chapter 9 ' eevee's curse '

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Lola pov

I remember when this all began a long time ago I was in a field with my friends and it started to get dark we where all getting ready to head back home when I started to hear this wired sort of tune playing in the forest  I told my friends I'll catch up with them later they all nodded and started walking .While I walked into the forest I remember it suddenly getting dark and fog pouring in as the tune got louder and as soon as I came to the clearing of the forest and the tune just stopped . Looking around I don't really see anything where it could be coming from I checked all over and nothing I shrugged it off and was about to leave when I started hearing a rustling in the Bushes  w-who's there . I said shaking a bit and tumbling out of the Bushes was a Eevee I sighted in relief and walked over to it as calmly as I could  hey are you alright little one you seem lost I said  it didn't respond I tried nudging it thinking it was just a joke I came closer to it them my hole body froze . The eevee seemed to have a eye missing and didn't seem to move at all I backed away slowly afraid of whatever attacked this Eevee is coming for me next just as I was about to run the Eevee got up and started walking towards me mumbling out something I was to scared to move I thought it was dead but I was wrong then it's words started to become clear please help me it said  I nodded slowly and started to calm down a little  I don't know h-how to I said . It put it's ears down and sat on the grassy floor in front of me and asked me I need you to avenge me I can't leave this forest cause of my condition I need your help to escape this forest  I sat down as well an nodded then the last thing I remember is the Eevee's giggle before passing out  then I woke up here I couldn't see and I felt pain in my stomach I got up stumbling and touched my face feeling bandages around my eyes I untied them and I couldn't see out my left eye I ran over to a nearby river and looked in water seeing that my eye was torn out and I was covered in bandages on my stomach  ... how did this happen to me  wait that Eevee did it do this to me ? I started hearing its voice in my head  it said thank you for helping me miss   what do you mean helping you ?! I said well I needed you to leave this forest so I took over half of your body  it said giggling so you where just using me ?  I titled my head confused  yes but I still need you to survive then ill leave it said . I got up putting the bandages back over my eye  well maybe ill let you stay if you don't hurt anyone of my friends I said  putting my ears down  then the voice stopped    I sighted annoyed and started walking home wondering what story to make up once I get home hopefully they'll believe me .

Well I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Destiny bond I'm sorry that this took so long   -~-

Anyway I'm your local cat trash signing out

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