the steps i do in life

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1.  Eat mini white castle burgers

2. Listen to music

3.  Read fanfics

4.  Draw or sketch

5.  Fall asleep

6.  Work on new charter designs

7.  Find wired stuff on the internet

8.  Watching my cats fight over the same cat bowl

9.  Clean my room

10.   Take a nap

11.  Play animal jam

12.  Fail out trading

13.  Watch some pokemon and happy tree friends

14.  Talk to a few of my friends

15.  Stop swift rose and Hershey  from hurting dragons

16.  Go outside and lay under a tree

17.  Talk with oreo and her meowstic

18.  Play games with lianna

19.  Play hide and seek with flora in the garden

And that's my routine so yea :T

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