Chapter 4

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No one's POV

Rumya (angry) - don't blame my parents for your problems Shivika, if it weren't for my mum then... your dad and mum wouldn't have been together at all....

Shivika (annoyed) - Oh shut up, Rumya... my parents would have been together if it weren't for your mum giving a my mum making her emotional....

Ansh (annoyed) - SHUT UP! Why are we discussing this? No one's at fault for this... and Shivika learns to at least show some manners.... I am tired... tired of this fight... tired of this Oberoi mansion that was once so happy... being so...gloomy.... We are here to disc...

Dhruv (annoyed) - Who made you the boss? No one insults my parents and gets away with it...(turns to Shivika with anger) my mum never intended to separate your parents... your mum was the one who dug the hole... herself...she was the one that insulted my mum... the lady that gave her a home when she was homeless.... She insulted the lady that was always selfless...and if it weren't for my mum... then you ... you wouldn't be alive right now...

Shivika looks at Dhruv with anger clearly visible in her eyes, and she is ready to pounce at him but one glare from Aditi stops her in her tracks.

Aditi (angry) - Can we stop arguing about whose parents are Mahan? We need to focus on how to bring happiness back in this mansion... we need to stop acting like a bunch of kids... and act like adults.

Rahul (annoyed) - I so agree with you Aditi... guys, we are supposed to think of a solution not argue...

Shivika (annoyed) - Blame Rumya and Dhruv

Ansh (angry) - SHUT UP! Let's focus... ok, so we know how much our parents care for each other...(calming down)... I know how to bring the family together.... We need to find Om chachu...

Rahul (shocked) - WHAT? Mum... Dad... they a...are...gone... (upset)... gone... not living... in this planet...

Ansh (smiling) - Where is your courage? for the past 15 years... you had hope that your parents were alive... what happened to that hope?

Rahul (smiling) - You are right, we will find my parents... but first... who wants lunch?

Ansh/Shivika/Aditi (smiling) - Me

Everyone follows Rahul to the kitchen and they all start cooking. Dhruv cuts the onions while shedding some tears, Rahul is on stove duty, Ansh cuts the tomatoes while Aditi, Rumya and Shivika watch them cook for them. There is a rule in the kitchen, that the boys would cook for the girls on their first day back home and they've been following that for more than 10 years now.

Anika sees this and starts to remember the days when the Oberoi moment would happen in the kitchen with Om, Rudra and Shivay. She goes towards Ansh and requests him to come to her and Ansh leaves his duties and comes near his mum.

Anika (smiling) - Ansh... your dad... and I have decided... to make you the CEO of Oberoi industry...

Shivika who hears this comes rushing towards her mum and glares at her.
Shivika (angry) - Why not me? Why is it always him that gets the top priority? Why can't I be a CEO...He got to study business... while I ... you made me study another course... you didn't even let me decide... Do you value boys more than girls mom? Just l...

Anika (angry) - NO, Shivika! I don't value boys more than girls... your brother has earned this position... because he was better at education then you... he has the mind needed for a businessman... and as for you... I wanted to hand over my wedding planner business to you... as since young you loved planning stuff so much...

Shivika (annoyed) - How can you just assume what I like? Just because I liked planning stuff doesn't mean that I want to do your middle-class business... I want to be like Ansh... I want to do dad's business...

Ansh (smiling) - It's fine... mum, I will do your wedding planner business... I don't want to do dad's business anyway...

Anika (upset) - But it was your dream Ansh... and as for you Shivika... you change your mind every second... you were the one who told me a few days ago that you wanted to be the CEO of my business.... Then what made you change your mind?

Shivika (annoyed) - I realised how middle-class that is

Shivay (angry) - SHIVIKA! Respect the business that your mum does... without it... We wouldn't have been so rich... do you realise that my business was in a loss a few years back... and Anika's company saved us from being bankrupt... Anika's so-called middle-class business ... made so much profit that I was able to pay all my debts as well as get my company to be in profit again...

Shivika stomps away from her dad and goes towards her room, while Anika and Shivay also leave feeling depressed seeing their daughter so spoilt. Aditi is about to go to follow her when Ansh stops her.

Ansh (annoyed) - Not today Aditi, I have realised ... I have realised that I have spoiled my sister too much... and I need to teach her a lesson... she needs to learn to be more respectful to everyone... and for that ... I need all your help... if she gets more respectful... then at least we will able to find chacha and chachi... easily... who is with me

Ansh puts out his hand and everyone joins him

Ansh (smiling) - All for one...

Everyone - and one for all

Precap - Shivika is taught a lesson

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