57. Celebration

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57. Celebration

Anticlimatic. That's how the Varia Arc felt. Incomplete; Missing; Unfulfilled; Could've gone better; Could've seen more. 

I thought I was satisfied, but nope. I wanted to see more of the batttlleeeeeeeee

Rolling about on the carpet left and right and clutching a shark pillow in my arms, I stopped, and then I sighed. 

Seeing my moody tantrum didn't seem to alarm Takeshi much. "What's wrong, Rei?" Takeshi, who sat on the other end of the table asked, sipping calmly on some tea.

"I'm feeling emo, leave me alone." I whine.

Takeshi laughed. "Why so depressed all of a sudden?" 

"Takeshi, you wouldn't understand." I pouted, burying my face into the carpet, "Takeshi's supposed to be the eternal happy-go-lucky baseball nut after all."

"Eternal happy-go-lucky baseball nut?" Takeshi chuckled at the long name, "Well, better happy than sad no? Or would you rather me be a little less cheerful?"

He rested his chin on one arm, looking at me with those oh-so sweet, oh-so gentle eyes-- ones that weren't overly brimming with joy-- and his lips were in only a very slight curve. It was Takeshi's neutral face-- the one that was neither happy not sad.

I smiled back. "You're fine as you usually are."

Takeshi's neutral face belongs to me, after all.



Throwing about three pills into my mouth, I drank a large gulp of water and swallowed it all. Then I downed the rest of the water in the glass.

Breathing out as if a sigh, I flinched as I heard footsteps behind me. 

Fumbling around for the canister, I managed to tuck it into the cutlery drawer before Sae zoomed in and leaped into a good morning hug.

"Good morning!" she declared.

Sui followed after in hurried steps, joining the hug with a soft and shy "Good morning."

Chuckling, I ushered them to sit down as I prepared breakfast. 

I'm not sure why I didn't tell them about the capsule in the drawer.


It was easy for us to return to our daily lives even just a day after crazy things occurred. 

So easy.

It wasn't a cold day. It wasn't a cold day, and yet I find myself tucking myself into my jacket again. Pulling the black wristband over my left wrist, I swipe my bangs into their place over my eyes and practiced a smile in the mirror. Rubbing the Void Ring on my finger, I raised my left wrist to my forehead.

I contented smile on my face, I whispered to myself.

"Please watch over me, brothers."


"Rei-kun!" Kyoko called from outside, "Are you ready?"

Sae and Sui charged out of the house. "Kyoko-nee!" they were both excited, one a little more than the other. They ran to Kyoko and Haru and showed off the jingling bell keychain their older brother had gotten for them.

"I'm here," I told them, locking up before tucking the key into my pocket.

"Rei-san, why're you wearing a jacket?" Haru asked me as I stepped out of the gate to lock that up too. 

I shrugged. "I guess I'm easily chilled." 

"Are you catching a cold, Rei-kun?" Kyoko asked, slightly worried.

"Don't think so," was my reply.

We began walking towards Takesushi to what would be an afterparty to celebrate Mine and Lambo's release form the hospital. It was also, on a side note, a celebration to congratulate Tsuna and friend's victory in the 'sumo match'.

My sisters seemed excited for sushi, because they haven't gone over since they went for their camp. They were needlessly excited, happily clutching me by the arm and pulling me ahead.

I could do nothing but chuckle as I went.


"Hey there, welcome!! Oh, Tsuna-kun! Come join us!" Tsuyoshi's loud, boisterous and welcoming voice overpowered the chaotic celebration that was going on.

Upon hearing it, shouts of 'hey, Tsuna!', 'oh, Tsuna!' and 'you're here!' went up too. Everyone turned to the door and welcomed the brunet cheerfully. The brunet seemed taken aback by the large crowd and the abundant welcomes.

It didn't take long for the store to fade back into delightful cacophony.

I stood by the side-- my eyes closed, just simply listening to the noise. It was nice. It was a noisiness I really enjoyed hearing-- and I really couldn't explain why. It was oddly calming, and I felt I could listen to this forever.

"Hey, Rei."

Prying an eye open, I notice it was Dino who had spoken to me. Beside him was Basil, and Lanchia was there too. The latter two had a sort of nervous smile on their faces-- and I instinctively returned it with my own. 

"Hey, Dino. Been a while since we talked. How've you been?" a classic conversation starter, because first impressions were important.

"Not so great. I've had to train an absolute monster for a few days," he whined, a brood and a sigh before a little cry. 

I chuckle, "Hibari-senpai, right? I've heard."

Dino seemed to sigh even deeper after I mentioned his name. "He's a handful."

"You'll get used to it," I assured him. "Anyway, these two are?"

Nudging towards Lanchia and Basil, the two seemed surprised I took notice of them. Dino lifted his head as well, as if he was just remembering the presence of his two other companions.

"Oh, Rei, let me introduce you." Dino put on a more friendly grin now, "This is Basil, a CEDEF agent-- Wait, do you know what that is? Oh, you do? And this is Lanchia. He's uhh, a fellow friendly Mafioso."

The two seemed to find the clumsy intro as amusing as I did, and Dino just blushed.

"Anyway, this is Rei. He's kind of a junior? He's not a Guardian, but he's part of Tsuna's Family." Dino managed the rest of the introduction quite decently, so I took it from there.

First and foremost, I bowed. "My name is Rei. I'm just a random person that somehow got caught up in all this, I guess. I'm not strong and I have almost no means of battle. If I joined a battle, I'd be a hilarious burden. Pleasure to meet you."

Their mouths hung agape at my blunt statement, and Dino just facepalmed.


In the middle of the party, my phone buzzed. Seeing the message, I excused myself for what I told everyone was a call I had to make, and went outside. 

Turning into the first alley on the right-- 

"You took too long, Herbivore." grumbled the one and only Hibari Kyouya.

I chuckled, scratching my cheek. "Sorry, I didn't expect you of all people to message me. I mean, I don't exactly remembering ever giving you my number--"

I stopped short because demon prefect was glaring me to death.

Anyways, he stepped forward and towards me, then extended his right hand. His right fist, downwards like he was holding something, hovering a distance before me.

It took me a moment to register he was asking for my hand. Hurriedly I raised my hand right under his-- and he placed whatever was in his palm onto mine.

"I believe these are yours." he simply said before turning away again. 

"Hmm? Oh, uh, thanks?" I said as I registered the words, but when I looked down I felt my heart stop and leap. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped.

In my hands were black bobby pins. Two pins, their gems broken off, but laying beside. 

When I looked back up, Hibari was long gone.



So, in the end, what was my point in this arc? I was neither a battler nor much of a watcher. I wasn't much.

Well, I supposed there really isn't a point. 

I was definitely not the turbulent one that barged into battles and interfered like a raging hothead. In fact, I made extra care to avoid battles. 

I was also not the one that made sure all was calm and peaceful in the midst of it all either. I caused all the mess with Squalo and Belphegor after all.

I wasn't the brave one to draw attention and harm away from the cast, suffering in their place. In fact, I watched them, powerless as I was.

I wasn't the one that particularly aimed to stand out and make a show of myself. I didn't show up much at all, even.

I was probably not the one to protect and hide them from harm. I readily handed Lambo ove to the Cervello, after all.

If I were to say my point in this arc-- I guess it was to be a backstage help. I drifted in and out of the audience seats-- and I wonder if Dera ever got the hint I gave him?

Oh, you don't really understand what  just said?

Well, I guess you will soon.



AN: Anticlimatic, but here is where I cut off the Varia Arc. Hopefully, some people would understand the last part of this chapter. If you don't, wait for the next arc!

SOoo, we've come quite a long way! How's the story so far? Is it getting more boring as I continue? Please say if it is ^^ I'll do my best to improve myself.

So the next chapter is where things really start happening. 

Things such as? Well, how do I explain things without spoiling-- ah yes.

The previous foreshadows will be answered.

Thanks for your continued reading and I hope you will accompany me a little longer ^^

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