75. Words

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75. Words

I watched the Choice Battle from where everyone else was on standby.

Catching sight of the prefect I hadn't seen in ages, I decided to approach him. Making sure my smile was on my face-- the smile that's not too happy or cheerful, but not too fake-- because if I seem overconfident I'll get bitten to death-- "Hibari-san, it's been a while." I greeted him.

"Hn," he made a response. He might've been wondering why I was there, but he didn't voice the question. His inquiring, interrogative gaze spoke volumes, though.

I looked away. Am I supposed to answer, or am I not?

"Woah, it's the tinier Kyouya-san!" Russo interrupted boisterously, slinging an arm over Hibari's shoulder abruptly and forcefully, "You're so small now!"

The instant he appeared, Dino and I jumped and made a loud yelp in absolute shock. It started with 'wait a minute when did he', then quickly advanced into 'oh god no'.

Hibari's response wasn't as expressive, but was much quicker. Drawing his tonfas after a momentary flinch, he swung back reflexively. 

Russo narrowly dodged with a swerve backward-- but that was all he managed to avoid before Hibari's second strike hammered him in the head.

Crouching down and holding his head in agony, he let out a strangled cry. "That was mean, Kyouya-sannn," he whined.

"I thought you couldn't feel pain?" I asked. 

"My heart hurts!" he wailed.

"Now, now," Dino let out a dry chuckle, "Russo-san, you should've known better..." he tried to soothe the zombie, "The past Kyouya doesn't know you, after all."

Hibari was still angered-- his eyes were murderous and his glare could kill a rabbit-- but he let out a sigh as Russo ducked behind me.

"Ah, Hibari-senpai, this guy here is Russo-san." I introduced, "He said he was pretty friendly with the future you, though that's probably a lie. Ah, but he's no harm, I promise."

"Is it 'let's hurt Russo-san day'? Is it?" 

Hibari let out a hum in response, but his gaze didn't die down. "Is he strong?" he asked as if a taunt, getting into battle position.

"Oh." I realized something. "Well then, please excuse me..."

"Eh? Where are you going, Rei? Wait, Kyouya?" Dino responded quickly as he realized what was about to happen, "Choice is just about to begin-"

Right as I stepped aside, Russo bolted up to his feet. "Yes, I'm real strong!" he declared proudly, "I've been waiting for this! Wanna go?"

"I'll bite you to death!" Hibari growled.


"Rei-san, look at that! Motorbikes!" Haru called excitedly, "It's completely different from what I expected Mafia to fight like!"

I let out a dry chuckle, "You won't find another Mafia battle like this anywhere, Haru-san."

"But it's so cool!" Kyoko awed. 

"But really, look at all those bandages Takeshi's wrapped up in!" I sighed, "What did Squalo do to him, feed him to the lions?"

Dino chuckled at the joke, "Knowing Squalo, that's not unlikely," he admitted.

Squalo, by the side, let out a huff. I had no idea if that was a yes or a no.

Along with a sigh of defeat, a cough interrupted my thoughts, followed by another. Kyoko and Haru looked over worriedly, but I told them I was fine.

I dismissed myself for a glass of water.


The fight between Russo and Hibari didn't last long at all. 

For someone that bragged about his strength in martial arts, Russo did not pull a punch. He was dodging the whole time-- clumsily, with the moves of a slightly experienced amateur. It took close to a minute for Hibari to find an opportunity to strike him to the ground.

But before landing the last blow, Hibari stopped.

Straightening himself and sheathing his tonfas a tad angrily, he let out an irritated huff. Saying something (I couldn't hear from my distance) with a look of contempt, Hibari Kyouya scowled and simply walked away from the battle.

Catching sight of me, Russo, unfazed, picked himself up. Wearing a wide, bright grin, he had the gall to laugh. "He totally murdered me!" he joked.

I wonder how he could constantly be such a jest.

Downing about half in my glass of water a bit too quickly, I choked.

"You okay there?" Russo, alerted, took on a more worried tone.

Managing to catch myself, I sighed. "Not so good," I admitted, "I can feel it, but it's not time for my medicine yet--" interrupted by yet another cough, I turned my face away.

Slipping his hand into my pocket, Russo pulled out my bottle of pills before I found the opportunity to stop him. Flicking it open, he handed me three.

I wasn't about to accept them, but he eyed me very sternly.

It felt even a tad threatening.

"If you don't eat your fucking food," Eve rarely swore, but whenever he did, it was to intimidate his two picky eating siblings, "I will personally shove them down your throats."

Oh god, not these out-of-place flashbacks again.

Reluctantly, I ended up taking the pills ahead of my usual dosage. I felt better after taking them-- but it didn't make me feel the least bit better about it.

"Geez," I pouted, "I wasn't supposed to overdose on it." 

"Look, kid," he responded with equal irritation in his tone, "Your lungs are rotting themselves out, and you're feeling it, and that's all you care about?" he followed with an exasperated sigh, "Don't you know? Suffering is a lot worse than death!"

At that, I snapped. "You were bashed on the skull, that's an instant death!" I complained, letting the anger get to and through my head, "Well, unlike you, my life in this world has to last as long as it can, I've got younger sisters waiting for me at home!"

The atmosphere between us seemed to have come to an abrupt stop; the temperature drooped to cold. 

It came to me that I'd hit a very sensitive nerve.

"Yeah," Russo let out a dry chuckle. His lips curled up into a painfully jesting smile that I doubted was true or false-- "That's true," he acknowledged, chortles lacing his speech. "The ones left behind after a death are the ones that suffer the most. They have so much to mourn for."

I felt my stomach drop.

Russo's smile was perfect. Flawless. Not a hint of masking, not the least bit plastic. It was so real-- so genuine, so true, and so very broken.

I took a step back. Something in me feared him now-- feared him, for who he actually was and what his true self was. What really lay under that thick, thick mask? Did I know? Have I known? Will I ever? Has it ever shown itself?

Mystery was often terrifying.

The blood-curling tension made my heartstrings clutch and tense. My heart beat in an audible, irregular staccato-- My eyes couldn't stay another second on his sinister smile before I turned around and bolted.

I ran away from him, in fear.

Those left behind have so much to mourn for.



Watching Takeshi's battle on screen, on scene, was like a detailed study session. My eyes were glued to the monitor; my ears were fixed to Reborn and Dino's explanations. I was absorbed-- immersed-- simply taking in all the information first hand. 

It was an entrancing sight to behold.

"You seem really interested about it," Reborn commented not surprised, "You seem to understand quite well too."

I diverted my gaze, chuckling a little awkwardly. "Well, I know quite a bit already."

"As usual, I see," Reborn mumbled.

"For instance, the Rain's role in the Family..." I mumbled to myself, turning back to the screen, where Takeshi was fighting, "is to be the blessed shower that settles conflict and washes everything away."

Reborn's face stilled-- he didn't falter.

Having heard my line, Dino turned to me. "Rei?" I wasn't really sure if he was confused, surprised or worried, perhaps? "How-- Why do you know all this?"

How do you know?

I've been asked that question countless times. So many times, numbering them was pointless.

Stretching my cheeks into a smile, I put a finger at my lips. Like a fluid habit, the words rolled over my tongue easily-- the default answer I hadn't worded in ages:

"It's a Magician's Secret!" was the only answer I was able to give.

And Russo stood right behind me.

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