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Izuku's P.O.V.

I woke to a heavy feeling on top of me and the sun singeing my eyes, Once my eyes adjusted i looked down to see Ochako laying ontop of me. I managed to adjust myself enough to slide out from under her and walked over to Eri. She was still sound asleep so I decided not to disturb her and to go ahead and take a shower before they woke up. I quickly gathered some clothes and took my shower.

Once I was done I dressed and walked back into the room to see both the girls still sound asleep, that was when I noticed it was about five in the morning. "I guess that's why neither of them are awake." I whispered to myself. "Well, since ive got time before they wake up, might as well go for a run."

I walked out of the room as quietly as possible and made my way down stairs. Once there I noticed Todoroki was up as well, "Good Morning Midoriya. Where are the other two?"

"Still asleep, i figured id go for a run before they woke up." I said as I grabbed a bottle of water.

"I see, well enjoy your run." I nodded to him as he took a sip of his earl grey tea. I also noticed there was a second cup, still hot and steaming, on the counter as well.

I finally made my way outside and did some simple stretches before getting to my run. It was still early morning and the sun was still in the early stages of rising, the crisp cool breeze in the air, and my breath still made fog. A beautiful morning all in all.

I decided to take my run out of U.A. and head into the city, that way i could get some extra time out of it. I passed by several shops just as they were opening and even saw a sign for a new dessert shop that was opening up, I bet they sell Mochi, i'll need to stop by here when they open.

The run felt absolutely refreshing, especially since I hadn't gotten to go on one since the day we found Eri, at least now things should start to go back to normal. "IZUKU!!" I stopped and turned to see who called my name. What I saw made me start to freak out.

Running toward me, and very out of breath, were two girls that couldn't have been more than ten. They had green and white mixed hair and were clearly twins, the only way I could tell the two apart was by their eyes. One had a silver eye on the right and a crimson eye on the left that looked like it was a dragons eye, the other had the same kind of eyes except they were flipped and the draconic eye was a sea green color. They were clearly the ones who had called my name and were heading straight for me, fear plastered on their faces, and a slight glimpse of hope.

That's when a man came running around the corner, beady red eyes and purple spiky hair. He had purple spikes sticking out of his arms, "Come back here you brats, master will kill me if you two get away." He said as he shot two spikes out of his arms at them.

I moved before i could think. I was instantly between the two girls and the man and grabbed the spikes out of mid air. "Oh Thank god we found you Izuku!" They said at the same time as they huddled behind me.

"Dammit, it's the boy master told me about. This is bad." The man said as he produced several more spikes on his body and took a fighting stance.

"You two are gonna tell me how you know me, but I think I'll take this guy out first." I said as One for All flowed over me. The man grit his teeth in frustration as he shot several spikes at me. "Not fast enough." I said as I speed between them destroying them on contact before grabbing the man's head. "Mine."

I let the green flames flow over him as i took his quirk. "Dammit, masters gonna kill me." He said as he struggled to get free from my grip.

I dropped him on the spot and used his own quirk to pin him to the ground as I called the police. Once I knew he was secure and the Author-ities were on their way, I turned to the two girls. "So, who are you?" I asked and they looked at each other before looking back at me with huge smiles.

"I'm Mizu." the green eyed girl said as she gestured to herself.

"And i'm Kasai." The other said as she mimicked the others actions.

"And we're the Midoriya twins." The only thing i remember was hitting the concrete.

Once i came too i found myself on one of the couches in the common room. As I sat up i heard Eri say, "Dada." and then Ochako and a few others surround me.

"Izuku! Are you alright? Are you hurt?" Ochako asked as she frantically tried to make sure I was ok.

"Yeah, but i had the weirdest dream. I had gone for a run and ran into two girls who said they were Midoriya twins." I said as I chuckled a bit. However, when I looked up at Ochako i could tell something was wrong, "What?"

"Uhm, that wasn't a dream." She said as she pointed to the couch next to me were the two girls were cuddled together asleep. "They didn't say much other than that they were related to you so when Aizawa and recovery Girl went to get you from the scene they brought them here as well. They were acting really timid about most of us, but Izuku, they knew about Eri."

My eyes blew open in shock at what i was hearing. How could they know about Eri, unless the "master" that the villain was talking about was the one who made Eri. Oh My God, he knew who I was, which could only mean that his master must be... "All for One." I said as my thoughts came to this terrifying conclusion.

"What Izu?" Ochako asked as i stood.

"All for One. He has to be the one behind this, there's no doubt in my mind that he's the one behind this. I don't know why yet but it has to be. The guy I fought mentioned a master, and that master told him about me." I said as I was in deep thought. Just then I looked over to the girls and noticed them start to stir. Once they opened their eyes and noticed me staring at them they both jumped up and ran over to me.

"IZUKU!" The red eyed one spoke.

"Were so glad." Said the greened eyed girl.

"Your ok!" they both said simultaneously.

I looked around at everyone as i wasn't sure what to do about the two young girls hugging me. When i looked at Ochako she made a hugging motion to tell me to hug them back, and i did. That was when I realized they were crying as they had me in a death grip. "Hey it's ok, no need to cry." I said as I tried to reassure them. "Why don't you tell me a bit about yourselves and how were related."

They both perked up a bit at my question and backed up slightly before the one with the red eye spoke. "I'm Kasai, and this is my twin sister Mizu. we're your sisters." She said as she gave me a peace sign and a huge smile.

"Y-your my sisters? How is that possible?" I asked as i was clearly confused.

"We were born the same way Eri was. Except he used his and moms DNA instead of yours and that girls." Mizu said as she stepped up next to her sister and pointed to Ochako.

"Who is "he"?" Momo asked as she came over. However both the girls seemed to cower behind me as she approached, I could tell it hurt Momo.

"Hey it's ok, these are my friends. You can trust them." I said and they came out from behind me.

"He is the man you all know as All for One, he's our dad." Kasai said in a defeated tone. "He used a quirk to combine his and moms DNA into another person. He did the same thing with the girl. Although she managed to escape Overhaul early, we've been with All for One since we were born. We managed to escape by pretending to be loyal, then when he sent us to Spine to help him, we managed to escape. Lucky we managed to find you."

As she finished they both hugged me again and said, "Thank you." together.

I pulled them into a hug again before I spoke, "So do you know who your mother is?"

"Yes, it's Inko. He seemed to think that her quirk would have a greater chance of evolving into a powerful telekinesis quirk." Mizu spoke as she and her sister wiped tears from their eyes.

"If that's the case then i think it would be a good idea for Inko to move on campus as well. If they did manage to escape then i can only imagine he'll send people to retrieve them." We all turned to see All Might who had spoken and Aizawa standing with Nezu on his shoulder.

"OMG!! IT'S ALL MIGHT!!" The twins said as they had stars in their eyes looking at the flustered pro.

"I agree with All Might. It would be far too dangerous for her to stay in her apartment and take care of them. I will get everything ready, if you go ahead and contact your mother, oldest of the four Midoriyas in the room." Nezu said and chuckled at his final comment.

"Yes sir." I said as I stood and looked down at the two girls who were standing next to All Might gawking at him while he flexed for them. I pulled out my phone and dialled my mother's number.

"Hello Izuku, how are you?" She asked as she answered the phone.

"Hey mom. I'm fine, but i need you to come to U.A. And pack some stuff because you might be here a while." I said and just heard a sigh.

"Izuku if I had realized how hectic my life would become with you becoming a hero I never would have agreed. Alright, I'll be there soon." She said while laughing through the middle.

"Alright, I'll see you when you get here. Bye."

"Alright, bye Izuku." With that said I hung up the phone and turned to Ochako who was standing next to me with Eri.

"Well, this has been one hecktic day, huh?" She asked me as she came over and I kissed her.

"You mean one hecktic week, my family just keeps getting bigger." I said with a sigh as i pulled her and Eri into a hug. And rested my head on her shoulder.

"Yep, and I assume that one day you'll add me to that list?" she asked with a smile.

"Of course. But I already count you as part of the Midoriya family." I whispered the last part in her ear which only caused her to hug me tighter and kiss my cheek with a satisfied smile.

"So your the girl whose DNA he used to make Eri?" Mizu asked as I turned to see the two of them walking over to me and Ochako.

"Yes i am, my name is Ochako Uraraka." She said and I decided to have a little fun.

"Although, she'll be a Midoriya in due time." I said as I kissed her forehead. I looked over at the twins who had stars in their eyes.

"YOU TWO ARE SO CUTE!" they yelled simultaneously. I jumped back a bit as they grabbed us in a hug. This of course causing Eri to start giggling and grabbing at the two.

We sat down on the couch and let the girls take turns holding Eri, each of them were all too excited to meet their niece. We also found out that All for One had thankfully only created the three of them using a suregit. Ochako and Myself also got to know the two of them, and visa versa.

After about an hour, there was a knock at the door that All Might opened to reveal my mother. "Hello, Izuku? I assume your planning on telling me what's going on?"

"Hey mom." I said as I walked over to give her a hug, "Yeah, I need to introduce you to a couple people." I moved to the side to reveal Mizu and Kasai.

"Who are they Izuku, they don't look old enough to be students here." I sighed as I knew what I was about to say would be a heavy topic for her.

"Maybe you should sit down." I moved her to the couch and looked back to the girls to see that they were both starting to tear up as they held back their instinctive urge to go to their mother. "Mom, I ran into them this morning. They were being held by All for One. They were also born the same way Eri was, except it wasn't mine and Ochako's DNA. it was his own and...yours. There your daughters and my sisters."

My mother stared bug eyed at me for a moment as everything settled into the information. After a moment she stood and walked over to the two who quickly tried to hide the tears in their eyes. "You mean i have two daughters?" I nodded as she asked her question and she started to tear up. She immediately wrapped the two in a hug. "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry you had to go through that with him." As she spoke she started crying and the twins joined as they clung to her.

"They're definitely your sisters Deku." Kacchan says as he passes the trio of crying Midoriya girls and I am hoping Eri doesn't join in.

"Mom, we forgot to mention but Eri has a quirk! She has mine!" I say causing them to snap out of their crying fit and turn very serious.

"Which one" she asks in a cold tone as I hold up Eri a bit as a gesture to her.

"The one All Might gave me, she sneezed and obliterated the entire entrance to the dorm building." Then I realized what I said allowed...In Front of everyone in the dorms.

"Fuck... I said that out loud, didn't I?"

"Uh-oh" Eri says looking up at me as I get stares of curiosity from every single person in the dorms, well minus Ochako.

"YOUNG MIDORIYA!!!" I snapped my head to see the shock on All Mights face as everyone looked between the two of us.

"But i thought your father. was All for One. if that's the case then how could you have All Might's quirk? Are you All Might's secret love child or All for One's? I'm so confused..." Todoroki asked with clear confusion in his voice.

"I presume we can't hide it anymore Izuku, since you went and blabbed about it, Everyone take a seat. It's time we tell you all the truth, about Izuku..." I watched in shock as All Might deflated in a cloud of steam. "...And myself."

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