§ Chapter Four: Breakfast with the Family §

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Wednesday, December 18th
One Week till Christmas

Heather's POV
I woke up and hugging Alejandro, who was still asleep. I yawned and rolled over to check my phone. I saw random texts from clients, Instagram notifications, and other bullshit. I then got a text from Geoff in the group chat. As I went to open it I felt Alejandro put his arms around me and then kiss my cheek as I started to read the text.

If anyone wants the lodge's breakfast come outside in less than ten minutes. -Bridgette

     "You want breakfast?" I asked and Alejandro looked at me.

     "Sure" He said and I then got up and he did too.

Duncan's POV
         I woke up to the sound of my phone continuously going off, I groaned and went to turn the ringer off, but I looked and saw Gwen cuddling up next to me. I just looked down at her and then saw the movie. I kinda remember things from last night....mostly the argument. It was about me "ignoring her calls" for the past four years was just a really bad mistake on my hand, but also hers for not telling me it was her. After the two of us just talked, until we decided to watch a movie.

         My phone started going off again, and I grabbed it. The first thing that hit was the time....8:51 A.M. then saw everyone talking about breakfast. I put my hand on Gwen's back and shook her awake and she looked at me.

"Fuck off, let me sleep." She said and I looked at her.

"Do you want to eat?" I asked and she looked at me.

        As she got up I watched her walk away. I sighed and got dressed, as I heard the shower start. I know Gwen takes long showers so I walked outside and stood outside with everyone else, who was waiting. I couldn't get my mind off her.

Zoey's POV
          I grabbed my sweater and then walked out of the cabin. I saw Bridgette, Geoff, Heather, and Alejandro standing outside talking and waiting. I walked over to them and they looked at me.

   "No Mike?" Bridgette asked and I looked at her.

    "Was I suppose to wake him?" I asked and he shrugged.

    "If you want to get the love of your life back...you gotta spend time with him." Bridgette said and I nodded.

         I walked back to the cabin and opened the door. I walked to his room and knocked on the door. It opened and he was standing there shirtless. I totally forgot was I going to say...I was...just staring.

"Good morning Zoey. Are you going to breakfast?" He asked and I nodded as I still couldn't get words out of my mouth.

He put a shirt on and I looked around and then back at him.

    "Come on" He said and grabbed my arm as he walked out of the room.

I got pulled out of the room and I looked over as Duncan walked outside and he looked back uncomfortably. Geoff looked at him and he looked over at us.

"Are you two still arguing?" Geoff asked and he shook his head.

    "No...I think I might like Gwen." He said. 

"You're just realizing this?" Heather asked and Duncan nodded.

Everyone looked over and then Courtney and Scott's door opened.

Courtney's POV
         I was getting ready for breakfast, as my mother said her, and my brothers were here waiting for us at the lobby for breakfast. Scott was ready and I walked out of the cabin with him. Everyone was staring at us and I looked at them.

"Is Gwen coming?" I asked and Duncan shrugged.

"You look confused." Scott said and I rose my eyebrow.

Gwen walked out of the cabin on the phone. She then ran to her expensive car and I looked at everyone. Bridgette smirked at me and I smirked back. We both knew what we were going to do, and we all watched Gwen start her car and drive off.

We all made our way to the lodge's eating area and once we got there, I didn't see Gwen's car there, but I saw my mother's. I smiled and then pulled Scot towards the door. My family loves Scott, and his family loves me too. I hugged him as the two of us walked inside. There was a huge table set up and I saw my mother, Connor, and then Brandon.

"Hey" I said walking over to them and my mother stood up and hugged me.

I hugged her back and Scott looked at Connor and Brandon. They started talking and I then hugged the both of them and I sat down. Everyone was sitting with their families and I waited for the waiter.

"So how have you guys been?" I asked and Connor shrugged.

"The usual...owning a very successful business...single, but earning money." Connor said and I nodded and looked at Brandon

    "Saving lives, single, and earning more money than the both of you." Brandon said and I gave him a look.

The waiter walked in and our families looked at each other and then came together. As everyone ordered their drinks, a table was pushed up to the others making ours bigger. I was a little confused to who it might be.

Gwen's POV
I was sitting behind the lobby waiting with Jimmy, Valentine, and Tristen. I was pretty sure our mother was coming, and we we never close....so I wasn't too excited. Tristen's kids were as they were basically bouncing off the walls with excitement. I sat there on my phone until I heard The front door open. I heard Henry, Heidi, and Harriet scream for her and I rolled my eyes.

   "Lighten up Gwen." Valentine said and I rolled my eyes.

         The three of my brothers left me. I looked up and saw them laughing with her and I just looked down at my phone.....and all I could think of was my father. I invited him to the family dinner on Friday, and he told me he'll hopefully be able to make it. He's said that about every art show, pageant, random things, most my birthdays, and just a lot of everything. I haven't seen him for four years, and I was really hoping he would show up.

   "Gwen" my mother said and I looked over at her.

   "Hey" I said and she gave me a smile.

We didn't say anything else to each other, and I just wanted as she walked away with my brothers and nieces and nephew. I sighed and just looked at the Christmas tree in the middle of the lobby.

    "Gwen..." someone said and I looked up.

Duncan's POV
   I was waiting for my food, when the door opened. Tristen walked in with his kids, Valentine, Jimmy, and then his mother Mary. I saw my mother give her a look and then looked away. Courtney's mother stood up and then the two of them hugged. Soon as everyone said hello to Mary, the door opened and Gwen walked in with someone who looked very familiar.

"This is Noah, if you went to middle school with me, you would know who this is." Gwen said and I nodded.

      She then sighed and I looked at her. I knew exactly what was up with her, she missed her father. It's the main reason she hates the holiday's...as he always felt during them. I saw Gwen sit there and stare at Tristen with his kids and her mother. She then looked around and saw Brandon, and popped a small smile...until it dropped.

"You were happy to see me for a second. What happened?" Brandon asked sitting up.

"Are you following me to watch me with alcohol?" She asked walking over to him, and he looked at her.

"No I actually came to be with my family. Stop making everything about you." He said and she rolled her eyes.

They hugged and I looked away and Ashley laughed. I looked at her and she smirked at me.

   "What?" I asked and she smiled bigger.

   "You're jealous of Brandon, because you like Gwen." She said and I looked at her.

   "Ashley...we aren't in high school anymore, give it up." Our mother said and Robbie laughed.

   "No...look at him mom." Randy said I flipped all of them off.

         I sighed and then looked over at Gwen, who was talking with Noah. She then shrugged and dragged him over to us and Noah gave me a look. Gwen pushed me towards me and then pulled up a chair nearby.

"How many times have you been the any type of jail since middle school?" Noah asked and I looked at him.

"Juvie, I'm unable to count, but jail....once." I said looking at Gwen and she laughed.

"You're still an ex-con to me Duncan." She said and I rolled my eyes.

Noah just stood there and then looked at the two of us, and smirked. Gwen pushed him and then looked at me and I looked at him.

"Okay Duncan, since you ignored me the past four years. You're doing a favor for me." She said as I gave her a look.

"Oh come..." she said and I sighed and looked at her.

"Noah needs a room for one night, and I said he can stay with us on the couch. So you can sleep in your bed and he can sleep on the couch, and I'll sleep on Geoff and Bridgette's couch." Gwen said and I nodded.

"Why don't you just sleep with Duncan...like in the bed." Geoff said and Gwen looked at him and then at me.

"Because I don't know if Duncan has a girlfriend or not." Gwen said Heather laughed.

"Like Duncan has a girlfriend." Heather said and I gave her a look.

        Alejandro laughed and Gwen shrugged and then looked at Noah and he was just on his phone.

    "I'll sleep on the couch, but I'm NOT going skiing tomorrow." He said and she shrugged.

    "I'm fine with that." Gwen said and he nodded.

Later That Night

Zoey's POV
        Today we didn't do much other than get our eat breakfast with other families and get our skiing equipment for tomorrow. I was taking my makeup off in the bathroom and I sat down on my bed. As I was about to go to sleep, there was a knock and I looked over at the door.

    "Come in" I said and Mike walked in.

    "I can't sleep, wanna watch a movie?" He asked and I shrugged.

    "Sure" I said and he nodded and I got up and walked out of my room with him.

Heather's POV
         I was sitting in the bath, with only candles lighting up the area. I was mentally getting ready for skiing tomorrow, when the door opened and I looked over as Alejandro walked in.

    "Exact me, but candles mean...me time." I said and he looked at me.

    "One blow and you're me time will be ruined." He said and I glared.

         He laughed and I splashed him and he gave me a look, I laughed at him. He then blew out all the candles and ran out of the bathroom.

     "Ugh! I hate you so much Alejandro!" I laughed slipping out of the tub.

Courtney's POV
          I was standing outside watching the snow drop to the ground with my hot coco in my hand. I felt a warm blanket wrapped around me and I looked back and saw Scott standing there.

    "What are you doing?" I asked and he kissed my cheek.

    "Spending time with my girlfriend before I beat her down the mountain tomorrow." He said and I laughed.

    "As if a farmer like you would beat me....someone like me, in skiing." I said and he turned me around wrapped his arms arm around me.

     "Want to make a bet?" He asked and I smirked.

     "Whoever loses tomorrow has ride the drive anywhere they want until after New Years....and gets to pick when they want sex." I said and he nodded.

      "Deal" He said and spit in his hand and looked at me.

           I gave him a look and he kissed me and I kissed him back.

Geoff's POV
           I was sitting in the bed waiting for Bridgette and she sat down next to me. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her good night.

"We need to help get Gwen and Duncan together." I said and she nodded.

"I think you setting them up in a room together was an amazing idea." Bridgette said and I nodded.

"I try" I said and she laughed and kissed me.

I kissed her back and then she turned the light off and we both looked at each other.

Gwen's POV
I looked at the time 11:54 PM, and walked into Duncan's room and saw him dead asleep on the bed and I rolled my eyes as he was taking up most of the bed. I walked over and pushed him off the bed and got under the covers. I heard Duncan groan and I looked up.

"I think you deserve to sleep on the floor." I said and he got on the bed and just plopped down.

"I just want to sleep." He said and I laughed.

"Night Dunk" I said and he flipped me off.

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