" the ghost " chapter 11

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... Do you ever wonder what its like to feel the cold air on your face pain sweeping thought your body as you lay helplessly on the ground of ice and snow waiting for something to happen..

It all started this morning

Flora pov

Walking through the snowy forest today I noticed something wasn't right I started seeing black specks in the snow I didn't really think anything of it cause wired stuff happens all the time . I continued to walk through the cold forest till I came to a clearing in the trees with two rocks one along the path I came from and the other hand a rather strange pokemon sitting ontop of it   having long white fur a large horn on the it's head  in the shape of a scythe  it also had long claws  it's red eyes staring down at me  . Then I remembered what a friend had told me not long ago to watch out for this type of pokemon cause she said it brought danger wherever it goes and I though he was right a few days later we passed that same pokemon  . And a few minutes later we where surrounded by mightyena   and I watched him try to fight them off only two went down the last one took him down with him I was too scared to help or fight back  and now I see this creature before me and looking back at this memory it looks just like the one we saw  . I felt my eyes start to cloud with tears as I sat down in the cold snow looking back at the creature with tear filled eyes and said " why  did you do this ?.." it just gave me a slight glare as it jumped off the rock it was sitting on and walked towards me   and sat infront of me then I lifted my head looking then in the eyes and it spoke " I recognize you..  Your that leafeon that was with the umbreon I'm sorry that happened to him I was trying to warn you both you know"  it said while giving me a blank soulless look. I looked back at them and sights "  how where you trying to warn us ?"  I said  unsure of what they ment  "  well I'm a absol also known to the humans as the disaster pokemon I don't bring them I try to warn others about it "I couldn't really believe what I am hearing I just sighted and got up " well thank you none of that really matters anymore anyway well thank you "  I started to walk back  he ran up to me and stopped me in my tracks  " at least let me come with you " the absol  said .   I glared at him for awhile then started walking again with him following behind me  even though I didn't say yes I looked at him and asked " I'm sorry  about earlier but I didn't get your name "    he turned towards me and spoke "  my name's danger "  he turned away as we kept walking then I saw something odd it's that black snow again but this time it wasn't really just a little it was covering every tree an bush in the path I turned to the absol and asked " do you know what's happening to the snow "  he just looked around then stopped dead in his tracks I was puzzled at first but before I could say anything I heard a howl in the distance " , this isn't snow .. these are ashes "  he said in a more fearful tone   I was a bit confused till I heard a loud howl and growl I turned around and standing right before me was a mightyeana   growled steeping closer to me....

To be continued ....

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