~Chapter Two~

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Now I am going to fimd ways to get resources for this fic.... but for now I will depend my memory; which is fried.

Oh whale! Enjoi!

Seven woke up, he dreamt about the little girl again, who was she anyways? Seven wondered. He sighed, and hopped down the bed, he looked at the door ahead to see if it would open. He sighed in relief when it didn't.

Seven walked down and headed to the door to the other rooms, and once he opened it he gasped to see a girl with a yellow raincoat collasped on the floor.

Seven ran to her right side and saw blood on her right arm. He shook the girl, "Hey, hey, can you hear me?" Seven asked the girl but got only a groan, Seven sighed as he lifted the girl with a grunt into the room and on his bed, he went around under beds to maybe find some bandages, and luckily he did, with some disenfectant too.

Seven hopped on his bed and instantly went to work, he pushed the raincoat's sleeve and placed disenfectant on the girl's skin, then he wrapped the wound nice and neat. Once he was done he pulled the raincoat sleeve back.

He sighed and lied down, he had to admit, the girl was cute, even with her face covered with her bangs, he smiled and placed the blanket on both of them, before he slept again.


Six opened her eyes groggily, it was blurry so she wiped her eyes, only to see a dark bedroom with plenty of children sleeping. Six moved her sprained foot to see if it was still sprained, thankfully it wasn't. She then placed her hand in her pocket and felt the lighter, good, last thing she would want is the lighter gone.

Lighter-chan: Thank you for caring for me somehow!

Author: You're welcome, Lighter-chan.

Six felt the weight shift on her, she looked up and blinked a few times.

WHAT?! Six's eyes widened to see a boy with a blue jacket snore beside her. A blush crept her face and she blinked and wiped her face many times to see if this wasn't a dream.

But it wasn't.

Six moved a bit, the boy had his arm wrapped around Six in a protective manner, Six blushed deeper red, and moved around a bit to find a way to free from his grasp. But his grasp was so tight she can't move.

"Hm?" The boy stirred awake, and Six looked at him, He looks... cute, Six thought at the brown haired boy. The boy wiped his eyes and sat up, giving Six a chance to stand up as well.

"Oh, you're awake," the boy said and Six nodded, the boy smiled, "How's your arm?"

Six blink a few times before she remembered she had a cut on her arm, she pushed the sleeve to see it bandaged.

"It's fine, thanks," Six said and the boy hummed, and jolted a bit when he remembered he was hugging Six just a while ago, "Oh, um... Sorry for hugging you a while ago, I was just so comfy," he blushed and scrathed the back of his head.

Six giggled, "It's fine, who are you anyways?" Six asked.

The boy chuckled, "Where are my manners? I'm Seven, but the kids here like to call me Runaway Kid," Seven smiled and held out his hand.

Six smiled and held his hand, "Nice to meet you Seven, I'm Six," she said while they shook hands. It took sometime before they let go. Once it took maybe a minuted they let go, blushing.

"So, uh Sev-," Six was cut off by the sound of footsteps near the door.

Seven's eyes widened under his bangs, "Quick! Hide!" Seven whisper screamed and Six laid down, "Go deeper in the blanket, don't let any part of you show," Seven whispered, Six nodded and went deeper under the blanket that she was near Seven's knees, she also curled into a ball.

The door swinged open and the Janitor walked in, haggard breathing since birth, also blind, and he walked around and felt the beds of the kids to see if anyone is awake. The Janitor soon went near Seven's bed.

Seven held his breath, so did Six. The Janitor sniffed a few times and pressed his hand on Seven, patting on him a few minutes then let go. Seven hear the door open and close and he waited for a few minutes before he sighed and sat up, "You can get you now," he said lifting the blanket a bit. Six crawled out.

"Thanks Seven," Six whispered, Seven smiled, "No problem."

"I, uh, I need to go," Six said and looked at the door ahead.

"Wait! Let me go with you! I think you want to escape well so do I!" Seven said and Six smiled, "Sure, the more the merrier."

The two hopped down the bed and walked closer to the door, they hopped and went in the vent to the children's playroom.


Author: Hahhaaha, I... I always write Sven rather than Seven and I'm laughing...

Seven: Really now? When did I became an immortal dog?

Author: The power of Wötarsheep is bestowed upon you, immortal Sven.

Seven: I'm not a dog!

Author: Or not gay since Sven had a boyfriend?

Seven: I'm not both!

Author: Fine I'm stopping, I feel Six's glare on the back of my head for saying you're gay.

Six: *glares*

Author: Just don't eat me, please.

Six: hmp.

Wattpad: Publish Finished.

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