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The King; Neptune Kanelamorus, had been overjoyed with the child in his arms. His precious pearl Zahrasephenia.

His treasure that was different-the first of her kind. A child bred from a former human, and a god.

The first of her kind also meant she was in danger-so, Neptune and Yareli both had to make a decision for her safety. The parents both sacrificed their whole happiness for their treasure to live.

Neptune knew of Esmeralda and if the Enchantress found about his pearl's existence-then it'd be over.

The Kingdom would be annihilated if anything happened to Zahrasephenia. She was the life source for the land, and as long as she lived-the life in the Kingdom would prosper.

But Yareli and Neptune did not want that for their pearl. They did not want her to carry such a burden, and both decided to lock her away from the world and erase her what little memories she had of Neptune and Yareli.

The parents both sending their little treasure to one of their most trusted subjects, a young selkie, Lorelai who would act as Zahrasephenia's mother.

The mother that would tell the tale, and imprint the child to figure out her origin. However, Lorelai had lost her life protecting Zahra-and Esmeralda had found about her existence.

Which led to the events that had brought the young selkie to captivity for centuries; in a timeless magical barrier that compressed her powers.

The powers that would reawaken the lost city of Atlantis, that was under the curse of Esmeralda. Where the King and Queen both were kept in a slumber; until it was broken.

The truth, that unfolded when Zahra had found an escape from her captivity, that led to the spell that cast her to the land above.

All her memories slept as she was left to a world that Esmeralda had hoped would have consumed her. However, the Enchantress was yet again unfortunate and ended up allowing the Selkie to cross paths with her soulmate.

How unfortunate for the Enchantress, to yet again play the role of connecting soulmates.

Esmeralda had been ready to obliterate Zahra and end the cycle of her unhappiness. The Enchantress had enough of the games, and she just wanted it to all end.

Zahra who laid weakened and fragile in the bed had watched Esmeralda stand before her. However, the spell never came-Zahra's end was not met.

Instead, all she could hear was the pained shouts of someone else.

Once she opened her eyes, Zahra had let out a blood-curdling scream," NO" was all she uttered as she watched in horror.

Old Quil had stood before her; taking the spell that was meant for her.

Old Quil-had known...he had known from the beginning, on who Zahra was. And he knew that her life was in danger, so he kept his distance knowing Esmeralda would take that chance to strike, and so; the elder had taken the fate instead.

Esmeralda had let out a laugh at the fallen elder and prepared to attempt again, however; Zahra had not been happy.

Zahra's grief had given a strength in her compressed powers, that awakened, pushing a force towards Esmeralda; sending the Enchantress across the room.

The once weak and fragile Selkie had stood in front of the Enchantress. Her face stained with tears, and her body returning to life, ready to strike; however, the bedroom door had opened, leaving the Enchantress an opening for escape.

"Zahra!!" Quil shouted being the first to enter had taken in the sight on Zahra who no longer looked pale, but instead full of life and his Grandfather-pale and cold as ice sprawled on the floor.

Joy stepping in next, let out a scream seeing Old Quil; and all that did was make the pack rush in, and took in the scene before them. None of them had seen the fleeing woman, had assumed the worse.

"What have you done, Zahra?" Quil's voice broke

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