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Ochako's P.O.V.

After the chaos filled afternoon, Izuku was faced with another issue. "Alright you damn nerd, give me back my fucking quirk." He ignited his hands and let the electricity flow over himself and Eri. I know were this is going.

"Did you just curse in front of my daughter?" Izuku spoke in a threatening manner from his seat against the wall. He flinched as he realized his mistake. "Look guys, I don't know if I have the energy for this right now. Can you all last until morning? I think I'd fall asleep if I try and stand at the moment."

"You may want to go ahead and try to give me Dark Shadow. He has some... Strange... night time habits." Izuku reach up and grabbed Tokoyami's hand and Dark Shadow appeared from Tokoyai's stomach and Izuku passed out against the wall.

"He's going to keep doing this to me isn't he?" I asked as I walked over to Izuku and picked him up with Zero Gravity so that he could still hold Eri as I carried them both upstairs.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of hammers and drills coming from downstairs. I looked beside me to see Izuku on his side with Eri pulled into his chest as she held his shirt as tight as she could. They were still in the same position they were in last night.

I decided to go ahead and get up and head downstairs for some breakfast. As I went downstairs I saw some construction workers working on fixing the building as Cementos directed them while moving concrete. "Morning Cementos sir, i have a question for you."

"What can I do for you Ms. Uraraka?"

"Are they going to be able to replace the shrubbs from out front?"

"Unfortunately no. Nezu says that since this has become so common he decided that it is unnecessary. Though we are putting in a fruit tree in the backyard." As i heard that my favorite shrubs wouldn't be replaced i felt a vein in my head bulge from the rage I held. "Are you ok dear?"

Cementos asked as he looked at me hesitantly. "I'm fine. Bakugo how ever is a different story." I turned away from him and went to the kitchen to grab some coffee. I started drinking it more after we got Eri, it is my life blood now, i have become a slave to it's beany goodness.

I sat at the counter and waited for the rest of the class to get up, as I did, I noticed a note on the counter that read, "I'm hungover. No class. -Aizawa"

Good, that will give Bakugou plenty of time to replace the shrubs.

Once the class started to wake up and come downstairs several people looked at me with hesitancy as they noticed me trying to hide how irate I was with a smile that only made me look more sinister. After about half of everyone came downstairs I saw Bakugo come downstairs dragging Himiko behind him as she walked like a zombie behind him in one of his shirts.

"Ba-Ku-Go." I said and when he turned to me he froze and his face paled.

"What the f-fuck do you want?" I hopped off the barstool and Momo came over and grabbed Himiko so she wasn't in any danger.

"Yesterday. You caused my daughter to lose control of her quirk. This caused several things. Do you know what i'm most upset about that happened because of the carnage you caused?" He didn't respond and I heard one of the girls behind me whisper.

"The shrubs."

"Exactly, Izuku is probably going to return everyone's quirks when he wakes up in a while. You, However, will not receive your quirk until the shrubs are replaced. By you. By hand." I looked him dead in the eyes as I smiled maniacally at him. "Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?"

"Y-yes... M-Ma'am." He says swallowing a lump of saliva in fear, trying to act as though he hadn't just wet himself.

"Good, i would get to work if I were you." Bakugo hurried to the front and disappeared.

Not long after and Izuku came down with Eri who was clinging to his chest as she struggled to wake up all the way. I explained to him that he was not to give Bakugou his quirk back until i told him to and he quickly agreed.

That day was, interesting. Toru was taking full advantage of being visible by practicing makeup with Mina, Izuku did return everyone's quirk however a few people asked to wait before getting theirs back so they could see what it was like without them. These few were Toru and Shoji.

By the time the end of the day came Power Loader had come by and fixed the binky everyone gave him the stink eye. Bakugou came back in after sunset, his hands covered in dirt and a few scratches on his arms from the bushes, which seemed to catch Toga's attention as she clung to him and started enjoying the blood on his arms.

I did allow him to get his quirk back since he finished to shrubs, although I was tempted to have Izuku keep it for another day. Since Izuku was still exhausted from the night before the two of us curled up with Eri on the couch and cuddled for the entire day. Which was absolutely amazing.

Hollow/N Because of the change in our schedules and our class set up this semester we are changing the days that this story is updated from Wednesday to Saturday and we will also be going to an update every two weeks routine since our classes are very difficult.

Mania/N Yes and were sorry it took so long to get back to updating, kinda my fault. Had some things come up that kept me from getting to work on this story. BUT, we are back and hoping to get back in the swing of things. Thank you for your patience and welcome to the new year of All For My Family.

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