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Zahra clapped alongside Joy once Quil's name was called. Both of the females were cheering loudly not caring if they got stares, however-no one had the heart to stop the two proud females all feeling the same amount of happiness.

Once the two settled down-mainly courtesy to Old Quil quietly scolding them, they repeated the process for the rest of the pack only making it entertainment for the crowd around them now. In fact, it caused a chain reaction as parents picked up their enthusiasm making the Staff and Graduates laugh in enjoyment.

As the ceremony continued-time went on and Zahra tried her hardest to hold back her giddiness. Old Quil had given up on settling her down taking her energy as the holder for his retrained one. He found himself smiling every time Zahra had hummed a few times and when she stopped, he frowned hoping to hear it again.

Once the final speech ended, Zahra had jumped out of her seat running straight to find Quil quickly finding him and latching onto him. She stayed on his back as they walked out to meet the rest of the family and Zahra would keep leaving small kisses on his cheek congratulating him.

Jacob and Embry both rolled their eyes because they would hear Quil tell her to kiss his cheek every time she stopped. Though, the moment only got better when Serena who had been in a coma for months appeared surprising everyone.

Once she and Paul went to have their moment, Zahra had been congratulating the others at the given moment.

After the multiple photos were taken, Quil and Zahra departed with the rest wanting to spend some time at the beach together. They'd meet the rest later for the feast that would probably last for hours-so they wouldn't be missing out on much anyway.

Zahra was still under homeschooling with Sue and Emily. She wouldn't be finished for a couple more years, but it was understandable for her case. Though, her memories that have slowly changed to a mundane life had advanced her learning skills.

Her memories as a Selkie, have in fact vanished within the short time, but Quil luckily had thought in advance and made sure to record every time Zahra shared the moments. Indeed, there was some he wasn't able to get-but Quil came to understand that it was not truly forgotten and her memories were just asleep.

Chances of it returning was very slim, but Zahra was fine if they didn't return because she was making memories each day.

"Zahra?" Quil called out to her and as usual-he had his camera in hand. Zahra faced him tilting her head," Yes?"

He chuckled at her gesture and let out a small breath. He then walked over to the bench and placed the camera on it but making sure it was facing them. Once he did that he walked back over to Zahra and grabbing both of her hands," You know I love you, right?" He asked

"Yeah" She nodded in response," You tell me every single day-No we tell each other every day, why?"

Quil let out another breath and knelt down in front of her," I've told you every single day since you returned that I loved you-and I will continue to do it the rest of our lives. We have fought a couple of times, and even had moments we got under each other's skins" Zahra pursed her lips at those words, not liking the moments-but she understood it was a part of being in a relationship.

Quil reached one hand towards her forehead releasing the tension between her brows, however, he kept himself knelt down," It's okay Zahra, no matter how bad our fights get. My love for you only grows every time, sometimes I get scared that it's too much"

Zahra snickered shaking her head," Never"

"Careful now" He joked winking making her laugh," I love you so much, Zahra"

"I love you more" She replied caressing his cheek with her free hand.

He smiled and reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a ring, "Marry Me? Well maybe not soon, but in the future"

Zahra's eyes teared up as she whispered a yes and Quil shot up from the ground lifting her up. He spun her around as they both laugh sharing kisses-both of them were cut off to the claps and cheers from behind them.

The newly engaged couple turned to their family all gathered. Her eyes scanned the crowd taking in the moment and widened seeing Aniya along with the rest.

Instantly, both had quickly been taken into the crowd.

Quil had been smothered by the guys and Zahra was with the females; both despite being hoarded by others found their eyes finding each other.

Both smiling and mouthing 'I love you'

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