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Ochako's P.O.V.

This morning was... interesting to say the least. Yaomomo, Mina or Asui must have said something to Izuku yesterday because he has been acting a little weird this morning. For starters he was very restless in his sleep last night constantly tossing and turning. The strange thing was that he seemed to lock me in a grip because everytime he turned he brought me with him. The most embarrassing is when we woke up and his right hand was clasped on my chest and I got a nosebleed from it, so, most of our morning was spent cleaning up blood from our sheets and dealing with Eri who had annihilated her diaper. With this enhanced senses quirk it made my nose burn and I almost threw up when Izuku changed her diaper. After that whole... Morning-mare? Was over, we headed down stairs. On the way Izuku took it upon himself to wake up his new friend Shinso, the two never really talked before the SF but now they seem pretty close. What we weren't expecting was to see a girl from class 1-B, Yanagi Reiko to come out of his room wearing one of his eraser head shirts. I blushed seeing a hickey on the side of her neck.

"Mornin' Yanagi, is Toshi up yet?" Izuku asks as Reiko yawns before rubbing her eyes.

"No he's still out cold, want me to try to wake him? That quirk you used on him is pretty potent." She responds looking to the shinso shaped lump in the bed.

"I probably should just give it to either you or Toshi himself, Poor guy looks like he hasn't slept in months before I used it on him." Izuku responds as Reiko unceremoniously rolls Shinso out of the bed and drags him to the door by his foot.

"Well anything you got to wake him up? He's gonna sleep through first block at this rate." Reiko says as Izuku looks to Shinso and then sprays him in the face with some water from his finger, waking him up.

"Welcome back to the land of the living."

"I rather stay dead... at least I don't have to shower anymore." Shinso responds as he stands up and deadpans at Izuku. Izuku in response uses another quirk to blow dry his hair, using the same finger to do so.

"There, now your no longer wet. I'll see you two down stairs... and Yanagi? You have a hickey on your neck." Izuku says causing the whitette's face to turn bright red and for her to quickly cover her neck.

Soon we get down stairs and almost everyone is up and about getting things ready for today. Iida is making sure that everyone has their homework assignments done and in the right folders. Bakugou is eating cereal and glaring at Kirishima for some reason. Jiro has stuck the plug prongs of her charger port up Kaminari's nose because she didn't charge her phone last night. Todoroki is slurping soba and probably coming up with another crazy conspiracy revolving around Izuku. Mina has a cheeky grin on her face that feels like it's slightly nefarious for some strange reason. Serro has taped Tokoyami to the roof... again. All in all it would be a normal morning if Mineta was here and being abused by either Toga, Momo, Myself or Toru/Ojiro the last of which is just watching TV with Toru sitting in his lap.

After eating breakfast and feeding Eri, we begin to make our way to the main campus. The day went by rather quickly for the first few classes. Aizawa slept through home room and our math class. Present Mic was well Present Mic in our english class today. Midnight tried to kill the guys in our class with nosebleeds since the top of her uniform... left little to the imagination. This all culminated in Lunch were once again Monoma tried to start crap with us only to get corpse launched, Izuku was surprised that it was me of all people with a telekinetic blast, out a third story window. This caused Itsuka to laugh hysterically as well as most of class 1-A and B as well. Fortunately he was alright and I ended up scott free when we told Aizawa that he had tried to harass me and the other girls in our class. Finally we got to our heroics class, today All Might was sitting in while Aizawa and Midnight were actually conducting what we are doing today.

"Good, you guys know when to shut up when I get in the classroom." Aizawa says as he and Midnight enter the room.

"So, this isn't going to be your average everyday Heroics 101 class because today we have something special planned for you all today!" Midnight exclaims doing a slight jump and laying her hand aside her face.

"After the festival you all got internship offers from hero agencies all around Japan and even the world. The most of which go to both Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka at the highest amount of offers. All of you who made it to the tournament have a minimum of 3,000 offers as you can see here." Aizawa says as he presses a button on his desk and a hologram displaying the names of the tournament combatants appears in the air.

Midoriya Izuku: 27,376

Midoriya-Uraraka Ochako: 21,628

Todoroki Shouto: 16,451

Iida Tenya: 13,394

Tokoyami Fumikage: 11,104

Yaoyorozu Momo: 9,274

Ashido Mina: 8,113

Bakugou Katsuki 7,329

Sero Hanta: 4, 265

Kaminari Denki: 2,562

Aizawa Hitoshi: 1,342

"Everyone in the class as an offer of some sort, since you will be working with Pro heroes that means." Aizawa says but is interrupted by Midnight.

"You all are choosing hero names!!!" Midnight exclaims causing the class to erupt in excitement.

"Midnight is here to make sure that your names are appropriate, Bakugou, and she will be doing the paperwork for them. Remember these are your hero names so choose carefully, though you can change them any time you want. Have fun, I'm going to sleep." Aizawa says as he zips himself up in his sleeping bag and promptly passing out in his desk.

"So, you all are going to write your hero code names in the white boards i'm going to pass around and when you're ready come show everyone!" Midnight says as she collects a stack of 21 white boards and passes them to all of us. I stare at Izuku who looks lost in thought as Bakugou gets up from his seat and walks up with the Kanjis of his name sloppily written on his white board.

"KING EXPLOSION MURDER!!!" He shouts getting most of us to face palm at the name.

"That's not a heroes name Katsuki, go try again."


"It has murder in the name and it's menecing." Midnight answer deadpaning at him.

"What about Explodo boi?!" Kirishima exclaims getting Kacchan to set off explosions in his hands in anger.

"THAT'S A STUPID NAME SHITTY HAIR!!!" He snarls as he walks back to his seat dejectedly. "I can't believe you're in love with him, he's way too violent and belittling for anyone to date." I whisper to Toga who just ignores me as she stares at Bakugou with little hearts floating above her head. Next up is Shinso who walks to the stage looking as tired as his dad and holds up his board unenthused about the whole thing.

"I am the Mind Controlling Hero; The Hive Mind." He says with a picture of a brain/bee hive on his board. Midnight comments on the picture as a few others in our class go up and give their names. I hear Jiro talking with Denki saying his name should be Jamming way with him thinking it's after Ernest Hemingway and her correcting him with a joke at his expense. Jirou's hero name is just named after her quirk which is Earphone jack and then Toga heads up to the front.

"So, I know my quirk is more suited for espionage but I came up with a hero name, anyways even though I'm gonna be an underground hero like Aizawa-sensei. I am The Lookalike Hero, Subsume. My quirk let me take the physical appearance of the person whose blood I drink, I even get access to their quirks and voices. I haven't really gotten much of a chance to show off my quirk since our test dummies don't have blood." She says, with my enhanced senses quirk I hear Izuku start to whisper to Bakugou.

"Hey, Kacchan."

"What is it Deku?"

"She's single you know, you haven't gotten into a relationship yet so why not ask her out? Worst she can say is no after all."

"You're right, but I doubt she'll say no, I heard Round face say something about Toga liking me earlier." He responds as we watch a few more of our classmates give their hero names, Aoyamas was an entire sentence. "Welp, here goes nothing Kacchan wish me luck." Izuku says as he finishes writing the name on my board and standing up. He gets to the front of the class and my heart is beating so fast I'm afraid that I'm going to pass out.

"So, since my father is a Villain by the name of All for One and he steals the quirks of others I got thinking. I only take quirks to give back to those who need them since I know what it was like to once be quirkless. So With the power of All for One, I will be the One to bestow quirks to All who have none."

"The Quirk Giving Hero: One for All."

"Woah... that's so cool." I say with Eri imitating the word 'Cool' as best she can. The others start complimenting Izuku's hero name as well. Midnight says that she loves the name and All Might in the back of the room gives Izuku a furrowed look before shrugging it off and giving him a thumbs up. I wonder what that conversation will be about later. For now, we finish the registration forms for our names and quirks. When that was finally done, Aizawa dismissed us to go back to the dorms to which Izuku and I were the first ones out the door because Eri had soiled her diaper.

"Why did you two rush out the room earlier? Usually you guys are the last ones to leave." Mina says as I feed Eri some baby food in her high chair.

"Oh, this little one demolished her diaper earlier so we had to go change it. Since I have enhanced senses it's kind of a two person job." I explain as I finish giving Eri her applesauce and then hand her a sippy cup of water.

"I never asked but do you think that Eri could potentially have both of your quirks?" Toru says as she leans over the back of the chair I was sitting in as I take Eri out of her seat and head to the living room to watch some television. I can see Izuku and Bakugou having an arm wrestling contest for some unknown reason.

"It's possible, I mean look at Todoroki, he has both of his parents quirks combined as one so it's likely. Though the only person here that naturally possesses multiple quirks is Mina." I say with an inquisitive expression that Eri mimics.

"Why do you think I have multiple quirks?" She asks looking at me and tilting her head to the left.

"You have two mutation class quirks and one emitter class quirk. Your mutations are your eyes, pink skin, and horns with your emitter being your acid quirk." I say pointing to her horns.

"Come to think of it Ashido, you can use your acid through your feet correct? Could you use it in other places on your body?" I hear Todoroki chime in before hearing the glass coffee table shatter and Izuku raise his hands up in victory, despite the fact that his arm is bleeding. And so is Bakugou's

"Maybe, Never really thought of it though."

"Speaking of quirks... baby's floating away." Todoroki says pointing to Eri who is now floating 4ft off the ground and upside down.

"SHIT!!!" Izuku shouts running after her.

"She yeeted herself." says Kaminari.

"Wait, did you use your quirk on her?" Izuku asks as he gets up, after his arm regenerated, and plucks Eri from the air before cradling her in his arms.

"I don't think so no... do you think she has mine as well as yours?"

"With as powerful as Deku's quirks is I wouldn't be surprised if that brat had all three of your quirks." I hear Bakugou chime in from the ground with Toga putting a compress onto his arm and lapping up the blood like a thirsty cat.

"Oh... Shit." I hear Deku say as we all snap to see Eri with her hand glowing a soft pink color and her index finger having extended into a very similar tendril (That is impaling Izuku in the arm) which Izuku has with the power of All for One.

"That's not good." Bakugou says seeing Eri trying to use Her all for one quirk on Izuku but nothing happens.

"Well, she's pulling on an elemental based quirk but she isn't strong enough to take it since it just manifested... Oh boy if she would have taken that one this could be one hell of a problem." Izuku says as he force deactivates Eri's quirk and manages to get her to calm down from being overly excited.

"Which one was that?"


"Oh... Yeah that would have not ended well."

"That's an understatement. Ochako come with me please we need to find Aizawa and ask about that quirk canceling binky before she ends up actually taking a quirk." Izuku says as we quickly get ready and head back to UA to find Aizawa and probably All Might too.  

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