Chapter 38

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Rumya's POV

After my annoying argument with Dhruv, I excuse the love birds and the monkey, to go to my room and relax. It has been a stressful month. I never thought doing this internship would be so tiring. Hearing my phone vibrate, I lazily get up from my bed and answer it, not before cursing the person for ruining my relaxation session.

Me (annoyed) - Yes...

Tania (annoyed) - hello to you too, angry bird... let's go out

I swear, if Tania was in front of me right now, I would have killed her.

Me (annoyed) - we finally got a weekend off from work after a long as month... and you want to go out, why not chill?

Tania (annoyed) - why do you have to chill? Your chachi is your boss...

Me (annoyed) - Not this again, Tanya. How many times do I have to explain this to you? Having her as my boss, is the worst thing that's happening... you know na, I can't separate my personal and professional life and I have no clue how she does that. Like at home she is all friendly and acts like my chachi, but at work, I can't even call her chachi and have to maintain the professional relationship. It's tough for me... and this one month, she has been giving me non-stop training. I get tired almost every day from work, due to all the hectic schedules and the advice and training... but I haven't told her that. Maybe I should...

Tania hums listening to my whining and then replies in a calm tone.

Tania - Look, obviously I can't understand your situation because I work as an assistant secretary at the work but I think it's best if you express how you feel to Kaira, if you feel you can't handle the pressure, speak up. If you bottle it up, then it would hurt you and will continue to hurt until you speak up.

I listen to Tania, questioning whether she is the one studying psychology or was I? Why didn't I think like that? Maybe because I am scared of the consequences... or I am just making up a reason to not speak up.

Tania (annoyed) - now, stop being so scaredy cat... and let's go club... oh before I forget... How is your first patient?

The thought of Karan Mehra, both makes me mad and blush. What I feel for him is not right, he is my patient... and not my friend. This is not professional.

Me (annoyed) - let's not talk about him... patients are supposed to be talked at the clinic and not privately...

Tania (smiling) - is he just a patient for you? Or more?

I try not to blush thinking he is more to me, he should mean nothing more...

Me (pretending to be annoyed) -yes... J...just a fr...friend...

Tania (laughing) - Why are you stuttering then? Anyway, I will get the truth out of you... later today, I am going to the club and you are joining. So get ready, I will pick you up in an hour.

Before I could even argue, she cuts my phone and I am about to get up from bed to change when I notice Myra bhabhi waiting outside, smiling.

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - can I come in?

I smile and nod while she warmly smiles and walks in.

Me (smiling) - You don't even have to ask bhabhi... you can always come in...

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - That's very sweet of you Rumya, I hope you don't mind but I heard a bit of your conversation.

I try to hide my nervousness hearing that she heard everything. What should I say to bhabhi?

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - don't worry, I won't judge you or anything but Rumya, I heard about some Karan Mehra, and I thought to give you some advice...cause it feels like you have caught feelings for him... I am not at all an expert... because, well, I haven't ever had a relationship, but I had friends and from them, I know a little bit. The thing I know about feelings is that if you don't accept it or if you don't speak up for it, it will increase. You should know this already as you are studying psychology but thought to tell you again. Also, am I right? Do you like him?

I open my mouth to deny but a nod comes out, instead. Damn it, I exposed myself. But, do I like him? Or is it maybe that I feel connected to him because he opened up to me... and I opened up to me.

Myra bhabhi (smiling) - You will soon realise your feelings don't worry... for now, why don't you go out and the club? I can totally help you with your outfit, in fact, so can Arushi... you need to become stress-free from now on.

I smile brightly at bhabhi for the idea, maybe I can bond with the bhabhis. I will think about Karan Mehra after. Both Arushi bhabhi come into the bond and after a good half an hour of deciding clothes and bonding, we finally choose an outfit for the club.

I smile at myself, this new me, looks so weird, but both bhabhis love it and even start taking selfies with me. I take a selfie, for memories, and hearing the horn, I run outside to meet Tania. As soon as I get outside, as expected she is with a guy, probably her new bf. I run-up to her and she hugs me.

Tania (smiling) - sorry man, forgot to mention, was gonna bring this guy... his friend (winks) will meet us at the club (whispers), the friend is hotter... and he will make you forget your Karan Mehra. (Moves away) oh yeh, meet him, my boyfriend, Aman.

I greet Aman, who looks young and handsome.

Aman (smiling) - Hi Rumya, it's great to finally meet you after hearing all about you from Tania.

Tania (smiles) - Of course, she is my bestie

Me (smiling) - I hope it's all good things, so how long have you guys been dating for?

Aman (smiling with dreamy eyes which Tania ignores) - One week, I met her at a club and it was love at first sight. Then...

Tania (blushing) - stop, let's leave... we have to meet your friend.

Why do I have a feeling Tania is hiding something? Promising myself to talk to her, I get into the back seat while Tania was in front and Aman was driving.


As I am about to open the door, a guy comes running towards the car and opens it. Holding onto his hand, I get out of the car. I feel so special, like a princess. I am not even wearing those heavy clothes nor am I wearing any lengthy clothes, then why did this gentlemen help me.

Tania (smiles) - Rumya, where are you lost? This is Ajay, Aman's best friend... and Ajay, Rumya

Ajay holds out his hand for a shake and I gladly shake it. So he is my blind date.

Ajay (smiling) - Hi Rumya, a pleasure to meet you. I hope you didn't mind me helping you out of the car.

I smile and answer

Me - No not at all, thank you...

After a quick chit chat, we leave inside the club where Tania leaves me with Ajay and joins the dance floor.

Ajay (smiling) - they are such a nice couple, Aman has always been a flirt but I feel this time he genuinely likes your friend.

I stare at Tania dancing with Aman, she is rarely this happy with a guy.

Me (smiling) - I think you may be right...

I go towards a table to sit there. I am not really a club person, and dancing in front of people is really not my style.

Ajay - Do you want any drinks?

Me (smiling) - Sure, lemonade...

Ajay - okay cool, will be right back

I smile at him and he quickly leaves to get me a drink. He is a nice person, I mean so far he has given me my personal space and hasn't done anything wrong... Unlike someone... ugh, Rumya why can't I stop thinking about Karan Mehra. Even when Ajay comes closer to me with the drinks, I somehow see Karan Mehra behind him, staring at me. Oh gosh, this is just my imagination. Ajay passes me the drink, which I nervously try to gulp all down.

Ajay - be careful Rumya...

I nervously smile and try to drink slowly to reduce the anxiety, however, suddenly I feel myself blacking out and all I see is a smiling Ajay with someone behind him... angry.

Precap - Dhruv's POV

Note: I am so sorry guys, for not updating for so long. I had exams and then I started work therefore, I never got time to update. I honestly, thought people don't like this story but surprisingly seeing a few positive response from you guys, I got motivated and as soon as my exams finished, I tried to write a part. I am sorry it's so small. Anyway guys, tell me how it is and Happy Diwali.

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