chapter 30

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"When are we going to tell the others?" I asked Aaron looking up at him.
"About us?" I nodded. "As soon as possible." I smiled in response.

When we reached the garden we spotted our friends near the food stall. Jamie was the first one to see us. She waved at us and motioned us to join them. We walked to where they all were standing with plates filled with food in their hands.
"Hey." Jamie said smiling at me. Everyone turned to look at us.
"Looking gorgeous."
"Someone is looking breathtakingly beautiful." Irelene said winking at me. I blushed a little and said my thanks to her.
"Did we miss anything? Where is Sakshi? Jen said rituals already started." I asked looking around for Sakshi but couldn't find her anywhere.
They all laughed and Jen looked sheepishly at me. "We knew that was the only way you would have made haste." I narrowed my eyes at her.
"Sakshi is in the back room waiting for her groom to come and take her. They are on their way and no, you didn't miss anything." Irelene said answering my question. "By the way, what took you so long?"

Sam and Irelene smirked looking at me and Aaron.
"I'll tell you all about it. But later."
Chaz narrowed his eyes and looked suspiciously at us.
"What?" Aaron asked.
"Something is brewing between these two. I can sense it." Chaz said nodding his head and looking at the two of us, the victims of his suspicion.
Aaron cleared his throat. "Fine. I know you won't shut up until you know."
"And?" They all looked at Aaron, waiting for his reply.
Aaron held my hand and smiled at me. "Meet my love, my girlfriend, my Kayla."
"What?" Jamie, Chaz and Irelene gasped in unison.
"Yes, it is true. We are together." I said smiling. Jamie was smiling like a good and Chaz and Irelene were still processing the news.
"You two what? Oh my God! It's so great. Congratulations guys." Irelene said hugging me and then Aaron. Soon Irelene was followed by Chaz and Jamie.
"Thank-you." I said smiling at them.
"When did this happen?" Jamie asked punching Aaron's arm.
"Just before we came here." Aaron said winking at her.
"Finally. I was wondering how long were you going to act like a fool and keep your feelings bottled up." He blushed a little and gave a slight chuckle.
"So, did you get your answer?" Jamie asked me.
"About what?"
"About his first love."
"Yeah. I got the best answer ever." I smiled.

"Hey Sam. They are almost here." His dad called him.
"Let's welcome the groom and his family."
We heard the music nearing the entrance as we stood there waiting with anticipation. Finally the wait was over and the groom arrived on the horseback with his many relatives walking and dancing around him. Kunal was wearing cream colored sherwani and a turban. Sakshi's parents welcomed the groom, who descended from the horseback and his relatives and they all headed to where the rituals were to take place.
After showing the guests to their seats, Sam's mom brought Sakshi. She looked at Kunal and they smiled at each other. She sat beside him and the pundit began chanting the verses. I looked at Sam who was holding Jen's hand and they both were looking at the bride and groom. I felt Aaron hold my hand and interwined our fingers. I looked up at him and smiled. He planted a kiss on my forehead and I knew this kiss was a beginning to our bright and happy future.
After some time, both Sakshi and Kunal got up and took seven rounds around the fire. After the completion of the rituals they bowed in front of their parents and received their blessings. After dancing , eating and some photo session, Sakshi left for her new home in a golden palanquin.

"It was such a great wedding. We really had a great time." I told Sam's parents, standing at the front door.
"Thank you. We are glad you enjoyed it. You sure you don't want to stay?" Sam's mom asked me.
"I would love to but I really need to get back home. Dad is leaving tomorrow."
"Well then, I can't force you to stay."  She said smiling and patting my cheek.
"Well then I'll be going."
"Be safe." I waved at Sam and Jen and walked to the car where Aaron and Jamie were waiting for me. Irelene and Chaz had already left. I got in the front seat and we drove off to our homes.

"Bye guys." I said getting out of the car.
"Bye." Jamie said as I was shutting the door behind me.
"Let me walk you to the door." Aaron said walking beside me. I smiled at him.
"They are just few steps."
"I want to walk every single step with you my whole life."
"Someone is being romantic." I teased.
"God! Kayla you are unbelievable." I laughed.
"I love you." I was at my door step.
"I love you too baby." He said placing a quick kiss on my forehead. Jamie whistled form the car and Aaron smirked. "Sleep well."
"You too. Good night."
"Good night." With that he walked away to his car and turned left to his home and I went inside.
"Mom, dad? I'm home."
"In here sweetie." My mom's voice sounded from the kitchen.
"How was the wedding?"
"Great. I had a lot of fun." I chirped. "Everything was perfect."
"That's great. Would you like to eat anything?" She asked while washing the dishes.
"Nah. I'm good. Where are Kris and dad?"
"They went with Andrew for a walk."
"Oh okay. I'll wait for them in my room."
"You should sleep. You look tired."
"Actually I'm. I'll see you guys tomorrow then. Good night."
"Good night."
I replied to Aaron's message, wishing him good night and went to sleep.

"Kayla honey. Wake up." My mom was slightly shaking me. I groaned and opened my eyes slowly.
"Good morning mom."
"Good morning. Get up girl and come have breakfast with us. Your dad is waiting."
I nodded my head and rolled out of my comfy bed. I took a quick shower and headed downstairs to have breakfast with my family... And Amy, who was also there, not that I don't consider her family already.
"Hey Kay." She said winking at me.
"So how did you find the wedding? Aaron seemed super happy." She said with a smirk and I blushed.
"It was good." I said looking anywhere but at her. She gave a slight chuckle. Seems like Aaron had already told her. We didn't talk since yesterday. He had called in the morning but I was in the shower and couldn't receive his call.
At around 10 my dad left on a business trip for three days and I was already missing him.
"So today marks the beginning of our journey as a couple." Aaron said walking behind me into my room.
"Yes it does." He sat on my bed and smiled at me. "Have you told Amy about us?"
"I might have." He said with an apologetic smile.
"It's fine. They all have to know some day."
"She saw me smiling like a  goof yesterday and asked the question straight away."
"How did she know?"
"She already knew I liked you. Besides Sam and Jen, Amy and Jamie knew about my feelings for you."
"Speaking of Jamie, where is she?"
"With Suzy." I nodded my head.
"Umm... I was wondering to ask you something."
"Yeah sure. What is it?"
He looked nervous and ran his hand through his messed hair. He cleared his throat and began. "Umm... Would you like to go on a date with me?"
I gave a slight chuckle. He raised his eyebrows.
"Sorry. It's just that you looked so nervous." He rolled his eyes playfully and a slight smile played on his lips. "I would love to go on a date with you."
A huge grin appeared on his face and I smiled involuntarily.
"Great. Then I'll pick you up tonight at 7:30?"
"Cool with me."
"But first there is something I need to do."
"Ask your mom."
"What? I... I mean yeah... Okay sure." I mumbled and Aaron chuckled taking my hand.
"Let's go then."

He held my hand as we stood before my mom, Kris, Amy and Kate. They all looked at us waiting for us to say something. Aaron cleared his throat.
"Umm... We have something to tell you."
"We figured that out. Go on." His mother replied.
"We... Umm... We, well, we are dating."
Amy was smiling, Kris was smirking and our mothers; well, they wore the same expression. They were blank for a second and then both smiled.
"Oh my God." Kate exclaimed.
"Wow." My mother said. "How long have you two been dating?"
"Since yesterday. I hope you guys are okay with us being together." Aaron said looking at our spectators.
"Okay? I'm more than okay. You are the one person I can blindly trust when it comes to my daughter. Well of course I trust Sam and Jen as well. But you know what I mean."
Aaron smiled. "Yes I do."
"Oh! I'm so happy. Come here the two of you." She said opening her arms and hugging us both.
"I'm so glad you two finally made my wish come true. I already love you as my daughter." I laughed and hugged her.
"Relax mom.  They aren't getting married yet. They just started dating." Amy said while laughing a bit and hugging me.
"They will one day."
"Yes. One day." Aaron said looking lovingly at me. I blushed a little and felt happy at the same time.
"Aaron." Kris said getting up from his seat on the sofa and placed a hand on Aaron's shoulder. That was the cue for big brother talk. "Kayla is my baby sister whom I love a lot. If you ever, ever hurt her even the slightest I'll rip your heart out." Kris said hovering threateningly over Aaron. "This is the speech I would have given to any other guy but I know you and I know never do anything of the sort."
"Never ever." Aaron said reassuringly.
"Be happy."
We all burst out laughing and Kris and Aaron fist bumped each other.
"Well we have an announcement to make as well." Kris said standing beside Amy.
"That you two are dating?" My mom asked.
"We knew that already." Kate joined in. "You thought our old eyes would miss the obvious. Everyone knew." She said with a smile.
"Kris what you said to me, well, ditto." Aaron said looking at my brother.
"I needed to ask you something else also." Aaron told my mom.
"What is it sweetie?"
"Can I take your daughter on a date?"
"By all means. When?"
"Tonight at 7:30?"
"I give you my permission but be back by 9. Alright?"
"Yes ma'am."

Jen, Irelene and Amy were sitting on my bed when I came out of the shower.
"Now let's get you ready." Amy said clapping her hands. Since it was my first date ever, I was nervous and excited at the same time. The girls had taken it upon themselves to get me ready for the date with Aaron.

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