Chapter 1: Crash Landing

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We begin our story on a normal Spring day, or at least the normalist a day can get out on Planet Popstar.
That was until evening struck.


Near the forest known as 'Whispy Woods', a ship had crash landed. But the ship wasn't an ordinary ship, It was an escape pod that belonged to the Galaxy Soldier Army, better known as the GSA.

As to who is inside the pod and their reason for being so will soon get answered.

So for now, let's continue.


Today had been a peaceful day, things were quiet but maybe a little too quiet. But then again it was a pretty cloudy day with light rain showers every now and then, so it wasn't anything too out of the ordinary. As everyone's energy seemed drained by the weather.

Everyone's energy seemed drained, all except for one.


I looked out of the castle windows, slightly smiling to myself. Kirby had been playing in the rain almost all day to the point where I had to take him back home so he wouldn't catch a cold. Thankfully he understood or else he would be running around outside the moment I left.


I gaze out at Kirby's house in the distance, no light emitted from the windows suggesting he was now asleep.

I was about to turn away from the window when.


I immediately look towards the direction of the crash and realize it was near Whispy Woods. Smoke was emitting from what had crashed.

"What was that?" Sword Knight, who had just entered the hallway, spoke.

I look at him for a split second and see that Blade knight is right next to him. Then I look back at the thing that had crashed.

"Sword, Blade, help me investigate the sight of the crash!" They both nod and follow while I take the lead.


We make it out of the castle and I immediately unfurl my wings and take off into the night sky.

As I get closer to the location I begin to see that it's a ship, looks like there's fire beginning to start. 

I land a couple feet away from the ship and start walking closer. Now that I think about it, the ship looks familiar…

The flames I saw earlier begin to grow, If there's a person inside I better hurry.


Heyyyaaa guys! Anyways this is a story I've had in my brain for maybe a couple of months now. So what do ya think?
I know it isn't that long but can ya really blame me? I've never written a good story in my life, it's always better kept in my head and random rambles rather in a fanfic format.
I just hope chapter's get longer from here on out cause not even I know where this is going I'm just making things up as I write. Much like the essays I write in school :)

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