61. Chess

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61. Chess

(POV: Rei)

"I'm home..." 

I heard Sui call from the front door. She and Sae had gone out to play today, and it surprised me that only Sui's voice was heard from the front. 

Putting down the spatula at the side, I flipped off the heat and rubbed my hands at my apron. 

"Welcome back, Sui..." I looked over-- and stopped short. Sui looked down guiltily, and she was covered in light scratches and caked all over in mud. Behind her, a boy older than her, with red hair and wearing glasses, stood there with Sae on his back.

"I'm home, Rei-chan!" Sae raised her arms cheerfully. She had a wide smile on her face, but from her movement I could notice she had more scratches on her than Sui did. There was a large one at her left knee.

My eyes narrowed at the boy. Catching my gaze, he flinched. 

Sae's arms were wrapped around his neck, and they only tightened when the red-haired boy shot back in fear. Sae made sure the boy got his balance before she growled at me.

"Hey, Rei-chan!" she snapped.

Biting my lip, I rushed back into the kitchen for the first aid kit.


"Oh, so you helped them get back?" I chuckle, "Sorry, I thought you were the culprit!" 

I wasn't in the mood for jokes, so my strained laughter only made Irie Shouichi much more afraid of me. 

Sae kicked me in the face with her uninjured leg. "Rei-chan, stop threatening Shou-chan!" she pouted. "Be more polite!"

"Ahaha--" I faked a laughter-- then grabbed her leg out of the air. "I really don't want to hear anything about being polite from a girl with her leg in the air."

Sae only pouted after that.

"Also, what's this I hear? You got into a fight with a dog, literally with punching and kicking and all??" I couldn't help my tone, "Why and exactly how?? You could've gotten seriously hurt, Sae!" 

"It was bullying Sui!" Sae argued.

"You didn't need to punch back!" I retorted. 

"You would've done the same!"

Just then, Sui gave both of us a smack at the back of our heads with rolls of newspaper.

"Ow!" we both whined. Upon turning to her, our breaths held.

Her face was dark. Her eyes were empty and cold-- and sharpened in absolute rage. Sui was wearing the most murderous glance I've ever seen her have.

She commanded a sharp and definitive order: "Shut. Your. Mouths."

"Yes, Ma'am!!" Sae and I shrieked in unison.


"And--," securing the last bit of the bandages, breathed out a sigh of relief and place them back into the box. "All done."

"Yay!" Sae cheered. "Thanks, Rei-chan!"

Closing the box, I turned to Irie. "Thanks for bringing them back for me," I smiled a friendlier smile this time, "Sorry for the trouble."

"Eh?" he nearly dropped his teacup at my sudden change in demeanor, "Ah, no--" he bowed nervously, "--I just happened to be around and... It was a coincidence, really!" 

"Then, thanks for just happening to be there." I chuckle. 

"Rei-chan, Rei-chan," Sui spoke up in a slightly excited tone, "This is Shou-chan, I met him at a chess competition before." 

"Eh?" Irie was surprised. 

"No, why are you surprised?" I couldn't help retorting. 

"No-- it's just-- we didn't even play each other." he explained hesitantly, "I just picked up something she dropped and returned it, that's all... I'm really surprised she remembers me."

Sui replied with an adorable giggle. 

"I see." I smiled back at the sight, "Then I thank you too, Shouichi-san." 

He seemed to be taken aback now.

"My name is Rei. Nice to meet you." I gave him a hand in lieu of acknowledgement-- of friendliness, and I hoped he would accept it.

He took it, and a smile crawled to his face. "Nice to meet you, I'm Shouichi."


Sae was asleep on the couch. Sui was playing a game of chess with Shouichi. 

I watched by the side.

"Knight, D-6." Irie called, moving the piece.

"Pawn, D-3." Sui called, a practiced action. 

"Knight, B-5." Irie retreated the piece.

"Knight, E-3." Sui continued.

Wow, as expected of a chess match between two good players. I have no idea why on earth they're doing what they're doing. Do they have a plan, or are they actually playing randomly? Or is there a secret attack and defense going on that I can't decipher with my minuscule thought process skills in chess?

"Rook, H-6." Irie called.

Rook, already?? I freaked out.

"Bishop, G-6." Sui did not even hesitate in her moves, taking away a Knight that was on the spot. "Check."

"Queen, G-6." Irie had a perfect reaction as well, taking the Bishop. 

"Knight, D-6." Sui called again, "Check."

"Rook, D-6." Irie called back, taking the Knight.

Sui tuts. "Pawn, D-6."

Did Sui just click her tongue? Sui, of all people?

"Rei-chaaan, don't look. You're gonna get a headache." Sae climbs up from her sleep and reached over to me, covering my eyes. "Also, you're gonna confuse the readers." 


"Oh no, it's so late!" Irie suddenly realized after their second game, "I'm so sorry!" 

Quickly he got up, so Sui and I went to see him off.

I chuckle, "It's alright, tomorrow's a weekend, after all." I say, "Thanks for accompanying my little sister for the night." 

"Thanks for your hospitality." he bowed politely.

"You're very welcome anytime." I smile, "Will I be seeing you in three days?" 

He seemed confused at the sudden specific timing. "Eh?" he wondered for a very long moment, "Uhm-- sorry, three days later I have something on...?" 

Crossing my arms-- I gave him a knowing look. A sly, more mischievous smile crawled to my face--

And Irie's eyes widened, in realization, in horrification--

"Who-" Irie stuttered out, fearfully, "Who exactly are... you?"

I giggle.

"I'm Ninomiya Rei, didn't I tell you already?"


Sui took my hand as we headed back inside. 

I crouched down. Curiously, Sui turned back to face me, wondering why I stopped moving. I could only give her a slightly sad smile in return.

"Sui, do you like Shouichi-kun?" I asked her softly.

She nodded without hesitation, "I do."

"He's gonna be doing something reeally cool in the future." I grinned, "Something really really cool, Rei-chan just knows he will."

Sui tilted her head curiously. "Shou-chan will?"

"However, it's something very dangerous. It's something very pressuring for Shouichi-kun." I told her truthfully.

Hearing that, Sui's face fell into a frown. "Really?"

"Hey, Sui," I took her hands, "Can you promise me you'd support him as a friend, no matter what happens?" I asked.

And without hesitation, Sui nodded. "I will!" she said, "Sui promises! Sui likes Shou-chan, after all!"

I broke into a smile, and engulfed her in a hug. "Thanks, Sui."



In the Future

(POV: Third Person)

"Irie-sama, it's morning."

The monotone, stoical voice eventually managed to rouse the red-haired boy awake, but he still yawned sleepily for a long moment before managing to be conscious enough to get up.

"Good morning, Irie-sama." the female voice told him again. The girl that wore the White Spell uniform was in fact, not a Cervello. Her black hair was short-- so very short, she almost looked like a boy. 

Pulling his White Spell jacket over, Irie Shouichi pulls himself up. "Good morning," he greets back, rubbing his eyes. 

"Would you like some coffee, Irie-sama?" the girl asks again.

Irie sighs, taking his glasses from the bedside desk and turning to the girl, finally. "Can you just, please, not call me that, Sui-chan?" he pleaded.

Sui blinks, her light blue eyes seemingly taken aback by the request. "But, Irie-sama is of a higher rank, and in respect, I believe--"

"Please, Sui-chan." Irie sighed, "Just 'Shou-chan' is enough."

This got the girl thinking. Her expression didn't change much, but she was obviously conflicted.

And so, Irie stood up. Ruffling the girl's short black hair, he gave her a smile. "I would love some of that coffee, Sui-chan."

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