(4) Welcome

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"I'll miss you Alex", Kayla hugged me as I put my suitcase in mom's car trunk. Dad was standing by the front door watching me with a small smile, I rolled my eyes.

"I'll miss you too Kayla, remember to keep Julian out our room", I whispered.

"Will do, see you in three weeks", she nodded and let me go.

"I wish you could of come Miami with us little sis, but don't worry I'll send pictures and email stuff to you", Aiden gave me a bear hug.

"You better and text me everyday", I demanded.

"Of course", he smiled.

"Let's get going Alex", mom got into the driver's seat.

"Be safe, I'll video call you later!"  Ally shouted from an upstairs window.

"Bye Ally and if you see Olivia for that summer cheer camp next month, give her a hard time."

"Already on it", she winked as I got into the car. Elliot was getting a ride with his mother, so I'll meet him at the check in desk.


"Hey Alex", I heard someone called me as I got my suitcase and small bag, I turned and saw Noah coming to me with a smile.

"Hey Noah, mom this is Noah one of the guys I met on Friday", I introduced her to him.

"Hello Mrs. James", Noah shook her hand.

Mom smiled,"nice to meet you Noah, now can you make sure Alex doesn't get into trouble? She attracts trouble more than boys", mom said and he laughed.

"Mom", I looked at her sternly and she gave me an innocent smile.

"I sure can do that", Noah assured her,"let me help you with that", he took my suitcase.

"Such a gentleman, now that's a guy for you", mom winked at me and I rolled my eyes.

"Morning aunty Sophia, hey Alex", Elliot came dragging his suitcase towards us as his mother strolled behind him talking on her phone. 

"Excited Elliot?" Mom gave him a hug.

"You bet", he nodded.

"I got to go, I'll  call you back later", aunty Jenny got off her phone,"Alex honey, how are you?" she greeted with a kiss on the cheek.

"I'm fine, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but I'll see you for July 4th", she said and I hugged her.

"Hey let's go that check in point is getting longer by the second", Noah said.

"Bye mom, love you", Elliot gave her a light kiss on her cheek.

"Love you too sweetheart", she smiled and we headed towards the main building.

"You're such a mama's boy", Noah teased him as Elliot looked annoyed.

"Shut up!", he snapped at him.

"Alex James, here's your schedule, locker combination and your uniform is already in your dorm room", the man handed me a paper,"next."

My first class tomorrow was history for two periods with Mr. Edwards,"cool we have the same classes till lunch", Noah came next to me with his paper. After history, we had double period of Algebra with Mr. Alexander then single period geography.

"Looks like I'll be seeing you at lunch on Mondays since we got no classes together", Elliot approached us, he got two periods of biology then a single period of physics and double period of English.

"Yeah, but at least we have Spanish and P.E  together", I smiled.

"I wish we had those two subjects together too", Noah pouted.

"But at least I see you everyday, we got Algebra and geography everyday", I complicated and I don't like Algebra.

"Yeah kind of sucks, hope we get to be in the same group when projects are requested", he said.

"Well I'll see you guys at lunch, I'm going to my room and maybe get my roommate to talk to me", Elliot informed us.

"Is he really shy?" I asked.

"Well I assume he is, since he didn't muttered a word to me or look in my direction", he shrugged.

"Is his name Xavier by any chance?" Noah questioned.

"Not sure, like I said he didn't talk to me, why you ask if his name is Xavier though?" 

"Because he sort of got a reputation around here for being a troublemaker and the principal demanded if he wanted to graduate next year he got to attend summer school to make up for skipping classes during the school year", Noah explained.

"Well I'll see if that's him", Elliot laughed.

"What's your roommate's name?" I turned to Noah.

"Actually my parents signed me up to have my own room so I can concentrate when quizzes and test comes around, but its sort of lonely too you know", he scratched behind his head.

"Well sometimes you can come over at my dorm and hang out with Charlie and I", I offered.

"I will do that", he nodded.


"Honey I'm home",  Charlie laughed as he came into the room as I put my clothes in my closet,"and I brought our junk food to put in the small drawer between our beds", he added showing me the bag.

"Thanks Charlie, got your schedule yet?" I chuckled.

"Yes, I got double French first thing in the morning", he whined closing the door.

"Well I got History, can we switch?" I pleaded.

"No can do, I rather French than History any day", he shook his head as he opened the drawers and put the snacks he brought in it.

My uniform is just like the guys, navy blue pants with white shirt the navy blue jacket with the monogram and tie with black shoes.

"They actually give you the uniform like that? I can't wait to see you in it", Charlie laughed and I glared at him.

He handed me his schedule and I looked at it, we got Biology, English, P.E and Spanish together.

"Wow I'm seeing you everyday cool", he smiled.

1 hour later

"You know we can go off campus during the weekend, I have my car here let's go to the city for lunch", Charlie suggested.

"Can my cousin and friend tag along?" I asked.

"Sure the more the merrier", he nodded.

I texted Elliot,

Me: Come to my room in ten minutes 

Elliot: Where we're going?

Me: Somewhere 

"I'll go see if Noah wants to come, be right back", I stated to Charlie and left.

I knocked on Noah's door, a few seconds later he opened it,"hey Alex, oh can I call you AJ since your first name is Alex and your surname is-"

"Sure", I cut him off,"do you want to go to the city with Elliot, my roommate and I for lunch?" I asked.

"You're my hero, let's go", he got his jacket and room key.

"so where will we be having lunch Charlie?" I asked as I got into the passenger seat and he sat behind the steering wheel while Elliot and Noah took the back seat.

"How about we hit the mall and eat at the food court?" he suggested.

"Sounds good to me, you in AJ?" Noah asked.

"Yeah I guess", I shrugged.


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