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Born into a world where one's future is more of less pre-determined; freedom may only come from a will to choose and a determination to live.

Whispers: Without sound, hushed spoken words, undetermined spoken words. I have heard them. I do hear them. I may always hear them. Do you hear them too? Maybe we could decipher those hushed undetermined words together.

Infinity: Without limits, unending moments, with an infinite number of terms. Sometimes the physics of infinity can be manipulated. Maybe together we can be the ones responsible for creating that manipulation.

In a world intertwined and dominated by techno related body art, one man must go against the grain and defy those in power so he can break free, break out of the shackles that connect every member of the Human race, then to go on and aid others to break free. Such aid may not only look to the future but perhaps to the past as well.

The quest to break free and become the first completely undefined individual of individuals in over five decades would be all consuming. Change is near. It will begin. It has begun. The chase is as infinite as time itself is, though when we all are connected to some degree, is there anywhere that any of us can hide?


"Say it's true, there's nothing like me and you, I'm not alone, tell me you feel it too, and I would run away, I would run away yeah ... yeah, I would run away, I would run away with you, cos I, I have fallen in love with you, no ... never, I'm never gonna stop falling in love with you ..."

Darkness and silence, whispers soon begin. One singular whisper grows into many, and the decibel level increases exponentially. What is being spoken if anything at all is unclear. A face and only a face, a face of a young lady is just right there within the darkness, looking back. Who is she?

Eyes open wide and he breathes in deeply and quickly, filling his lungs with air as if he has only just returned to the land of the living. A life returned in more ways than one, a life in the process of being returned. This is just where it begins, where the freedom begins.

Sitting up in watery surroundings and catching his breath, an initial escape has been made but now the hunt begins, it settles in, and it is not long before the sound of hounds in the distance can be heard. No time to sit and wait, no time to rest and recover, no time to ponder or attempt to decipher anything for the escape needs to continue, the quest needs to continue or at least fully begin, because freedom is close, freedom is possible, freedom is out there on the horizon.

Just who he is or who I am and why any of this should matter to you, well ... that is a story that should matter especially if you decide to do anything with it.

Right, you there, you with whom is reading this, sitting comfortable wherever and whenever it is you are, let me tell you a story, let me tell you who exactly it is I am and if for some reason you are unaware of just how things are ... then allow me to attempt to convince you of how this world is or just exactly of what it is capable of becoming.

My name is Dorian, though it has been quite some time since I have been known by that name or by any name at all. It is a name I hang onto and dare to be known by once again. I am a guy in case you were wondering though my name has not really mattered much over the years as I have for some time been referred to as intern 876-953/w and this is what the identity tattoo on my right forearm reads. I need this identity tattoo to access any and all area's I need to be or at least did need to be.

I am a level one resident as it is called, more like a level one prisoner of Compound c-46 subsection e-14. As far as it goes, level one residents are the lowest of the low. We are the manual workers whose jobs are so despicable that I wouldn't even begin to describe them here and being as such, there are many places I am unable to or rather not allowed to access, and many places I spend more time in than anyone should ever have to.

It is the year 2092 and pre-determination is what rules. Most every living person alive today is controlled in some way or another by one of the three world government powers. These world governments are also inter-connected, so they work together rather than competing or challenging each other separately in any way. My level one status is indicated by a rather large and thick infinity tattoo on my left forearm. I am sure that you are aware of the symbol for infinity.

You there reading this may already be used to seeing it in everyday life and at the point in time where you read this you may be unaware as to just how often you do see it in your everyday life though if you are like me then you too have such a tattoo on your left forearm. If you are yet to come to the way the world is for me then you may or may not be aware of signs of how things are about to chance. Not that I ever experienced a life before this one, it is how it was back then that I wanna get to.

In the world I am a part of, most everyone is in some way or another cybernetic, cybernetic that is as anyone can be without having actual implants as our tattoo's work more or less like non-organic implants would. Actual implants can be added sometimes too, my right eye for instance is artificial and it does a lot to enhance my sight. My enhanced eye allows me to see when I am assigned to sewer work, without it you could say, I would be in the dark during those shifts.

Body art however, works as a kind of information relay which connects directly to the brain. The addition of tattoo's act as upgrades, each tattoo determines who we are and what we are, well at least to some degree that is.

I can't help but wonder as to whom it is that may be reading this. If indeed this has come to you within such a time that I would call the past, then I have a question for you. Do have any tattoos? Do you know of others with tattoos? It is how it all began ya know. You may think you are safe even if you are yet to acquire a tattoo but in reality, you are not.

By this point in my own life, I have been a level one resident for about eight years now. Most people receive at least two upgrades in this kind of time period, some would even get as many as twelve upgrades in this amount of time though as of yet, I have not been upgraded at all. The eye implant came out of necessity rather than it being something I have been gifted with and as I already mentioned, it actually aids me quite a bit with the duties I must perform or at least the duties I had to perform before I managed to free myself.

Who you are and what you do in society improves with each upgrade so you can imagine how low my position in society is. From what you have read so far, you may have gathered that I am sick of it all. I am no longer willing to be a pawn. The time and opportunity to break free has come my way and this is exactly what I have done. With some help I have escaped the living compound I have always been in and now I plan to live and be completely free in the outside world where I hope I can become a singular individual rather than some kind of work drone.

You see, in the world, at this particular time, most everyone is connected. These tattoos which work like implants connect us all; it is how we know where we need to be and what we need to do without directly or verbally being told. It is like being on-line without the use of a computer. It's my own personal GPS system. So obviously enough, it is through this connection as to how I can be tracked. They will come for me, they are coming for me, but I won't stop until I am either completely free or completely dead, well at least this is the idea.


As to how I look, my physical appearance? Does it matter? Possibly not but for this escape of mine, well ... maybe it does. As it goes, I am quite short, and I am slim though strong, quite strong I would think for someone of my height and build. My working duties have always kept me physically active, so I am in decent shape to actually be able to go on the run. I won't go into detail as to how I escaped the living compound I am from, safe to say it involved the sewage system I spoke of and that the escape itself rendered me unconscious.

As you may have gathered upon my escape, I awoke in a swamp like area. Once I had managed to gather myself and upon hearing the sound of hounds off in the distance, I get up and begin to quickly make my way to and through a wooded area not far off to my right.

There have always been stories of there being cities and towns away from the living compounds, places which have been created by those who have made escapes in the past or are currently on the run. I always thought that such places were just rumours; I thought that these were just stories created to give hope to all willing to attempt an escape of some kind.

A couple hours after having come out of unconsciousness, I come to such a place only to become unconscious once again. How or why I became unconscious again, I don't know. I have heard of the possibility of being shut down through the collective consciousness though whether or not this had been the case at this point is unclear. Such is the tech we live with.

As with the moments before I awoke in that swamp, there is darkness and silence. A single whisper speaks and soon loudens into many whispers, collective whispers, still undetermined whispers and then there is that face of a young lady again, the same lady as before. I see her face; all I see is her face.

When I come too once more, I am surprised to see a middle-aged lady apply a cool damp towel to my forehead. The image I have previously seen is not of the lady aiding me now. The face I had seen was younger. To my right I can hear the sound of water dripping. To my left and behind the lady at my side I can hear activity. There must be others here too though wherever it is I am it is dark, and I feel somewhat light-headed. I am lying down and my initial instinct is to sit myself up.

'There, there now, try to relax yourself please' she tells me.

'Where am I? What is happening?'

'It is alright, do not worry, you are among friends here. You most definitely are among friend,s right here in South Star City. I must say though you are also a little young to have made an escape, aren't you?'

South Star City? I have heard of this place but from what I gather it is nowhere near the compound I am from. On foot it would take me weeks to get to such a place and that is if I knew where I was going. Despite all of that, I go on and answer the question I had been asked, 'I had to leave, I couldn't take it anymore.'

'We understand.'

'We? How long have I been out?'

'Just about eight days now.'

'Eight days? They are coming, they can't catch me.'

'As I have said do not worry, you are safe for now. We are well hidden.'

It is at this moment that I notice that I have a whole host of new tattoos. They are not only on my arms but also on my body, quite a bit of my body too. Maybe it is the realization of what has been done to me or perhaps it is living with these consciously for a first time, for all of a sudden, I am hit with an overwhelming whooshing sensation.

'What the hell? ...' I try to get up once more.

'Relax there now, take it easy' she attempts to hold me down as others begin to approach. 'We have taken the liberty of adding some upgrades and now that you are awake, they are just simply loading if you will. One of these upgrades should also aid you with hiding yourself.'

I do relax or at least try to, as much I can and I can tell you that this feeling, once I let it take me, was one hell of a feeling. 'Oh, what a rush' as a fellow once said. One of those others who had just approached begins speaking French with someone else with whom is not so close.

'Holy hell, I just completely understood everything you just said, so I presume I can now speak French?'

In case you haven't gathered already, languages are not my thing, at least they weren't. Prior to waking I would not have been able to tell my 'bonjour' from my 'qui'.

'Oui ... but, of course' speaks the lady who had been attending to me and she says it with a French accent that she hadn't got a moment or so ago, 'along with being able to do quite a few other things new to you. Rest now, with this sudden upload you will need time to physically and mentally adjust.'

This 'upload' I went through, it has taken it out of me but in a kind of pleasant way if that makes sense? So, I do continue or at least attempt to relax and pretty soon, I am out cold once more. Once again, there is darkness and silence and once more a single whisper speaks.

Like with the two previous moments to date, I cannot completely hear what is being spoken and like before the single whisper becomes multiple whispers and they quickly get louder and louder however this time before I regain consciousness, I hear the words 'no one ever truly escapes' as well as the whispers and right before I awake I see that face again. Who is she? Do I know her? Does she even exist?

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