Chapter 22

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TNo One's POV

All the youngsters separate to go into 3 cars, Rahul & Ansh in one, Aditi & Shivika in one and Rumya and Dhruv in one. One car is talking about Om & Gauri, the other car is talking about the importance of siblings and the last car is thinking about the memories they had with Pari. Can you guess who is talking about what? As soon as everyone reaches Pari's house, they go towards the small cozy home and knock on the door and to their surprise, a guy opens the door.

Guy (surprised) - How may I help you?

Rahul (worried) - Does Pari live here?

Guy (smiling) - Yes, she does... who are you all?

Ansh (smiling) - We are friends of her...

The guy smiles and welcomes them all in, suddenly a voice makes all the youngsters (excluding the guy) freeze.

Voice - Yash beta, who is it?

Yash (smiling) - Gauri Mum, it's Pari's friends...

The lady comes inside to greet the youngsters but as soon as they see Gauri they start to cry. Everyone's eyes are in tears and Gauri for some unknown reason also starts to cry.

Yash (worried) - Are you ok Gauri mum?

Hearing Yash's worried tone, even Pari comes out of her room and gets surprised to see the Oberois there as well as her mum crying. Pari is about to go to her mum to console her when Rahul goes towards her and hugged her while crying.

Rahul (crying) - I missed you, mum... I really did...

Gauri (crying) - So did I Rikara...

Pari looks at the scene puzzled while all the youngsters smile seeing the reunion of Gauri & Rahul. Soon Rahul and Gauri separate and Gauri goes towards each of the youngsters and tries to identify them.

Gauri (smiling) - (Ansh smiles through his tears and hugs Gauri)

Gauri (smiling) - Shi...Shivika (Shivika also smiles and hugs Gauri)

Gauri (smiling) - Rumya, Dhruv... (She hugs both of them at once)

Finally, Gauri goes to the last member of the Oberoi family and hugs her not even calling her name.

Gauri (smiling) - I missed you, princess...

Pari looks at the scene feeling a little jealous of Aditi as she has never seen her mother calling anyone a princess except her.

Pari (jealous) - Mum... explain...

Gauri wipes her tears and lets go of Aditi and goes towards Pari.

Gauri (smiling) - I finally remembered Pari... my name is Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi... and your name isn't just Pari... but Pari Singh Oberoi... and this guy here (points to Rahul) is my Rikara... my son...your brother... and this girl here (points to Aditi) is my princess... Aditi...and your sister...while Dhruv, Rumya, Ansh & Shivika are also your siblings... let me explain...

Gauri starts to narrate her love story to Pair and Yash and also to the rest of the Oberois.

Pari (smiling) - I guess you can say that seeing your son brought you back memories...

Gauri smiles and Pari goes towards the youngsters and hugs them all.

Yash (smiling) - I guess, now you will move in with the Oberois...

Gauri (smiling) - Of course, but it depends on Omkara as well...

Ansh (shocked) - Wow, masi you aren't calling Om masa as Omkaraji...

Gauri (smiling) - Well... there is a reason... wanna know what happened after we met with an accident...

Dhruv (smiling) - no chachi... why don't you come to the Oberoi mansion and meet everyone and then you can tell us?

Omkara (smiling) - Of course we will...

Omkara who heard the whole conversation decides to finally speak up. Everyone goes towards Omkara and hugs him except Rahul who watches his father after 20 years with tears in his eyes. Omkara slowly goes towards Rahul and hugs him while both of them have tears in their eyes.

Omkara (upset) - I have missed you...

Soon, comes the big moment when Pari and Rahul hug each other. Pari is super happy to have found her long lost brother.

After 2 hours

Everything has been packed by Omkara and Gauri so that they can move out of their house.

Yash (upset) - This means goodbye...

Omkara & Gauri (smiling) - Nope, you are joining us...

Yash (shocked) - How can I? I mean I am...

Pari (smiling) - Shut up... I have packed your things... you are joining

Pari & Yash go with Dhruv & Rumya while Om & Gauri join Rahul & Ansh. Soon, they arrived in front of the mansion. Gauri & Om are about to step into the mansion when they hear an argument between Shivay and Anika.

Anika (angry) - This is exactly why I want a divorce from you...

Ansh/Shivika (shocked) - WHAT?

Shivay & Anika turn towards the entrance and are shocked to see their siblings back as well as upset to know that Shivika & Ansh heard their conversation. Anika immediately rushes to hug Gauri but Gauri steps back.

Gauri (angry) - Who are you?

Anika (shocked) - Chutki...

Gauri (angry) - No! Don't call me that... my sister used to be an innocent soul who would never hurt anyone then why on earth are you hurting Shivay jiju? He is your husband dammit.... And you should trust him... he never intended to hurt us... he was never at fault... your hatred for him is stupid... he once showed distrust on you... by thinking you had an affair... how heartbreaking was it for you when you found out about his distrust? (Anika looks down) Now you are doing the same thing... how can you even think of doing that? Marriage stands on the basis of trust but you showed a lack of trust in your relationship... and you think that divorce is the solution for every problem... because if it was then nor me nor Omkara would have been together... And how could you even say such things to Saumya? (Saumya who hears this tries to cut in by Gauri doesn't let) did you forget that she was the one that took care of you when you had no one? She gave you a house to live in, despite being heartbroken by you... I don't want to continue the list because it would go on forever ... what I am trying to say is you are not my di... my di is not the person standing in front of me...

Gauri goes towards Saumya and hugs her while trying to hide her tears, while Anika leaves the place feeling ashamed at her deeds, while Omkara looks at Shivay angry as well.

Omkara (angry) - You are the eldest in this house, Shivay... yet you turned out to be less mature than Rudra... why didn't you speak up when all this was happening? Why didn't you try to convince bhabhi that you were innocent? She may have become a little emotional thinking about the loss of her long lost sister... but you needed to be beside her and tell her that you will still be there for you... prove your love to her... prove your innocence... and also, how could you let this house separate? You are the great SSO... you were supposed to keep the house joint...then why Shivay? Why didn't you?

Shivay (upset) - because, I became weak Omkara... I tried to prove my innocence to Anika... I even tried to prove my love to her... but it didn't work... the day she yelled at Saumya... the day this house separated was the day I gave up... I gave up trying to convince Anika... She was out of control... and another thing... why is it always me who has to keep this house together? I was tired... tired of my life... my day started with looking after the kids single-handedly... and ended with work and looking after the kids...

Omkara (upset) - Shivay... I understand your feelings but you shouldn't have given up... I know bhabhi was wrong but you needed to stand up when the separation was happening... from what I heard you did nothing... when both you and Rudra could have done something... even you Rudra... why didn't you try to stop this separation from happening...

Rudra (upset) - Because I felt Saumya was right... I love bhabhi... but the way she was hurting bhaiya & Saumya wasn't very nice...

Saumya (faking smile) - Stop all this argument... why don't we all sit? We need to know what happened to both of yous 20 years ago...

Knowing that Saumya was diverting the topic, both Gauri and Omkara wanted to fix this matter but they know that they need to calm down before they can solve this matter and therefore they set down to tell their story.

Precap - Gauri & Omkara's Love story

Next Update: Monday

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