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Izuku's P.O.V

After the cavalry battle was over we were told that we would have two hours for lunch and rest before the tournament started. As we all walked back into the stadium to get food and make our way to our classes section. Ochako and I however left the group to go get Eri from mom and All Might so we could get some lunch.

"That was exhausting." Ochako said as we walked hand in hand. To the pill box were our daughter was. Once we were there I knocked on the door and it was quickly opened by All Might.

"Young Midoriya, Young Uraraka. You two did great out there. And a certain little girl who can't wait to see you." He said as he moved out of the way.

We walked in and I heard a small voice yell as loud as she could. "DADA!!" I smiled as I walked over to were my mother was sitting in what looked like a recliner trying to keep Eri from crawling out of her arms to get to me.

"Hey there sweet-pea." I said as I picked her up and started littering her with little kisses.

"She was so exciting watching you two working together during the cavalry battle." Inko said as she stood up and walked over to us. I noticed All Might had come back over and was glancing curiously out the window at the field.

"What is it All Might?" I asked as Eri settled into my shoulder.

"I'm not sure, I wasn't aware that the girls of 1-A were doing a cheer. We even brought in a professional cheer team come in from America."

"WHAT'S THIS? IT LOOKS LIKE 1-A IS GOING FULL ON FANSERVICE." we hear Present mic exclaim as the camera zooms in on our classmates as we watch on one of the television screens in the room. That's when I noticed something at the edge of the field that made my blood boil.

"What's wrong Izuku?" Ochako asked as she tried to calm me down.

"Grapist." I said through gritted teeth.

"What do you mean Young Midoriya?" I turned to Ochako and handed Eri to her.

"Mineta is behind this, i can see him snickering in the corner." I said as I left the room with All Might fumeing. I calmly walked down the stairs to the field and as i made it down I noticed all the girls looking very uncomfortable. "Are you girls ok?"

"Midoriya? What are you doing here?" Momo asked as she walked over.

"I came to check on you guys, and to pound Mineta a bit." Momo sighed a bit.

"Great, he deserves it. But it is a little uncomfortable with all these eyes on us." I don't say anything, I just raise my hand and create a tunnel of earth for them to use to get back to the stadium. "Thank you Midoriya."

Each of the girls walked past me and into the stadium before I removed it and locked on Mineta who froze in place. Using my speed quirks I practically flashed in front of him. "Care to explain what that was?"

He looks up to me frozen and only shakes in place. "I-I-I-I-I-I-I"

"Nice excuse." I said as I wrapped him in some vines that i had the seeds for and carried him to All Might whos was waiting nearby with an irate Principal Nezu. "All yours."

I dropped him and made my over to were the girls were, they had already changed and had the uniforms in a bag as they walked out of the changing room with their heads down. Mina looked up just long enough for her to see me. "Hey Mido, thanks for that save back there."

"No problem, and just so you girls know, Nezu has him now. Also, if you want, i can destroy those outfits." I said with a hand held out and i spit some green fire into my palm. Then I noticed all of the girls had a smirk on their faces. "What?"

"I wonder if the only reason you want them is so you can have Ochako wear one." Mina said as she and the other girls came over to me.

"N-NO! That's not it at all, i-i was just offering to destroy them. NOTHING else." I said as my face became bright red. They all started laughing hysterically at my reaction.

"Midoriya it's fine, and I'm sure Ochako would wear it for you." Momo says in a teasing manner.

The girls simply laughed as they went off to dispose of the uniforms since I was too embarrassed to do it myself. After a while I calmed down and rejoined Ochako in the pill box as she was feeding Eri her bottle.

Lunch was relatively quiet as we ate with mom and All Might, and after we ate the two of us made our way to our seats for the tournament. Entering the seating area i noticed something that almost made me snicker. The class was sitting in such a way that you could tell who was more tolerable of Kachaan, and Kirishima had absolutely no fear of him, which im not sure is a good thing.

We both took our seats in the middle of the class 1-A box and waited for the next portion of the festival to begin. It wasn't but a few minutes later when Midnight took her spot on the stage. "Welcome back students, i hope everyone got their stamina up during lunch because it's time for..."

"ONE V ONE TOURNAMENT!!" Mic yelled over the microphone.

"STOP DOING THAT BEFORE I COME UP THERE AND SMACK THE LIFE OUT OF YOU!!! YOU HERE ME HIZASHI?!?!?!" I watched as Mic slunk down in his chair to hide himself as Midnight straightened in her spot. "Yes, we are going to get started with the first round of the one v one tournament, here are the pairings for the first round."

Midnight motioned to the board that held the pairs for the first round of the tournament. As I looked at the board i noticed i was up first and i was going up against Shinso, as much as I hate to say it, this will be an easy win. He doesn't have a quirk capable of direct combat, and since I know his quirk he won't be able to use it against me.

That's when I noticed who Ochako was against. Kachaan. Why did it have to be Kachaan. I looked over to Ochako who sat next to me and noticed her wearing a confident smirk. "Ochako, what's with that look?"

"Well Izu, with my old quirk I would have had to get right next to him. HOWEVER, with this new quirk I don't even have to get close to him. Which is perfect to combat his fighting style. I'm gonna crush him." I smiled at her as she seemed confident in herself for this.

"YOU THINK YOUR GONNA BEAT ME GRAVITY BI-" I shot Kachaan an irate look before letting some lightning zap his hand lightly.

"You try and call her that one more time and I won't hold back on the voltage." I growled at him before turning back to Ochako and planting a kiss on her forehead. "Alright, I'm going to head down to the arena for my match."

I stood and started to head down to the arena for what I sadly had to admit was going to be one of the easiest, Had I not met Hitoshi, he would have had a leg up. Once I made it to the entrance for the field I waited patiently for the match to be called by Midnight. "Now for the first match of the one v one tournament, lets hear it for Hitoshi Aizawa of class 1-A and Izuku Midoriya of class 1-A."

I walked out of the tunnel and into the light to see the hundreds of people staring down at myself and Hitoshi. "Now fighters, take your places on the field and prepare for battle."

"Sorry this is gonna be so anticlimactic Midoriya, but I know a loss when I see one."

"Nothing held against you Aizawa, You have my respect as a hero and between you and me... if you ever want another quirk, all you need to do is ask." I respond as a smirk appears on his face.

"I don't think you have one that puts people to sleep do you? I don't want to have the quirk I just want you to use it on me and my dad from time to time." Hitoshi asks as Izuku looks up as if thinking before answering.

"I do actually. Once we get back up to the stands I'll use it on you." He says with a grin as Hitoshi turns to Midnight. "I forfeit, He single handedly killed a monster meant to kill All Might in just two blows. I never had a chance." Hitoshi says as Midnight nods and declares Izuku the winner.

Once that was handled, the two of us walked back to the 1-A section and I promptly "Knocked" him out so he could sleep, setting him in a comfortable chair, and I took my seat next to Ochako and we sat together to watch the next few matches.

Some of the other matches were a bit anticlimactic. Todoroki simply incased Sero in a huge glacier, seemed to have been agitated after I saw him having a brief conversation with Endeavor. Kaminari's match wasn't exciting either, he short circuit immediately and Iibara from 1-B simply ensnared him with her vines. Iida's was a bit more interesting since Hatsume spent five minutes using him as a billboard before giving him a small kiss and walking out of bounds. Mina managed to knock out Aoyama with a simple upper cut after causing him to have a severe stomach ache. Tokoyami ended up beating Momo pretty quickly by using her own defense against her and bashing dark shadow into her shields ringing her out. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu spent the whole time in an evenly matched fight that resulted in an armwrestling match to determine the winner.

Now it was time for the most nerve wracking match I was going to have to watch. I've known Kachaan my whole life and I know he won't hold back in fact he's gonna try to go all out to get at me. I walked with Ochako down to the prep room while Kirishima and Tetsutetsu duked it out. Once in the prep room i walked over to Ochako and wrapped her in a hug. "Hey, what's gotten into you?"

I sighed into her shoulder as I hugged her before answering her question. "I know Kachaan's gonna do everything he can to hurt you because of me, and I know how hard its gonna be not to jump in there and rip him apart for hurting you. I don't want you to fight him, but I know that's not how this works."

She pulled me closer and chuckled into my chest. "I know, but don't worry. With these new quirks I have, there's no way he's getting close to me." She backed up as she finished and gave me a thumbs up.

"Your right, i know you can hold your own." I stopped as we heard the Intercom sound.

"Ochako Uraraka and Katsuki Bakugo, please make your way to the arena."

"Kick him around a bit for me?"

"You know it."

With that said she made her way to the arena and I followed a bit behind her so I could wait at the edge of the tunnel. Before we parted ways I grabbed her wrist and kissed her on the lips wishing her one last good luck before she turns to head out. I stood at the edge of the tunnel just out of sight and watched as they both took their places.

"Alright everyone, this will be the last match of the first round. Please welcome on my right, Ochako Uraraka Midoriya." She said and whispered that last part so that only the three of us could hear it. I could feel my face heat up at it but everyone quickly brushed it off.

"And on my left, Katsuki Bakugo. Fighters, take your places." Ochako took a fighting stance and Kachaan simply stood there with a cocky grin.

As soon as Midnight cracks her whip to start the fight, Kacchan sets off an explosion rocketing himself towards Ochako with a hand outstretched to set off an explosion at her. In response, Ochako returns a confident and even smug grin before pointing her finger upwards and sending Kacchan flying into the air as if he was swatted away with a giant fly swatter. As he reached the end of the height of the field he managed to set off an explosion in his left hand to make him spin to the side and then propel himself down to the ground. Before he landed he managed to stop himself with explosions, some of which exploding from his feet as he struggled to stop his fast decent. These explosions managed to cause massive damage to the field that sent debris into the air around him.

Ochako took advantage of this and started to manipulate the debris to form a circle around him. However, she failed to notice that when he destroyed the field he managed to use smaller explosion to propel himself up and out immediately and hidden by the smoke. "AP SHOT!!"

He released a full powered AP shot that made a hole in the dust revealing himself in the air above his distraction. I knew he paid attention to the class and their progress but i was unaware of him noticing one of Ochako's major limits. She has a lot of difficulty switching what she's manipulating quickly.

However, she managed to use the debre she had to create a partial shield. Most of the blast was blocked by the shield, the rest barreled at her. I started to move in their direction to stop it when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I know how much you want to jump in, but if you do she'll end up losing. She's strong." I looked back to see All Might standing behind me.

I turned back to see her get hit with what was admittedly a partial blast from his big shot. She tried to brace the impact but was knocked back in a cloud of smoke. Once the smoke cleared I saw her leaning against a pile of debris just before she would have gone out of bounds. I could tell that hit took a lot out of her and she was breathing heavily.

"I think it's time this ends already." She says wiping her hand against her chin and standing up right and confident.

"COULDN'T AGREE MORE!!! DIE STUPID DEKU'S BITCH!!!" Bakugou shouts lunging at her once again. Just as he is about to get in range for another explosion, Ochako's eyes turn totally white and Bakugou is plucked from the air and being held stationary. In an instant he vanishes and a thunderous crunch is heard from the top of the stadium as Bakugou has been now implanted in the cement hard enough for his hair to leave an impression.

"WHOA, YOU GO GIRL." I look up to see the only person to have said anything was Aunt Mitsuki yelling down to Ochako.

When I looked back at Ochako i saw her eyes turn back to there normal chestnut brown before she passed out and started falling to the ground. I quickly shot forward and caught her before heading straight to Recovery Girl's office. Once we arrive I find Kacchan already there in a cot and glaring at me as I bring Ochako inside setting her on a bed farthest away from him. At first I say nothing to him as I set Ochako in bed, I use my power to force activate my regenerative quirk and use it on her healing her wounds before turning to Kacchan.

"Pull something like that again and I will be taking your quirk and giving it to someone who actually deserves it." I say as coldly as possible, as much as he tries to fein it, I can see the fear in his face when I say this. "We need to have a nice chat about what you are allowed to call my Wife." I continue as I walk over to Katsuki's bed and I place a hand on his shoulder returning the fake friendly smile he gave to me when we were at Aldera Jr. High. I see him visibly swallow a lump in his throat as he struggles to find the words to say.

"I know you have a grudge against him for hurting young Uraraka but I request that you keep the bodily harm to the villains. Now, Uraraka will be fine your power healed her far more than I can and she will wake up shortly." RG says as there's a knock on the door before Aunt Mitsuki, whos holding Eri, barges in being followed by Mom and All Might. Aunt Mitsuki immediately walks up to Kacchan, after handing Eri to me, and starts hitting him repeatedly for attacking a girl like he did. My mom and All Might just sigh seeing these two before taking a seat and discussing how I've done so far in the festival. 

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