Chapter 34

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Jane shouts as she and Anna run through the library after Selvig, stunned to watch onlookers rushing toward the windows to watch Thor battle Malekith instead of running for their lives. Granted, none of these people know who Malekith is, but still. Common sense should tell you that when a creepy alien dude brings his ship down to Earth and starts fighting Thor - a known good guy - he's probably not here for a friendly visit. But no. Everyone is stupid.

"You need to get out of here, now!" She urges them, waving her arm wildly as she sprints past the stacks of books.

"You're joking, right?" One of the onlookers says, holding up his phone to capture a video. "That's Thor out there, waving his hammer around and everything."

He turns back to the window, holding up his phone, and Anna groans. Everyone's a journalist these days, documenting every second of our lives thanks to the marriage of mobile phones and Twitter. As a journalist, she gets it. It's actually good for disseminating information at lightning speeds. However, people do a lot of dumb shit trying to get likes. Including standing by the window while a mass murderer is right outside.

Suddenly, a shockwave rattles the room and the glass windows shatter into a million pieces. People duck for cover, screams erupting, as Anna instinctively covers her head with her arms. Taking half a second to assess her body - Selvig and Jane doing the same - they continue rushing out of the building. They can't afford to stop and make sure everyone is okay, not when they only have a few minutes left to make sure Malekith doesn't destroy the entire universe.

Once they're outside, they're immediately faced with oncoming fire from the remaining Dark Elves. Anna ducks to avoid the rubble from a column that collapses, keeping up with Jane and Selvig, while Jane continues to fiddle with the device in her hands.

"What are you doing?" Selvig asks, keeping his eyes ahead.

Jane frowns, "My signal's not connecting!"

She skids to a halt, fiddling with the controls on the device, and Anna nearly collides with her. A squadron of Dark Elves rounds the corner behind them, advancing fast, while a second squadron closes the gap from the other side.

"Don't stop!" Anna cries, tugging Jane along, but the scientist refuses.

"Jane!" Selvig joins Anna, pulling Jane by her shoulders. "Come on!"

She twists a knob again, but nothing happens. Rolling her eyes, Anna shoves Jane roughly out of the way of a blast from one of the Dark Elves and narrowly avoids getting hit herself. The three of them swing to the right and rush onto the grass, another blast hitting the column inches behind them and sending the rubble flying their way.

Anna stumbles forward, barely regaining her footing, before urging them onward, "Go, go, go!"

The Dark Elves are gaining on them, cutting the distance between them in half as more of Malekith's warriors join them from all angles. They're running out of places to turn, so Anna whirls around - fists clenches - prepared to attack the first Dark Elf. Luckily, before she can reach them, Jane's device starts beeping once more. The scientist twists the knob, and the oncoming Elves disappear in a flash, only to be replaced with the two interns. Unaware of the transportation, they are locked in a passionate kiss - Darcy dipping Ian - and Jane gasps.

"Darcy?!" She asks.

Darcy drops Ian, "Jane!"

Selvig wrinkles his forehead, "Ian!"

Ian gives him a weak grin, "Selvig. Anna."

Mjölnir whooshes overhead, the group ducking to avoid it, and Darcy points, "Myuh-myuh!!"

It disappears in a flash, flying through the sky at a breakneck speed, and Anna narrows her eyes as it goes. Thor must be calling the hammer, which means he isn't on the lawn between the buildings. Hurrying around the corner, she sees Malekith standing in front of his ship with his eyes raised to the sky. The Convergence is getting closer, the portals in the sky nearly aligned, and a black and red cloud of Aether begins to swirl around Malekith.

"No!" Anna cries, breaking into a run.

Jane turns at the sound of her voice, her eyes widening at the sight of Anna running straight toward Malekith. Fueled by rage and desperation, Anna pushes forward, every muscle in her body screaming as the Aether grows more and more powerful around him. Even if she wanted to stop, she couldn't. After losing Loki, she's no longer worried about her own life, about her own survival. Nothing matters without him, nothing except stopping Malekith and watching the Dark Elf burn.

Now playing: "Bangarang" Skrillex ft. Sirah.


Intense, right? Are you on the edge of your seat yet?!?!

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