§ Chapter Six: A Special Dinner §

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Hi yes, I know it's been awhile and before you all jump at my throat for not updating...I just wanted to apologize for taking forever to update this story. This chapter is being reloaded so...don't be shocked when a lot things seem familiar, but I just felt like I needed to re-vamp this chapter.

Friday, December 20th
Five days till Christmas

Bridgette's POV
          After skiing today, everyone just stayed in their rooms, until 2:00, to get on the four hour drive to the restaurant where this was going on. Tristen told us to dress formal, I stood in front of the closet trying to figure out which dress to wear. Geoff put his arms around me and kissed my cheek as I looked at the dresses.

    "The blue one, it brings out your eyes." He said and I looked at him.

          I smiled and he smiled back. We shared a kiss and I grabbed the blue dress. It wasn't a Christmas dinner, it was just a nice fancy one. I walked to the bathroom to change, after I finished I walked out and Geoff held my hand as we asked out of our room.

    "Watch us be underdressed, as all these people are rich people." I said dan Geoff laughed and kissed my cheek.

    "That doesn't matter, if you're under dressed, oh well." Geoff said and I smiled at him and kissed him again.

        We walked out of the cabin towards the car and he opened it for us. I sat down and watched as Geoff got into his seat. I watched Mike and Zoey walking to their car along with Heather and Alejandro. I smiled and then saw Courtney pushing Scott to his car.

    "See everyone seems the same type of dressed up as us." Geoff said and I nodded and he kissed my cheek as he started the car.

Courtney's POV
          It was 2:45 and I was rushing Scott to get out of the house as he was taking way to long to get ready. I pushed him out of the cabin and towards his car. I got in and he did too, as we got in the car everyone started leaving and I hit Scott to go.

     "Give me a second Court." Scott said and I gave him a look.

        He started driving and I sighed with relief. I saw Alejandro's car in front of and just relaxed as everything was just going to be okay. I took a deep breath and then looked out the window at all the snow. This was going to be a long drive, but I didn't care. I got a call from Bridgette.

Heather's POV
        Bridgette just called and talked to me about needing a hotel, over trying to drive back at like 2:00 A.M. for five hours. I told her to ask one of the Rousseau's or Courtney, and she did.

    "Wait...so how are we getting back?" Alejandro asked and I looked at him.

    "We aren't tonight." I said and he nodded.

        I then got a text from Courtney telling us to the train that was five minutes away and I looked at Alejandro and then told him and he nodded.

Zoey's POV
           I was carpooling with Mike to this fancy place we were all meeting, five hours away, but now I think we were taking a train. As we pulled into the train stations parking lot I got out of my car and saw everyone else here, expect Gwen and Duncan. I grabbed my bag that I packed just in case we were staying somewhere overnight and then walked over to everyone.

     "How did we get a train?" I asked as Heather was walking over with Alejandro.

     "I don't know, and nor do Tristen, Valen, or Jimmy." Bridgette said and I looked at them.

     "So we're getting on a suspicious train to New York, and no one's how we got it?" Courtney asked and everyone nodded.

     "Oh well...you only live once." Heather said and pulled Alejandro to the train with her.

         I looked at Mike and he looked at me. Soon someone stepped off the train and it looked like Noah, Gwen and Duncan's friend....or he might be Gwen's intern....I had no idea who he was.

    "Oh Noah's there...let's go." Scott said and grabbed Courtney's hand and started pulling her to the train.

        I looked at Mike and he looked at me. We both shrugged and then walked towards the train with Bridgette and Geoff. We got inside and it was a really nice train and I looked at Noah.

     "Gwen owns a train?" I asked and he looked at me.

     "No....I own a train." Noah said and we all looked at him.

     "So tell me...how is it being Gwen's intern?" Geoff asked and he looked at him.

     "I'm not Gwen's intern...I'm her friend. I work with her agent, which technically means she works for me." Noah said

        The train started and I smiled looking at Mike and he smiled back at me.

Three Hours Later

Bridgette's POV
          The train came to a stop and I walked out and looked at Geoff. The Rousseau's were there waiting for us and a bunch of cars. As we all stood on the ground Tristen looked at us.

    "I swear if Gwen's not on the goddamn train." Tristen started and Valentine laughed.

    "We didn't see her." Alejandro said and Tristen shook his head.

    "Dude chill Duncan says they're already at the hotel." Valentine said and Tristen shook his head.

         I looked at Courtney and she looked at me. The guys started talking and I smiled a bit. Tristen explained that we were going  to have our own personal drivers, that they would take us to the hotels and everything else.

An Hour Later

Gwen's POV
         I looked at Duncan and he was texting someone. I threw the tv remote at him and he turned back and looked at me, and I gave him a look. I did not wait to be here, some I did not want to see was going to be there tonight, and I didn't want Duncan to freak out when he did.

   "Duncan, hey you're gonna meet someone...you may not like them, but have to promise not to lash out when you do." I said and Duncan looked at me.

   "I'm not scared of meeting one of your ex's Gwen." Duncan said, fixing his tie in the mirror and I walked in front of him and grabbed the tie out of his hands.

   "Okay, but you promise me...you'll be civilized?" I asked tying his tie, knowing that Duncan was going to lash out at my.....fiancé....that I ran away from.

       He nodded, while getting his tux ready in the mirror. I put my hand on his side and he looked at me and I smiled a bit, and we both looked at ourselves in the mirror. I had a dark midnight blue, long, skin tight dress on and Duncan his black tux with a neon green tie and I turned to look at him and he looked at me.

    "You look gorgeous." He said and I smiled and leaned in closer to him and he did the same.

         We were about to kiss, but the door opened and we both looked over and both Jimmy and Ronnie were standing there. They looked at us and we looked at them.

     "It's time...." Jimmy said and I sighed and walked with Duncan towards the door.

Courtney's POV
          I was sitting in the back seat with Scott, on our way to the fancy restaurant. When we got there I noticed it wasn't a restaurant, it was the hotel's banquet hall. Scott opened the door for me and I smiled at him. As we walked to the banquet hall everyone joined us. I saw my family's cars drive in and park, as we made it to the doors.

         People opened the doors for us and Tristen, Meredith, their kids, Valentine, and Jimmy were standing there greeting everyone. I looked around at all the decorations and held Scott's hand and he kissed my cheek.

    "Wow" I said looking around and there was a laugh.

    "You can say that again." Bridgette said and looked at her and we looked at each other.

    "Where's the Vampire Queen?" Heather asked, referring to Gwen and I looked at her.

     "Behind you Queen of all Trolls." Gwen said and they both laughed and smiled at each other.

          It's weird seeing those two get along, let alone...smile at each other. I looked at Alejandro and then Duncan and they were laughing with each other. Gwen looked at Duncan.

      "Remember what I told you." She said while walking away and pointing at Duncan.

      "I know" he said and she nodded then walked up to her brothers.

          Soon we all made our way to the tables inside the banquet hall and my family sat near the Rousseau's. I smiled and put my bag down and then sat down. Brandon walked over and he was texting someone. Duncan's table was next mine on side, with Bridgette's behind me, and then Heather's in front of me. Both Mike and Zoey were at the same table on the other side of Heather, and then Geoff's table was next to Bridgette's.

       "Heather have you been here?" Geoff asked and they looked at him.

       "Yes...I have. Alejandro and I live thirty minutes away." Heather said and Alejandro smiled and kissed her cheek.

          I looked at Scott and he looked at me. I then got a text to meet in the lobby and I looked up at everyone. I looked at Brandon and he was typing fast and got up and walked past us.

Bridgette's POV
         Geoff and I, along with everyone else, walked towards the lobby. Our families were there all there and I looked at my sister, who was talking with Michelle, Ashley and Lexi. Gwen was talking with Brandon, Courtney looked at her mother and they shrugged and looked at me.

          I watched the door open and Gwen pointed at Duncan, threatening him I think. He didn't react and we all watched as some guy walked in, and after a few seconds I noticed him as Trent Lows, singer songwriter Trent Lows. I watched Gwen look over at him and Brandon rubbed her shoulder and then pushed and nudged him towards her. I glanced and watched as Duncan crushed his cup.

    "Who's that?" Geoff asked and Duncan looked at him.

    "Trent Lows, singer songwriter" Duncan scoffed, he look like he wanted to murder him. 

        He started mumbling to himself as whatever was in his cup over flowed and spilled out onto the floor. I glanced at Zoey, Heather, Alejandro, Courtney, and Mike. They were shocked and Gwen turned back and told him to come over, and his eyes twitched as he walked over. I looked at Brandon to explain and he looked at us.

   "Gwen is Trent's fiancé...they walked out on each other a few months ago...and now I'm guessing he wants her back? I could be wrong." Brandon said. "Though I have no idea why Gwen would want Trent and Duncan to meet." He added.

        We all watched Duncan and Trent glare at each other as Gwen talked. She looked at her brothers and they were all shaking their heads. Geoff put his arm around me and I put my head on his shoulder as we whatever was going in front of us. Suddenly the door opened and we all looked over and saw Gwen's father walking in. We were all shocked, and Gwen stood there staring at him. He smiled and Gwen walked over to him, away from both Duncan and Trent. He rubbed her back and the two of them talked, until he put his hand on Gwen's shoulder and tilted his hand towards the door.

        The door opened and we all looked over as Noah walked in holding a kids hand. I heard Gwen gasp and we all looked at each other. Noah pointed at Gwen and the kid got excited and ran towards her.

   "Mommy!" He yelled and Gwen hugged him.

       I was shocked along with everyone, even Brandon. Both Trent and Duncan was staring at Gwen, as she squeezed the child. I looked at Geoff and he looked at me.

    "Gwen's a mother?" I asked and her brothers nodded.

    "Y-yeah....his name is Vincent." Brandon said Courtney looked at him.

   "How do you know?" Courtney asked Brandon looked at her.

   "I was there when they took him away from her." Brandon said.

            I was confused,and Duncan stared at Trent and then at Gwen as she hugged the kid. They pointed to each other and then the child. I looked at Brandon and he looked at me.

      "Why did they take him away from her?" I asked and he looked at us.

      "She was a heavy drinker and her father wanted to take care of him until she was ready for her child back." Valentine said and I nodded.

         Gwen picked him up and kicked his cheek. Now I understand why Gwen's being so resentful around and towards Tristen's kids and Christmas time. Gwen look at Duncan and Trent and then down at the kid. She made a face and Noah walked over to Brandon.

    "She still doesn't know who the father is." Noah said and Brandon looked at him.

    "I know, and I don't blame her...if Trent's the father...that's the reason for him to stay in her life. If the Duncan's the father, who knows what he'll do...who knows if he'l even want to be in Vince's life." Brandon said and Noah shook his head.

        We all looked over as Gwen's introduced her son to both Trent and Duncan

Okay, now you can yell at me for not updating this in over a year, though I hope to continue to update this story every Saturday/Sunday and every Wednesday. I again want to apologize for thanking so long for me to start this story up again. I hope you all will continue to read, and that I'll see you in the next chapter.

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