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Morning came and the sun once again pressures its way into my eyes as I struggle to keep a hold on the wonderful dream I was having of me and Ochako on vacation with Eri in the Bahamas. I opened my eyes to see Ochao's kraken of bed head on my chest and yawned as i ran my hands through her hair. She gave a contented hum as she stretched on top of me before wrapping herself around me again and propping her head on my chest so she could look at me.

"Good Morning Izu." She said in a sleepy voice as I pulled her closer to me.

"Good Morning Ochako. You ready for today?" I asked which only received a nervous head nod.

"Yeah, I guess."

"You don't sound so sure." I said with a sliver of worry snaking its way into my demeanor. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah, it's just that im worried about the tournament portion, if I even make it that far, my quirk just isn't suited for that sort of thing." I laughed as she finished which made her give me a confused look.

"You do remember i have your quirk right, and you have two different quirks. Plus, you've been working really hard to train those new quirks." She had a bit of realization before she blushed and buried her face in my chest.

"I forgot about that." We lay there for a few more minutes since my alarm had not gone off yet telling us to get up, but this peace was interrupted by my phone ringing. I turned to see who it was to be met with All Mights contact icon.

"I should get that, he doesn't call this early unless its important." I reached dover and grabbed my phone with Ochako staying snuggled into me. "Hello All Might, what is it?"

"Young Midoryia, Recovery Girl would like to see you and Ms. Uraraka before you head to the school for the festival. She said for you to be there twenty minutes before your supposed to meet at the classroom." I gave a confused look to Ochako who was dozing off again.

"Yes sir, but what is this for?" I asked, worried something was wrong.

"Recovery girl would like to take a brain scan of Young Uraraka. She was one of the professionals to research the Noumu and since it had multiple quirks it became brain dead. She wants to make sure Uraraka is not headed down the same road." I shot up knocking Ochako off me and onto her butt at the foot of the bed.

"WHAT!?!" I yelled into the receiver, panic exploding into my voice and fear enveloping my body. I could feel my body start to shake and my vision become hazy as i thought of what he said, Because I couldn't control my quirk, I Might have sentenced Ochako to death.

"Young Midoriya, i can tell your panicking but she said she is in no danger. It would take more than just two quirks to cause that damage. It's merely for research purposes." As I realized what he said my panic started to fade and I fell back on the bed and landed on my butt in front of Ochako who was giving me a worried look.

"Ok, maybe next time you should lead with that All Might." I said as I took deep breaths to calm me.

"You may be right my boy." All Might spoke in an embarrassed manner.

Once I hung up with All Might, I explained the call to Ochako, leading with the "No Danger" part and the two of us got up and started preparing for the day.

I went over and got Eri who had just started waking up and passed her to Ochako who had grabbed both their towels and headed into the bathroom to bathe. While they did that, I went downstairs to see my mother in the kitchen with Kasai and Mizu sitting at the bar waiting to be fed.

"Hey mom, what are you doing here?" I asked as I walked in.

"Oh, good morning Izuku. I came over to make breakfast for everyone, since i'm living here now Nezu hired me as the building manager for 1-A. So im here to cook, clean, and do pretty much anything else that needs done. Plus he's paying me really well so I was able to quit my other jobs." She said with a smile as she continued to cook.

"Isn't that a lot of work for one person?" I turned to see Sato had entered and was the one to speak.

"Not for mom, she'll have this place spotless by lunch and then won't know what to do with herself after." I said with a sigh as I grabbed a bottle of water.

Once i had my water I grabbed some stuff to make Eri a bottle and head back up the stairs. Once there I see Ochako getting Eri dressed in her pink onesie for the day that says "My Mom's #1"

"This is by far my favorite of your onsies. And I know you love it too." Ochako said as she was playing with the giggling little girl, she still hadn't noticed me. "Don't worry, i know i'm your favorite. But don't tell Izuku." Ochako said while smiling at the little girl.

"Is that so." I asked and she squeaked in surprise before she turned to me.

"Izu, I didn't know you were there." She said in embarrassment as she held Eri close to her chest.

"It's alright, i know your my favorite at least." I said as I came over and hugged the two while I kissed her forehead. She simply blushed and buried her head in my chest.

We quickly got ready and made our way downstairs, once out of the room we ran into Kasai who told us that her and Mizu were going to stay in the dorms since they were still nervous about being in the open. We all headed down stairs and quickly ate breakfast before Ochako and i left, although I was still nervous as we walked with Eri in her stroller into the school. It wasn't long until we were in her Office.

"Hello Youngsters, i'm sorry to pull you away from this but it should help us understand these Nomou better." Recovery Girl said as we entered.

"So what do i need to do?" Ochako asked as she rolled Eri inside.

"Not much, i have a machine in the next room that will scan your brain. It won't take long so don't worry, and Midoriya, she's not in any danger so calm down." She said as the two walked away leaving me with Eri who was enjoying her toy, Ochako even laughed at me a bit.

Within a few minutes Ochako had changed into a medical gown and was being helped into the MRI by Recovery Girl. As she laid inside of it Recovery Girl, All Might, Myself and Eri watched on the monitors as the test was running. Not five minutes later it was over and Ochako stepped out of it before getting changed. Recovery Girl reviewed the scans of her brain and took some notes before comparing them to the scans of the Noumu. To my surprise the Noumu's brain didn't even look human, hell it's anatomy wasn't human for the most part.

"Well this is quite strange indeed, the good news is, Ochako's brain activity is fine and actually looks as if there's much more of it than a regular person's. The strange part is this Noumu, it's brain doesn't even look human, perhaps it was a genetic experimentation of sorts? Either way it seems like Ochako is actually healthier after being given the two other quirks from you, Young Midoriya. Though I believe you should still try to give her her quirk back. As a precaution we still don't know what the true effects will be if you give someone several quirks, by the looks of it here Ochako is better off for it but I am going to recommend that you don't give her more than 3 to be on the safe side. You need to give her quirk back by the time the festival starts. Now run along you two, I'm going to contact the medical center here in Mustafu and get someone to run an autopsy on this... thing to see if it was genetically engineered in some way." Recovery Girl says after Ochako comes back into the room.

Ochako wrapped her arms around my left arm as I pushed Eri in her stroller, All Might on my right, as we walked toward the school. Once inside we made it to class and were met with the entire class sitting and chatting at their desks. She and I took our seats next to each other and were quickly surrounded by classmates wondering what we left early for.

"Midoriya? What did you two have to leave early for this morning." Tsu asked as she came over, followed by Iida, Kaminari, Shinso, and Toga.

"Recovery girl wanted to take an MRI of Ochako's brain. She's not in any danger, but the noumu is thought to have become brain dead because of having multiple quirks so she wanted to find someone who had multiple quirks to do a brain scan." I answered as I picked Eri up out of her stroller.

"Then why would she not simply scan your brain?" Toga asked with a confused head tilt.

"All for One nulifies the effects multiple quirks would have on me so there's no way to get any solid data from it." I sat down in my desk holding Eri, who seemed to be fascinated by Shinso's scarf.

Before we could continue our conversation however, the door opened to reveal Mr. Aizawa. He came in and took his place behind the podium before speaking, "Alright everyone, today is the U.A. Sports Festival. You will all head down to the locker rooms and change into your gym uniforms before we take a bus over to the Stadium. It's not necessarily long trip, but the principal has decided to take this course of action for safety reasons. The gates are only opening now because the crowds outside the grounds are huge, once they start to die down we will drive over."

With that said, we all went to the locker rooms to get changed and Ochako took Eri with her to change. Once done I meet up with Ochako who has Eri on her chest in a harness, the best thing about that is seeing little Eri in a miniature sports festival uniform onesie. In the time it takes for the spectators to head to the stadium we decide to pass the time by trying to teach Eri new words and getting her to laugh.

"Alright Eri, can you say 'Mama? Come on, say Ma-ma." Ochako coos in a babying voice as Eri looks up with a confused expression on her face. Eri pauses for a moment thinking about what Ochako is saying, or at least as far as I can tell she is thinking.

"M-Ma-M-m." She tries sounding out as Ochako's face lights up like a fire works display. "M-Mama!" Eri cheers causing Ochako to grin ear to ear and pick up eri hugging our baby close to her.

"Izu! She said it! She said Mama!" Ochako says holding Eri up to me so I can see her.

"That's amazing! Now we need to teach her Hero!" I say as I ruffle my hand through Eri's soft lime green hair and give Ochako a kiss on the lips in celebration. With eri between us, I fail to notice that my uniform is brushing against Eri's nose agitating her allergies.

"Baby Sneeze alert!!! Get down!" I hear sero shout at the top of his lungs as I snap back to see Eri rearing back for a sneeze. Thinking quickly I move to brace Ochako in an attempt to keep them from flying away due to the air force...but nothing happened.

"Huh... guess it was a false alarm." Kacchan says as he perks his head up from behind a desk, this amuses Eri as she starts to giggle and then clap in amusement. Just as she claps her hands together a massive blast of wind occurs from the space between her hands sending us flying and destroying the room. She proceeds to clap three more times and each time she claps she let's lose another smash attack and causes more senseless destruction to our classroom.

As everyone slowly stood to see desks with broken pieces scattered everywhere, Eri only laughed. I looked over to see Iida visibly shaking in his standing position as a single tear moved down his cheek. "The desks...our upperclassman." Was all I could hear him say. As we started cleaning the mess up Aizawa walked in and gave us his 'They don't pay me nearly enough for this shit' look before walking out. A few minutes later and he returned with enough replacement desks for everyone and a crew to replace them.

"Mr. Aizawa. I cannot express how sorry I am for this disrespect to our upperclassmen desks. I cannot believe their legacy was destroyed." Iida said as he bent over to ninety degrees.

"What? Iida, none of the upperclassman sat in these desks. This is a hero school, we go through desks like people go through Oxygen. This probably was the, I don't know, 3rd time this year they have been replaced." Aizawa said as he waved Iida off.

It wasn't long before Aizawa informed us to load the bus, and unfortunately we had to leave Eri with All Might who was heading to meet my mother. Ochako was disheartened being separated from our baby again but once we headed to the field she started to get excited for what is to come. We were led through a long hallway after a few flights of stairs and soon at the end of the tunnel we emerged onto the field in a stadium that felt like a million people were seated in. as the rest of the classes made their way onto the field we waited patiently for the announcements to begin. As we are waiting I look across the crowd using one of the quirks I have taken from the USJ villains and I spot All Might, Mom and Eri in the teacher's pill box right overhead of the stadium giving them the perfect view of what is about to happen.

"ALRIGHT!!! HELLO MASUTAFU!!! AND WELCOME TO THE 75TH ANNUAL UA SPORTS FESTIVAL. NOW ON THE FIELD IS THE FIRST YEARS PORTION WITH CLASSES A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H ALL HERE TO SHOW US WHAT THEY'RE MADE OF. GIVE IT UP FOR UA'S FIRST YEARS AND HERO COURSES!!!" Present Mic shouts in the announcer booth and we can hear Mr.Aizawa groaning in annoyance behind him. As he starts, the crowd erupts in cheers of anticipation for this years events.

"Alright everyone. Lets get things started ladies and hunky men." Midnight exclaimed as she snapped her whip. Most of the crowd sweatdropped at her comment. "Now for the commencement by the first year student rep, Katsuki Bakugo. Please come up here spiky boy."

I could hear Kachaan grumble beside me before walking up and shoving some people out of the way. Once he got up to the podium he didn't even remove his hands from his pockets before he yelled into the mic, "I'm just gonna say this, I'm going to win this whole darn thing!" I could tell that most of the students were confused by him not curesing but i knew he wouldn't dare curse when Eri was within earshot.

Everyone on the field erupted into angry noises and booing at what Kacchan said, to be frank I kinda expected him to say something stupid.

"Nice Kacchan and now they all hate us, way to go... dumbass." I say under my voice causing Kirishima and Ochako who are standing nearby to start snickering to themselves.

"I HEARD THAT DEKU!!!" he shouts at me in anger.

"Oh? And what are you gonna do?"

"As a matter of fact go fuck yourself!" he snarls as slobber flies from his maw before he takes his place at the front of the class.

Once Kachaan came down from the podium and our small banter ended, Midnight went on. "As Explosive as ever. Now onto the first event." She grabbed the wheel and spun it like a bottle at a middle school sleepover.

"OBSTACLE COURSE!!!" Mic yelled over the P.A. system, much to midnight's annoyance.

"Yes, as I was going to say before being interrupted, the first event will be an obstacle course around the outside of the stadium." Midnight pointed to the screen which showed the course that definitely was not there before the festival.

"Now if everyone will take their place at the entrance, will get this party started." Midnight said while licking her lips, which sent a chill down each of the students spines, Me and Kachaan included.

Everyone started walking to the start line and i leaned over to Ochako. "Hey, do you want me to bring you with me to the front? I could get us in first and second?" She kissed my cheek before responding.

"Thanks for the offer, but I can't ask you to do that. It wouldn't be fair if I didn't put any effort into this. Especially after training these quirks so much." She spoke while grabbing her bicep and putting a fist in the air.

"If thats what you want." I said and we took our spots next to each other at the entrance.

"READY!" Midnight yelled as she held up the starting gun.

"SET!" Everyone took their positions and gave challenging looks to each other.


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