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Fifteen years later...

I cradled sleeping Arabella in my arms as I locked the door behind me and walked towards the waiting car.
"Let's go." I said looking at my husband who smiled at our sleeping two year old beautiful angel. He tucked her goldenish brown curl behind her ear that had wandered to her face and kissed her forehead that was resting on my arm.
"You are looking stunning as ever." He said giving me quick peck on the cheek.
"Thanks. You, my darling, like always took the air in the room just by being." He laughed.
"You flatter me so much but hey, what can I say. I've always been devilishly handsome." He said winking at me.
"I agree."
"I love you."
"I love you too." I said.
"Now let's get to that party."

Sam and Jen were walking towards the entrance, holding Elizabeth's hand, their four year old daughter and Layton, their six year old son was jogging ahead of them. Both the children resembled Sam in looks except their eyes and complexion, they had their mother's eyes and complexion.
"Layton, slow down. You will hurt yourself." I heard Jen say as we neared them.
"Relax baby. Let him play. He is a big boy now." Sam said winking at his son who gave him a thumbs up in return.
"You're spoiling him." Jen said under her breath and we chuckled. They turned their heads to look at its source.
"Hey guys." Jen said looking at us.
I waved at her and gave her one armed hug and held onto my daughter with the other. I hugged Sam after he fist bumped with my husband.
"How are you guys?" I asked them.
"We are good. How are you?" Jen asked.
"Good too. How is my beautiful Liza?" I asked placing a hand on Elizabeth's shoulder.
"I'm good aunt Kay." Both, Elizabeth and Layton along with Haley and Lucy, Kris and Amy's daughters call me that, courtesy of Amy Mathews. Kris and Amy got married immediately after completing their college. They moved to Australia shortly after due to Amy's job. She got job working as law attorney and had to move there for first two years. Kris joined her and handled his business from there. Hayley, now ten was born in Australia and Lucy, now seven was born here after they returned and bought their own house just few blocks away from our parent's house. "How is Ella? Is she asleep?"
"Yes princess. She is asleep and she is fine."
"Hi Neal." She waved at my son who was standing beside me. He shyly waved back. Neal was like his father in looks. He had his eyes, his hair, his lips, his nose but he was extremely shy, unlike his father. Arabella, on the other hand, resembled me in looks except for  her hair, which was like my mother.
"Where is Nate?" Sam asked looking around.
"I'm here uncle Sam." Nate's voice came from behind Sam who was walking towards us with Layton. He was Sam's favorite.
"When did you leave my side? You were here just moments ago." Aaron asked Nate who jumped into Sam's arms.
"When you were looking at mom." Aaron smiled at him and we all laughed.
Neal and Nate, both five, were twins. Though they were identical in looks except their eyes, Nate had my green eyes, they were two different poles when it came to nature and behavior. While Neal was shy and introvert, Nate was mischievous, naughty and extrovert. They were two faces of a same coin. But besides their looks there was one more thing common to both and that was their love for their little sister.

We spotted Tyrene near the table talking to a man whose back was facing us. A little girl came walking towards them holding Adelaide's hand. The girl had blonde shoulder length hair with grey eyes and plump pink lips. She was very beautiful and ran into her father's arms who scooted her up in one swift motion. I tapped on his shoulder and Aiden turned around with giggling Katherine in his arms.
"Hi there princess." Aaron said holding his arms out for Katherine who gladly jumped into them. It was her third birthday and we all had gathered for her party.
"Well hello Mrs Black." Aiden hugged me and then I hugged Tyrene, his wife. She was extremely beautiful with blonde hair, grey eyes, plump lips, slender legs and a perfect body. Aiden had met her the day when he had left town to clear his mind after I had told him about me and Aaron. He had bumped into her while staggering his way home and since then they have been together.
Chaz and Irelene were the last to arrive among us. They had married shortly after coming out of college. They were blessed with three sons, Peter, Daniel and Cruz. Cruz was Chaz junior while Peter and Daniel resembled Irelene.
The children soon started to play with each other. Like their parents they had become great friends especially Cruz, Layton and Nate. Ella stirred awake in Aaron's arms. She smiled at him revealing her dimples and he hugged her closer to himself. She was the apple of his eye and the men of my house adored her.

Everyone enjoyed the party and after a while we all said our farewell to the hosts. We kissed Katherine and went home.

By the time we reached home Nate and Neal were fast asleep. Ella was halfway there herself. Aaron picked up Nate in his arms and Neal stirred awake.
"Hey honey lets get inside." I said smiling at my son. He rubbed his eyes and I held his hand and we walked towards the house with Arabella playing with my loose strand of hair.
"Mom, I want to sleep."
"We are almost there. Hold a little longer sweetie." I said as I turned on the lights.
I walked to Neal's room with him holding my hand. Neal plopped himself on his bed as soon as we entered. I placed Arabella in her crib while Aaron entered with sleeping Nate in his arms. He placed him gently on the bed and tucked both the boys in.
"They haven't changed their clothes yet."
"So what? Let them sleep. It's not good to wake them up just yet. I'll remove their shoes and let them sleep peacefully." I nodded in agreement.
Besides being the best person, best husband, best friend, Aaron also was the best father. I watched as the guy who was my husband removed our sons' shoes and kissed them on forehead.

Some people wait for the right moment to call their happy ending but me; I wasn't one of them. I don't want any particular moment to call my happy ending instead my happy ending was in front of my eyes - my children and my husband. My family was my happy ending. As long as they were happy I was happy.
"What are you thinking gorgeous?" Aaron said walking beside me. He snaked his arm around my waist and kissed my forehead.
"Nothing. Just how blessed I am." I said smiling at him. He smiled back. He still had that electric effect on me. His smile could still make me go weak on the knees.
He picked up Arabella in his arms and kept one arm around my waist as he guided us towards the door. He stopped to take one more look at Neal and Nate who were in deep slumber.
"These children, they are our happy ending." He said looking at them. I smiled hearing him say that.
"Yes they are." With that I closed the door behind me.

------------THE END...-----------------------

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