26. Parents

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26. Parents

Today was Parent's Participation Day.

"You really don't need to come, Dad." I said, chewing on my rice.

Dad was so shocked he dropped his chopsticks. "Rei-chan," he sounded like I just broke his heart, putting on a- oh god, here it comes- pained expression on his face. "You don't... want me there?"

I sighed. "There's nothing to see, Dad." I told him.

"It's to make up for all the ones I missed because of work!" he begged, literally on his knees now, "I've only seen you in class once in your entire life! I'm a failure as a dad!"

I twitched, "Christ, Dad." I groaned, "I told you, I don't mind at all!" I whined, "Or really, I much rather you not show up. You're rarely home as you are, and you rarely have the weekdays off. You came home at five this morning, didn't you?"

"I wanted to make it today..." he had small tears at the corner of his eyes now, as if he was a puppy getting scolded for chewing a shoe. "So I rushed home last night and-"

"And I want you to have some proper rest for once, Dad." I reprimanded him. Steel you heart, Rei. Don't give in to the puppy eyes. "I don't want you to come if it means you'll miss out on your much needed rest!"


"No buts, Dad!" I cut him off, "I want you to sleep, seriously, have you seen yourself in a mirror? You look like a panda right now." I emphasized myself strongly. "This is an order. SLEEP!"


I sighed. After sending my sisters off, I walked the rest of the way to school.

Honestly, Dad has no idea. He worries me more than Sae and Sui, and he often acts more childish than them! Who's the real adult here?

Last time he managed to come to Parent's Participation Day, he showed up like a fucking host. He was drenched by the drizzle outside, his hair swiped back and his suit jacket slung casually over his shoulder. He wore on a perfect smile on his handsome features-- okay, who are you trying to charm, hot stuff? Everyone, apparently.

I had to physically remove him from the classroom before he got buried by fangirls begging for his number or a picture. I'm betting my dad has a secret fanclub even among the townspeople.

I sighed.

I hate Parent's Participation Day.


The parents' light chattering filled the back of the classroom as they smiled at each other and talked about their families. When I stepped in, another conversation topic was added.

"My, isn't that Rei-kun from the Ninomiya House?" one held a hand over her mouth, "He's grown!"

"Oh, have you seen his latest live show?" a younger mother spoke up, "He never fails to entertain me!"

"He's such a responsible child, too! I almost wish he were mine!"

"Oh, but his parents don't usually come for these events do they?" one woman asked, "I've known him since preschool and I've only seen the nanny, Lula."

"Oh, his father came for a visitation a year before," another woman, "he was a dreamy man!" she laughed.

I sat down at my seat, ignoring the crowd of moms. Takeshi walked over, chuckling, "As usual, you're popular, Rei!" he joked.

I sighed. "I wanna skip school."


"So, I'll start off by calling out the people who are weak at Math." the teacher began.

A few people drew a sharp breath. Welp. Here it is. The main point of Parent Participation Day, the embarrassment of being called out and ending up unable to answer a question. Yeah.

I sighed.

Suddenly,the back door of the classroom burst open hurriedly and a little too loudly. "Sorry, sorry! I'm late!" a familiar voice called out.

It was a black haired man. His suit was disheveled, his coat was in his hands, and his long hair was pulled back into a ponytail. His bangs were swiped to the back of his head, and-

I just facepalmed.

"Eh-?" the teacher was surprised, "ah, a parent? It's quite fine, so if you could stand at the back with the rest?" the teacher offered helpfully.

Hushed whispers of man, he's hot! Or Whose Father is that? He's pretty young!

Dad joined Tsuyoshi at the back, greeting him and knocking up a short conversation. Then, he turned to me and gave me a smile, waving at me.

I glared at him, and wordlessly turned back towards the blackboard.

In the background, I could hear his hushed panicking towards Tsuyoshi. "Rei rejected me! Does he hate me?"

I rested my chin on my palm as I pretended to listen to class. It didn't take long for me to droop again, but I was caught.

"And- Wait, Ninomiya-kun!" the teacher called out, "Class barely started, don't fall asleep yet!" he complained, feeling more discouraged now. Man, why does he have so many problem students in this classroom? Give him a break!

Poor sir. Maybe you can hope in your next life that you don't become the teacher of the main character's classroom.

"Yes, sir." I respond, yawning.

The teacher sighed, defeated. "Then, to wake yourself up, could you stand up to answer the next question? It's a hard one, though."

I looked at the board. "Square root 15x pi?" I asked.

"As usual, you do it effortlessly..." he sounded like he was gonna cry.

"Isn't my Rei the greatest?" Dad wiped a fake tear, "I'm so proud of my baby. Rei, you've grown so much in the time I didn't see you."

"Doting daddy, God he's cute!" I heard a few girls whisper excitedly, fangirling with hushed squealing.

That made me twitch. "Dad!" I called out to him, "Quit that!"

"And he's Ninomiya-kun's Father? No wonder he's so dreamy! Ninomiya-kun got those looks from his father!"

"Christ, they're perfect. A perfect Father-Son duo! They're both perfect!"

"Rei, if you keep being so angry all the time, you might get wrinkles." Dad told me jokingly, pointing at his own forehead.

"I'm only ever angry at you, Dad!" I snapped back.

"Ehh??" Dad wailed.

"Sensei, I'm sorry for interrupting class." I turned away from the huge baby at the back of class and towards the teacher. "Please proceed."

"Rei!" He wailed.


Tsuna stood up, panic filling his senses. Oh no- What now- I can't- I don't know the answer- But then if I don't answer everyone will laugh and mom's nagging won't stop and-

Gokudera was desperately showing him the answer with his fingers, but Tsuna was too frantic to notice.

"Here! Here! I know the answer!" a child's voice called out sportively, "it's one trillion one hundred thousand!"

I chuckle. Lambo was posing majestically on the table, and I-pin was desperately trying to stop him, but to no avail.

The class laughed at his ridiculous antics. Christ, was he great comic relief!

Whose kid was this? The parents rolled their eyes and whispered about the unruly conduct of irresponsible parents.

"I'm sorry, they're my kids." Quickly, the oh-so responsible, angel descended from heavens, Sawada Nana stepped in, taking the children away, apologizing for the disturbance.

"Lambo-san wants to play with Kyoko!" Lambo struggled to escape from Mama's grasps, but Nana held a firm hold, soothing him with promises of sweets.

"Rei-nii!" I found I-pin tugging at my pant leg, and crouched down to pick her up. I smiled and waved at the girl as she was taken away by Nana too.

Nana excused herself and went home with the children, but in her place came Bianchi-- who threw Gokudera into disarray. The bomber boy fell off his chair, his eyes rolling back, giving out a strangled yelp at his sister's face. Long story short, we were given self study as the teacher hurriedly carried Gokudera to the infirmary.

I sighed. This is exactly why I didn't want to come to school today.

"Relax, students." a squeaky voice spoke up from the teacher's table, "I, Reboyama-sensei, shall continue the Class in your teacher's stead."

Oh great, now I just want to get the hell out of here.

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