school stories

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Okay I only have a few and these are from grade 2nd and 3rd

1.  In second grade  I used to draw mlp everyday and when I random out of paper I took some from the teachers shelf and my friend I will call her jazzy got mad at me cause she said I shouldn't be doing that cause I'll get in trouble  I never did

2 this is 3rd grade to all the artist out there have you ever been called the art kid?  Cause back in my school I had this desk that was in the door way of the emergency exit door and when free time rolled around people by people I mean two boys lets call them Jake and wild  Jake would always ask what I was drawing and at the time I was a give nights at Freddy's nerd and he liked to see me draw fnaf  and me and wild fighted about pokemon and theories that we made up about the game

I was a wired kid °^°

Here's the last one and its actually a pet pev of mine
Has any girls in your school ever played with a hotdog and looked one of the boys across the table while doing so?   This girl did all the things to this thing and I though it was gross cause I was 10 years of age at the time and I still can't eat hotdogs after just seeing that but I grown mature over the time and learned to ignore it but now remembering the girl was looking at a guys that was two grades up from us and it was disturbing to say the least

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