began to throw a tantrum, "what's with them?"

Cursing out loud, I kicked a stone at the wall. "They're always discussing things by themselves anyways. Making all the decisions on their own!" I muttered spitefully, "they shouldn't have the right to complain about me going at my own pace when I'm always left out of the picture!"

"I'm not gonna listen to Eve anymore," I grumbled, "never!"

Breathing out a sigh after my outburst, I was calm. 

Internally, the guilt began to plague my thoughts. Really shouldn't have run out of the house like that, they probably had a legitimate reason. If I'd just asked them instead... How was I going to apologize to Eve and Zen now? Rush back home right after the test, maybe-- run as fast as I can, taking the shortest route possible.

It not as if it were the first time we're fighting.

Eve would probably lecture me until dinnertime. Zen would be making dinner, serving us food to break off our argument. According to routine, we would automatically make up, and then, we'd get dressed for work. We'd have fun with our magic, then we'd all go home. Together. 

That was normal for us, and it should've been so this time too.


It came as a rapid force.

A foreign hand gripped my forearm with bone-crushing strength. I didn't have the thought to whine at the pain before it had dragged me in and I was thrown into an alley. My limbs were seized by opposing forces that weighed an adult man. Instantly rendered entirely helpless, a hand clasped my mouth shut.

My first attempt at struggling was quickly shut down-- and when I tried to scream the hand had shut my mouth firm. I couldn't even bite.

"No screaming, alright," the man with his hand over my mouth spoke up with his sharp, gnarly voice, "any strange moves and your left hand goes." 

He threatened sharply, and I could feel the man who held my arms tighten his grip on my left wrist. Warily, my mouth was freed.

I hesitated to make any noise yet.

"Where are they?" he demanded.


Taking a breath to calm myself, I ascertained the situation. There were four adults-- all strong and many times bigger than I was. I may be proud of my reflexes, but my strength was as good as a kitten's in this situation. I had no way out of this.

Why did they capture me in this manner? My firs thought had been the very likely, rape, but it didn't seem so as they were asking me questions.

What's worse, I had rounded into a more isolated part of town-- my original destination had been a detour to a lake round the corner stall-- so the chances of anyone coming in was an absolute zero. Even if someone noticed me, no one would interfere.

"Hurry up and answer!" the man demanded impatiently, putting a hand at my throat and pressing down lightly.

"Don't you think I deserve to know who you are first?" I sounded snarky, trying to fake a farce calmer than I was.

A loud snap registered in my head. For a moment, I wondered where that sound came from. An irritating cramp was on my left wrist--then I realized the agony. Pain erupted through left arm, centering around my wrist. My arm fell limp beside me.

The scream tore out of me, uncontrolled.

A hand clamped out my mouth again, muffling the noise. "No more nonsense from you," he growled out lowly. "One more peep of bullshit from you, and your foot's next."

Tears prickled at the corners of my eyes, but I managed to stick my screaming at my throat. My breath was heavy, and the burning sensation in my arm was making my head spin nauseatingly.

"Mera and Biru. You recognize them? You just need to tell me where these two are," The hand on my face left my mouth as the man asked again, this time giving me something that sounded like names.

I don't know them, I told myself. I've never heard the names before. Were those even proper names? What language, from what origin were those names? Why would I know them? I've been living here for a long time, and everyone knows everyone around here.

"I don't know..." I choked out between sobs I didn't intend to make.

This time, I was very well aware of what the crack sound coming from my right foot was. Unprepared, I accidentally bit my bottom lip as I let out a pained howl.

The man gave me a hard slap to my cheek, annoyed. I didn't fall, as there were two hands grasping my unharmed limbs. The blow stung like needles on my face. The sharp tang of copper at my lip barely made itself known.

Why? I sniffed, tears rolling down my cheeks. No more. No.

"Woah, dude, she's crying," another man's voice piped in, genuine concern in his tone, "Aren't you going a little too far, I mean, what if she really doesn't--"

"Don't bullshit me!" the first man yelled. "We've got factual evidence that she has personal connections to the targets," he started, "What other proof do we need??"

Personal connections?

"Look here, girlie. This is your last chance," the man grabbed my chin, "Where. Are. They."


I don't know. I really don't.

Please, no. No...

"Help me..." I whimpered softly.

The men went silent. The first man sighed. He leaned in, closing in on my ear. Speaking softly, but loud enough for the rest of the men to hear, he whispered into my ear.

"Wrong answer, bitch."

I was picked up by the collar, the other hands losing their grasp on me. This man held me up with only one hand, so he was incredibly strong. I knew I couldn't win, but I struggled desperately for life. They man walked somewhere, dragging me, kicking and screaming to his destination.

I was wailing for help. I was sobbing uncontrollably. I was screaming out everything that came to my mind. This guy was going to kill me. You didn't need a genius to figure that out. At the moment, that was everything I thought about.

I didn't have time to worry about why this man was killing me. He just was. The agony that burned in my broken limbs barely registered in my mind.

I was clawing at his hand. I was positive I had made scratches that bled, but the man was completely unaffected by my futile attempt.


Zen, Eve.

Help, Save me. Anyone. I don't want to die.

And then, we came to an opening-- a crystal clear lake. It was a deep body of water, filled with a small number of fishes. The place I once called my safe haven was now staring back at me, registering in my head as the place I will experience my death.

"Let me go!" I shrieked. "Let me go!"

Then, I fell myself falling. The man had thrown me, and I was headed to the waters. I instinctively reached out for a nonexistent hand that didn't hold onto me.

I hit the waters.

I was falling. Sinking into the clutches of gravity, my movements obstructed by the inconsistent push and pull of the water current. My incapacitated limbs had grown numb. I could no longer move them.

I desperately kept the air in my lungs, but it quickly escaped. I wasn't mentally stable enough to focus on an act that required as much concentration. I flailed against the waters, but my limbs were foreign to movements in the medium.

It hurt. The dire need for air flooded my senses. It was painful. My lungs screamed for air. The lack of oxygen ached. My heartbeat was so loud, I could feel it reverberating in my head.


Was I crying? Even if I was, I couldn't tell. Despite the situation, one thought arose at the back of my mind. Was this what people call fear?

The surface was so close, yet so far. It was just slightly out of my reach. I only needed one more kick upwards to get there. I know how to swim. I know. Being halved of my limbs, I didn't make it in time.

I involuntarily gasped, yearning for a breath of the cold, sweet air, I was used to breathing. However, nothing but water entered my lungs. I lost energy, as if someone had pulled the lever of my body's circuit breaker.

I began to sink, gradually being pulled towards gravity.

The pain may have still been there, but my body was numbed. I barely even felt the cold. As the last of the air left my lungs, I felt one last throb of pain as my body spasmed.

Then, I felt nothing. No pain. No suffering. It was all gone. At that moment, I felt extreme bliss. I had forgotten why I was there at all.

Only one of my sensory organs worked now. I focused on my eyes, which were, for some reason, slowly drooping in heaviness. The scenery before me was breathtaking. I no longer had breath, but it was just so... pretty.

Corals that lined the shallower floors of the lake, the fishes that swam through it-- avoiding me as they went with their usual business. I could only faintly see some things, as the sunlight could only show me so much.

Sadly, I couldn't admire it for long.

My eyelids began to feel increasingly heavy. I should have slept earlier last night, I remember thinking. It not every day I can see such a scene, after all.

I should take a nap. I thought. A short and rejuvenating power nap.

I closed my eyes, still fighting back sleep for another while.

When I wake up, I remember reminding myself,

I'll bring Zen and Eve here and show them this.

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