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Izuku's P.O.V.

My heart drops when she asks what One for All is. I stay silent for a few moments before just straight up telling her the truth I can't lie to her. I turn in our bed to face her and kiss her on the forehead before giving my explanation.

"You can't tell anyone about this, Nobody can know aside from You and All Might. One for All is not exactly a natural quirk and it is one that All Might and I share even though I'm the son of his nemesis." I explain as she lays there in silence contemplating what I am saying.

"One for All, is it like the opposite of your quirk All for One?"

"To an extent yes, it started with my father and his uncle after quirks started to appear. My father felt bad for his brother being quirkless and gave him a power stockpile quirk. But, it turns out that my uncle wasn't quirkless but instead had a useless one letting him give his powers away to one person only once. When he was given the stockpile quirk the two fused into one and One for All was born. Uncle tried to fight my father when he attempted to take over the world but failed and passed his quirk onto a successor all the way down to me. My predecessor is All Might and the day I saved your life was the same day he gave me that quirk, and for the first 15 years of my life I was quirkless. I spent my entire life wanting a quirk even a useless one and now I have the powers of All Might and the power to take whatever quirk I want but that is how my father became a villain. All he did was take and take and take but I am going to give to those who have no power." I say as she continues to stay quiet in thought, I try to continue talking but I'm cut off by her kissing me on the lips.

"I'm sorry you had to grow up that way, even through everything you've been through you still had a dream of being a hero and not taking revenge for being bullied for being quirkless." She says burying her head into my chest. I am stunned by what she said, I was admittedly scared of what her reaction would be.

"It's okay, it's in the past and we are here becoming heroes and raising Eri together. There's nothing I wouldn't do to make sure you two are safe." I say wrapping my hands around her back causing her to snuggle up to me. We soon fall asleep in each other's arms as Eri softly snores on top of Ochako's chest.

I didn't have a nightmare last night, but instead it was of me standing under a small arch. I was in a suit and to my left and slightly behind me is Iida, Todoroki and Kacchan also in suits. Jiro is off to the other side of the archway playing on a piano and I suddenly hear the doors open. I turn to face the entrance of the church I am standing in and see little Eri walking up with a basket of flowers and throwing them on the ground. Following her is a boy with black hair holding a pillow in his hands that I can see has two golden rings on it one of which has a diamond on it. Soon Jiro starts to play the piano and I see Ochako in a white dress walking up the red carpet with her father on her right walking slowly with her. In the audience I see many faces I recognized but there is one that stands out because I couldn't recognize him. It is of an older man with white curly hair and green eyes standing next to my mother. I look at the man's face seeing the similarities between his and my own before catching a glimpse of him wearing a skull like metallic mask before it returns to normal.

Soon Ochako gets to the altar where I am standing and I see her beautiful face behind the white veil of her dress holding a bouquet of white roses. All Might stands to our right behind a small podium and starts talking. Soon the dream starts to distort and shimmer as the light of the morning sun shines through my window waking me up this morning.

I wipe the tiredness from my eyes and stretch in my bed noticing the sound of running water. The spot next to me missing it's occupant and soon I hear the shower turn off in our bathroom. I stand up out of bed and throw on a shirt before checking the time on my phone. Soon I hear the door to the bathroom open and out walks Ochako in a towel holding Eri who looks like she is wrapped like a burrito. A cute, smiling green haired baby burrito.

"Good morning Izuku." Ochako greets before placing Eri on the bed and turning around to rummage through the drawers for Eri's All Might onesie and some diapers. I can't help but stare seeing the form fitting white towel around her body and water glistening in the light off of her flawless skin. She notices me stare at her and decides to mess with me slightly. "Like what you see Izuku?" She asks pulling the towel down slightly causing me to turn away to keep from getting a nosebleed.

I get Eri dressed in her onesie and make her a bottle of formula for her to which she happily eats. Ochako gets changed into one of my shirts and a pair of shorts before we head downstairs to enjoy our day off from school. The whole class was given a day off since tomorrow we are going to the USJ facility on campus. We make it downstairs to the common area and witness something rather odd. Mineta had his hair set on fire and the entire common room now smells of red wine. I turn to see Kacchan, glaring evilly at the grape haired midget, with his hand glowing a gold color that usually appears before he sets off explosions.

"Why are we abusing the grapist already? It's not even 9am." Todoroki asks casually taking a sip from his glass of water and Kacchan sets off an explosion in his hand destroying a camera.

"I caught Grapeshit in Himiko's room with this fucking camera and trying to steal her panties... I'm gonna kill that bastard." Kacchan shouts as Toga's face turns bright red in the corner of my eye as she tries to curl up and hide her embarrassment.

"Why do you care so much? I thought you were in love with your reflection and incapable of human emotions." Momo says taking a sip of her earl grey tea. "I don't suppose that you two are in an intimate relationship much like Midoriya and Ochako are you?"

"What's it to ya if we were Grey eyes?!" He retorts as ochako and I sit down to enjoy the rest of this argument.

"Oh nothing, I thought you were to self absorbed to feel anything towards other human beings aside from yourself. So Toga, tell me is his ego is overcompensating? Perhaps he is lacking in something?" She continues as Kacchan's face turns a fuming dark red as veins bulge from his face. Suddenly the color just drains and he stands there with a blank expression.

"Well that happened, I'm gonna go find Mineta to see if we can keep the dorms from burning down within the same month they were built." Iida explains as he gets up from his chair and walks off in the direction of the flaming pop-off balls. "Midoriya where's the fire extinguisher?"

"Under the sink in the kitchen." I answer before hearing a cabinet door open in the kitchen and see Iida come back and extinguish the flaming grapes heading to the bathrooms.

Ochako leaned into the couch next to me and put her head on my shoulder as we listened to the sound of Mineta screaming and a fire extinguisher being quickly emptied. "So what do you want to do today Ochako?"

"I don't know, I really just want to snuggle all day. Could we just snuggle for the rest of the day?" She says with a content sigh. I chuckled a bit at her before I decided to respond.

"I don't know, do you think Eri can handle it. She might not be old enough to handle such a strenuous activity. All she does is sleep, laugh and cry all day." I say with a sly grin causing Eri to look up at me and make a fart noise with her mouth. "What? It's true, at least you don't wake us up at 3am." I say as Eri seems to roll her eyes at me.

"She doesn't seem to agree with you on that. Let me hold your brat Deku." Katsuki demands getting both Ochako and myself to glare at him. "Got something to say nerd?"

"No you can't hold her, you're a bad influence with all your cursing and you might hurt her since she is half of Deku." Ochako says glaring at him and holding Eri against herself in a protective manner.

"Tsk, Fine!" He shouts walking off in a random direction. Eri grunts in annoyance at the loud explosion user before looking up at Ochako and giving her a toothless smile. Soon a knock at the front of the dorms is heard catching the attention to the heroes in training within. Serro stands up from the couch and heads over to the door opening it revealing the other hero course at UA. Class 1-B.

"Hello everyone! We're class 1-B! My name is Itsuka Kendo!" An orange haired girl now known as Kendo exclaims as the class of 20 enters the room. As soon as they enter they see Ochako holding baby Eri up in the air, the little girl is laughing and giggling playing with her mother but that is interrupted by another loud blond but this time it isn't Bakugou.

"It appears as if the class 1-A scum have a slut in their midst, having a child whilst attending UA? You should be expelled you lecherous bitch. Regale yourself in my presence I am Neito Monama" Monoma says in a 'I'm better than you' type annunciation. This instantly gets My attention in a bad way as well.

"What did you just let fall out of your mouth?" I ask in an intimidating and dark base filled tone causing some of them to shudder hearing him. "I dare you to say that One. More. Time." I say as the power of All for One can be seen radiating off of my entire arms. This alerts everyone and they stare in fear of All for One's power some of them paralysed by the aura that feels as though it is an abyss that no light can escape from.

"Oh, if it isn't the villain killer, I'm surprised you aren't behind bars. I suppose by your reaction you are the father to that bastard ch-" He taunts before a spike made of concrete erupts from the floor stopping mere millimeters from his neck. Before anyone can react an explosion is heard and Bakugou comes flying around the corner from the stairs grabbing Monoma by the face and using another explosion to launch him through one of the windows. The glass shatters when he is thrown through it and a loud thud is heard outside as he hits the ground. Eri having watched the spectacle is now clapping and laughing to her little heart's content.

"AND STAY OUT YOU FUCKIN EXTRA! NO ONE INSULTS MY NIECE!" He shouts at the top of his lungs setting off multiple explosions in his hands. Katsuki turns around to see everyone in 1-A staring open mouthed at what he said. Bakugou scoffs as if it didn't happen and proceeds to walk up the stairs back to his room.

"Note to self... never allow Monoma near the baby." Itsuka says staring at the razor sharp floor spike and the monoma shaped hole in the wall and window. "Whos baby is she anyways?" She asks as I restore the floor and a few others sweep up the bits of broken glass.

"Mine and Izuku's daughter, her name is Eri." Ochako answers as she holds up Eri for Kendo to see.

"Are you serious?" She asked, her confusion clear.

"It's a long story." Ochako answers as she sits up and puts Eri in her lap.

That day, class 1-B spent time getting to know their 1-A counter parts. Kendo took to little Eri very well, spending most of her time cooing over the little girl to her heart's content. Tetsutestu spent most of the morning arm wrestling with Kirishima which ended with a 27:27 draw. Of course, Eri was the center of attention for most of it. After lunch the two classes had a long and complex smash bro's tournament that was officiated by Iida. In the end Kendo won leaving Kachaan in second and Toga in third. Once the day came to an end the class 1-B group cleared out and collected the still unconscious Monama from the garbage can in front of 1-A's dorms.

Not long after that, Ochako and I took Eri upstairs to get ready for bed. Once there we put Eri to bed in her crib and changed quickly into our pajamas. "You ready Ochako." I said as I turned to see Ochako climbing into the bed.

"Izu, I'm way ahead of you." I chuckled as she was already getting comfy in our bed.

"Wow, someones exhausted."

"Yeah, I've been getting a lot more tired recently. I guess Eri's been draining me a lot."

"Me too." I said as I wrapped her up under the covers.

"Well we're still getting used to taking care of a baby. I'm just glad your mom agreed to watch her while we're at the USJ. Although I don't know how well i'm gonna be able to focus, it's gonna be the first time we're without her." She said as she buried her face in my chest.

"She will be in good hands Ochako, plus she gets to spend time with her grandma and knowing my mom she will have plenty of pictures for us." I say as I pull Ochako up so that I can see her face before kissing her on the lips. That moment felt like an eternity of bliss a sudden flash interrupts us and we separate before turning to the origin of the flash of light. We turn to see that Ashido is standing by our bed with a camera in her hands and a cheeky grin on her face.

"I got one for the scrap book!" She declares in a song like tone before sprinting out of our room, shutting the door behind her, before I could get up to stop her.  

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