chapter 10 "lonley ones roam "

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Lola pov

I looked in the mirror of the bathroom and sighted trying to remember who I once was but theres no really going back it seems I needed to get out of the house for awhile to clear my head . I walked out the door and looked at the sky it seemed more bright then usual I smiled closed the door behind me and started walking   I walked through the trees then started to hear what sounded like rushing water " are  my ears playing tricks on me? " I paused for second and started to follow the sound. It lead me to a small waterfall  I looked in the beautiful blue water and smiled  I sat down looking around trying to see if anyone was around  I jumped into the water luckily it wasn't that deep cause im not a very good swimmer   I swam to a rock sitting in the middle of the water an climbed onto it before shaking the water out my furr.   " what are you doing here? " said a unone voice  I  look around not seeing anyone " down here!  " yelled the person looking down I see a vaporeon with a necklace that had a psychic type symbol on it.  " o-oh sorry didn't see you there " I said looking down at the other eeveelotion  they looked sorta familiar I just couldn't put my paw on it   he vaporeon jumped onto the rock also sitting next to me  " so what's your name?  " I asked trying not to be a complete wiredo  the vaporeon looked at me and smiled " my names Tyler and its nice to meet you "  he said at that moment my heart sank into the out of my stomach and that name repeating in my head.   I jumped back into the water an swimming to shore " wait! I never got your name" he said   I stopped dead in my tracks and faced him without a word  I sighted and said " lola... "

Well everyone I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Destiny bond sorry it took ages  well till next time bye my kittens !

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