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Nafisa heaved a satisfactory sigh as her wish had finally came true. She did as she promised and paid their bills. They ordered in excess and Nafisa didn't complain. She made it known to them it was alright and nothing should prevent them from picking whatever they liked.

"I still don't know your names yet," Nafisa voiced out.

"Oh that! I'm Aysha," the girl she assumed to be the leader of the clique said, then pointed to one of the girls. " she's Zahra and she's Yasmeen," she introduced.

"Wow! You guys have beautiful names. I love it," Nafisa smiled, genuinely.

"I know right," Aysha smirked.

The girls hanged out together throughout the recess and got to know more about Nafisa - the lies she fed them about herself.

"My parents are currently abroad. I don't like it there, so I decided to come back to Nigeria to stay with my mother's sister, my aunt  because she practically begged me to," Nafisa lied. Her lips curled up in a smile when she noticed the girls looking at her attentively. They bought her lies.

"Do you plan on going back any time soon?" Zahra asked.

"I haven't thought about it yet, but maybe after my secondary school," Nafisa replied.

"Cool," Yasmeen commented.

"Where exactly are your parents living...I mean the country," Ayesha asked.

Nafisa swiftly thought of another lie to come up with and she did, as usual.

"Cyprus-" she blurted.

"Really? Cyprus? What a coincidence! My uncle lives there too, with his family-" Ayesha interrupted. "- in Limassol. which city or town do your parents live in?"

Nafisa felt her breath hitched in her throat. She didn't know of any city or town in Cyprus. What was she going to say now? Her lie would definitely be exposed now - she panicked.

"Nafisa?" Ayesha called.

"Ye...yes," she stuttered.

"I asked you a question," Ayesha raised a brow questionably. Nafisa was acting weird. Yasmeen and Zahra thought so too.

"I...," fortunately for her, before she could finish what she was about to say and make a fool of herself, the bell rang, signaling it was time to go back to class. It was her cue to make them forget all they were discussing and escape.

"I think we should go back to class right now, we can continue our discussion later on," Nafisa proposed.

They all agreed and went back to class.

Zeenat sighted her friend and went over to her.

"What delayed you from coming back sooner?" She inquired. She had been waiting for her to return, but apparently, she totally forgot about her.

"I was with my friends," Nafisa said and took her seat beside Zeenat. She would make sure to change her seat to the girls corner soon - she mental noted.

"Your friends?" Zeenat asked, astonished. When did she make new friends? Perhaps when she was not in school yesterday. "- you have new friends? Who are they?"

"Ayesha, Yasmeen and Zahra," Nafisa answered, confidently.

Zeenat was surprised by what she just learnt and didn't bother hiding it from Nafisa. She needed to tell her friend the kind of people her new friends - as she claimed are.

"Stay away from them, Nafi, they are bad news," Zeenat started.

Nafisa glared at her with fury. "How dare you say that about my friends? They. Are. My. Friends," she enunciated each word clearly to deliver her message well. Who was she to talk about them in that way?

"Since when?" Zeenat retorted. "- I'm just telling you all these because you are my friend, or so I thought." She rolled her eyes.

"Well thank you, I don't need you meddling in my affairs. It's none of your concern," Nafisa spat.

A sad smile crept up Zeenat's lips. "You're right. It's absolutely none of my business. I'm sorry for meddling."

"You should be," Nafisa rolled her eyes. "- you're just jealous of me being part of their clique now while you are not," she fired.

"I'd rather have no friends than be friends with them," Zeenat deadpanned.

"You are a bad liar, you obviously don't know how to lie-" Nafisa paused and heaved an exhausted sigh, before proceeding. "- maybe that's why you lack friends. No one wants to be friends with a-"

"Enough-" Zeenat cut her off. "- it hasn't gotten to that yet. I have been calm until now does not mean I don't get angry. Don't push me."

Nafisa glared at her before letting out a laugh, mocking her. "And what will you do?"
"Nothing, it's just a warning," she replied with a straight face.

"I thought you'd want to fight after school," Nafisa continued to provoke and instigate her.

Zeenat smiled, "I'm not like that, but thanks for the offer though."

Nafisa was getting angry now, Zeenat wasn't flaring up like she thought she would, in spite of her provoking her. She decided to try once more.

"I wonder why I even accepted you as my friend, we obviously aren't of the same category. You're...I won't continue -" she winked at her, mockingly. "-you know what I mean."

What she said hit a nerve. "-I blame myself for approaching you in the first place -" Zeenat retorted. "- but not anymore, you're free to do whatever you want, I don't care. We're just classmates now, nothing more."

"Good riddance to-"

"Hey you two! Come up here," the teacher yelled, having noticed the girls chattering while lessons were going on.

Nafisa rolled her eyes - a habit she had adapted to recently and stood up. She walked over to the teacher and Zeenat did the same.

"Why were you two chatting while I was teaching?" The teacher questioned, angrily. It was one of the things she hated.

"We are sorry ma," Zeenat apologized on behalf of herself and Nafisa. She still liked her deep inside, but her words made her hate her momentarily.

"I'm sorry," Nafisa apologized too.

"Don't repeat it next time, Zeenat. You are not known for such things. Your grades might not be too good, but you definitely don't lack manners-" Zeenat choked out a laugh at what the teacher said, but immediately covered it with a cough. Zeenat wasn't that intelligent after all - she wasn't her type of friend. "-and you, you are new in this school and already causing nuisance? You don't want to get on my bad side, so don't do anything more to provoke me," she warned. "- now go back to your seats, both of you."

"Thank you ma," Zeenat replied, politely and went back to her seat with Nafisa trailing behind.

Throughout the whole day, Nafisa and Zeenat kept on snubbing each other. Their friendship which had just recently started was slowly crumbling into pieces in just a day. Zeenat didn't want to end their friendship, but with the way Nafisa was speaking to her, she had to stand up for herself. She wouldn't let her or anyone get comfortable with disrespecting her. She had to protect her self respect. It mattered to her a lot and she wouldn't let it be destroyed by someone who didn't even consider her a friend in the first place. She was a fool to approach Nafisa - she deeply regretted her actions that day. She was simply not worth her attention and friendship. She deserved someone who would love and respect her as a human and as a friend. Nafisa wasn't that 'someone' - she finally realized.

On the other hand, Nafisa didn't even bother about her broken relationship with Zeenat. She spent the remaining hours of school with her new clique, chatting and feeding them more lies about herself to which they foolishly believed. She made good of her promise to herself and changed her seat to her new friends' corner, leaving Zeenat's side.


Nafisa opened the door to the house and slumped on the couch exhausted from school. She drifted off unknowingly.

She was awoken hours later by the door slamming close. She jolted up immediately. She was expecting to see maybe Saeed or Maryam, but to her irritation, it was only Manal.

"What?" She asked, sending daggers towards her. She just had to ruin her peaceful slumber. What a brat!

"I'm hungry," she answered.

"Did I hear you correctly?" Nafisa sat up. "- you're hungry?-" Manal nodded, innocently. "-then go into the kitchen and prepare a meal for yourself."

"But I don't know how to cook," She whined.

"Well don't. I'm very tired and can't do anything right now -" Nafisa stood up and was about to leave for her room, but turned back to deliver a message to Manal "- go to sleep and when your Ummi or abee comes home, tell them you've eaten. Understood?"

Out of fear for Nafisa, she nodded.

"Foolish girl...she just knows how to anger and irritate me all the time," Nafisa muttered under her breath as she walked to her room, leaving the hungry little girl behind.

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