💝💝💝💝I LOVE FH!!!!💝💝💝💝

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                                                                💚💚💚💚💚💚I LOVE FH!!!!!💚💚💚💚💚💚

I've always been a huge-MASSIVE-HARMONIZER Since l first heard them, and Since l first saw them and ever since, I've been so infatuated, so obsessed, so captivated, so amazed, so blown-away by their incredible hard work, their amazing work - ethic and heaps more. The tones of these 5 beautiful, amazing, and talented woman are so unique, beautiful, enjoyable, strong, connected, powerful, in their different-amazing ways. They all have their own vocal abilities, their own styles of singing, own styles of vocalising, own styles of slayage and a lot more. I stand, I support, I adore, I love and I ENJOY them all equally the same. I love their music, l love their performances, l love their own solo songs ( ~ with solo albums to come) also. Th only thing l don't like, is that the management had favourited Camila over the 4 other women, giving all the solos, all the vocals and showtime to one girl, when it should have been shared fairly. Each girl should have had their own amount of equal parts of the song that their recording solo in a booth...There wasn't any fair solo fairness. It was all given to one girl. They all work just as hard as Camila. That's the only annoying thing l don't like. Where's Dinah's solo in BO$$ / Sledgehammer?! Where's Lauren's solo in Worth It?! Where's Ally's solo in Them Girls Be Like?! Where's Normani's solo in Going Nowhere?! It carries on.....The management doesn't know how to choose parts.... What about Dinah's solo in Write On Me?! or in The Life?! WHY ARE NORMANI DINAH and ALLY always GETTING LEFT OUT???? LIKE WTF EPIC!!! YOU SUCK AS A RECORD LABEL!!!!!

Sorry for ranting....lol😅😅 It's NOT FAIR!!!!

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