A Hidden Princess - Wattpad Version - Sample

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Chapter 1

My fist connects cruelly with bloody flesh, forcing the man's face to swing to the left. Blood and spit flinging in the air. His black eyes veer back to mine in a split second. A second too late. My knee came up with lightening speed to slam into his sliced apart chest, the moment my fist left his face. A grunt discharges with the sounds of cracking ribs.

Before I'm able to swing my fist up to jar with his throat, four arms wrap around me. Slamming my battered and broken body to the muddy ground.

Marcus roars in the back of my head, demanding these pathetic creatures to release us at once.

Giving up isn't an option. The need to destroy festers in my gut, building until my fists crave to be coated in warm red blood. The thickness sticking to my naked flesh, creating a crazed monster with wild black eyes.

Howling to the night sky, my teeth sink into the arm holding my throat to the ground. The man growls in my ear as his blood paints my mouth.

"Hold him down!"

"Where the hell is the King?"

"Caden, you need to think on Claudia! Believe in her! Picture her beautiful face, breathing smile and warm heart."

Marcus pushes for full control. I gladly give him the reins of our blood lust. Shifting, he takes a leg in his mouth, sharp teeth slice through tanned hairy flesh. He shakes the limb ruthlessly, ripping the man off his body.

"Marcus! Give Caden control back. You're not thinking straight."


Marcus lunges at a warrior. His teeth missing the wolfs throat by inches. Not taking kindly to losing a kill he swiftly attacks a warrior to his right. Surprising him. Canines pierce his side, ripping a nice juicy chuck out. The blood runs down his throat, settling deliciously.


We try to ignore the power surge of the man behind us. Tiny pricks form all over Marcus's furry body. The hair on his back sticking straight up in anger and defiance.

"I said enough Marcus! You will shift back to Caden's body this instant!"

No! Nothing good will come with shifting back. Shaking his head, he tries to run for it. The power of the Kings words crush his bones, willing them to reform into a human being. The fight is strong. His legs wobbly. Each step taken brings him closer to the ground. With one last step his legs buckle, bringing his bloody snout to slide deep within the muddy ground.

"I will not demand again Marcus. Let my son have control."

I didn't want control. Haven't since that...that.

Marcus snarls at my thought path. The pain engulfs us both, sending our minds into a spiral of misery. Our death inches away in our minds. We have nothing to live for. No one waiting for us back at the castle with warm open arms.

Howling to the sky once more, Marcus gives up. His grief open for the people to feel and grieve with us. The sheer force of the agony brings the standing humans and wolves to the ground. Their howls joining his.

Not only did a prince lose his soul, but a kingdom lost their future Queen and Mother to all wolves.

Chapter 2

Jab, uppercut, kick, and repeat. Music blares through the little ear buds, pounding to the beat of my erratic heart. Sweat drips down my forehead, stinging my eyes. I relish in the pain. I crave it with each breath my throat swallows.

Jumping, I shake my arms out, enjoying the aches and blood dripping from the broken skin on my knuckles. The punching bag swings slowly in front of me from my last kick. Rolling my neck, I attack it once more. Driving my bare fist flat with the dull black fabric.

In one month, this one room has become my sanctuary. Sleep is no longer an option. My mind dreams up her beautiful face smile at me. I hear her laugher as she clings to my body during a night of dancing. Dreams, I'm brutally forced to wake up from. Where the truth hits me, bitterly.

It's been two months since she was taken from me. I fought anyone within reaching distance. My own father had to lock me up in the dungeons for two weeks. My nails clawed at my skin, ripping it apart at the loss of my mate. Depression set it, creating a whole new world for not only me, but my family. I'd attempted suicide plenty of time. Going as far as slicing my own chest open to rip my beating heart out.

It was my father's last straw. He brought me to this room after having a doctor crudely stich my chest up. For days, he beat the living shit out of me. He said if I wanted to feel, he would give me something to feel and I did. I felt every punch to the gut, every slice of his claws down my flesh.

We caught as wolves and humans. It wasn't until the third day when a projector was set up on the back white wall. With the help of Jason and Derek, they chained me to the opposite wall. My face held in place by leather straps. They even went to the extreme and taped my eyes wide open. Nothing I could do to break free.

For two days straight I stood and watched videos of her breathing adventures. Her parents had used all their extra money to buy a small camera. When she would go out with her brother, Theo and Nik all their crazy schemes were recorder. Her mother would entrust the camera with one of the boys, demanding its return in perfect condition.

It had been broken on multiple occasions. Nik being a royal commander with money replaced it each time, with a new and upgraded version. In the end the camera attached itself to Nik's clothing. She never knew it was there.

For two days, I soaked up her beauty. The way she'd play with the younger children on her free time. Her big bright heart shining through when she'd take on other's tasks. It didn't matter if she knew they were taking advantage of her. She helped out anyways.

That week my father did what he needed to do. The beats broken me down. Stole my strength and ability to move. The video's and pictures were the final breaking point. For the first time in a month, I gave what my heart desperately required.

I cried. I sobbed for hours. Letting the guilt of what I had done to lose her. Pushing her away with my jealousy. Over a simple verdict which could have been prevented by a few words from me. If it hadn't been for Nik's sentence, she wouldn't have run away from me. She'd hug him and evidentially come back to me. Because I was her mate. No him.

It took her death to realize how much she meant to me. To see what truly mattered in life.

Roaring, I bring my right arm back before my fist hits the punching bag, breaking it from its metal chains and soaring across the room to land at the feet of a bitch in heat.

Taking calming breaths, I rip my ear buds out. My parched throat begs for water. To get to it, I have to walk towards her.

I despise Beth Sanders. He scent alone, drives me to murder her.

My throat can wait.

Taking my eyes off her, I listen to her heavy breathing. I knew what she wanted. What her father wanted. I wasn't going to give it to them. Even if the council desired it.

My back greets the cool weight bench. The desired weights already on the bar from this morning's workout. Forcing air out of my lungs, I lift the bar up out of its holder and begin to zone everything out. All that matters is building my body up, building it up to the point when I meet the fucker who stole my loves body, I will rip him to pieces with my bare hands. His blood will paint the green grass. My questions will be answered one way or another.

Weight is pressed down on my hips. My eyes glare at the female who dared to sit on me.

"I'll give you two second to get off me before I rip your head off," I growl, my eyes twitching with the anticipation of killing.

"Babe, you need to stop fighting it. We will be mated within the next few months," She attempts to purr sexually.

All it does it make my hand jerk. "I gave you far warning." Placing the bar into its holder, I thrust my hips up with all my strength. The sudden movement drives her body a foot off mine. Enough space to lift one knee up, cradling her belly before my foot connects with it. Sending her flying against the back wall of the gym. I held no sympathy towards her broken body. Though I hated seeing the large dent in my wall. I'd fixed it just last week.

With a strained moan from her lips she tries to get up. I stop her with a foot to the chest. "Caden!"

"If you dare speak those words to me again, I won't hesitate to lock you up down in the dungeons." I press down with more force. Hearing a cracking noise. The pleasure of her scream tickles my insides. "If you lay a finger on me, I'll make sure the rest of your ribs are cracked. The only female who is allowed to touch me, is my mate. You are not her."

Storming the door, I leave her crying in a puddle on the floor.

The day after my father and Jason helped undo the chains, she began her mission to snag me as her future mate.

The door to the gym slams shut behind me. The room was held underneath the castle. A guard is supposed to be stationed at its door at all times. "When did you start your shift?" I demand. If she bribed the guard and he gave into her beauty, both would be in series trouble.

"I stepped up to my post seconds before you walked through the door, your highness." His back straight, eyes staring past my face.

"Who did you releave?"

"Adam Cane, your highness. The moment I arrived he ran off as if he'd done something wrong. I informed Commander Togen and he is on his way here," he states.

As if on cue, Commander Togen turns the corner, making his presence known to all. "Your highness," he says as he steps up next to me. Hands behind his back.

"Togen, it seems as if we have a man who allowed a women to move him from his duty. Beth Sanders is in need of medical assistance down in my gym. Do find this pathetic pup and give him the correct punishment." I glance sideways at him.

"As you wish, your highness. My men are bringing him to the training field as we speak. I've summoned the doctor and he will take Miss. Sanders away to be treated. Once she is healed from her accidental fall, she will be placed on house arrest. I'll make sure Nathan Greves has finished the shot. Once it's given to her, no one will be able to stand the smell emitting from her skin for nearly two weeks. She will have no other choice, but to stay locked up in her room."

"Thank you. I knew you were the man to fix this mess. Do not disappoint me."

"I won't."

There was an underlining meaning between us. I wouldn't accept betrayal a second time from one of my Commanders. Nikolai set the other eight Commanders up for strict monitoring. The two who aren't fully mated, are screened. Their dates are put through background checks before she is allowed within a mile of the Commander.

If it weren't for Miss. Sanders father being my father's school buddy, I'd kick her to the curb. My father sees it. He's let it slide, possibly to see what I'd do. I swore the moment my head became clear, I'd never make the same stupid mistake of sleeping with anyone other than my Claudia.

Even if I've lost her. I would rather die alone then spend one more sexual moment with another female. It will be my own punishment for all the pain I've caused her.

Storming away from the commander and guard, I head towards my shower. Within moments, the boiling water is burning my skin. A sigh leaves my lips as my mind is wiped clean.

"You know you need to nip this whole Beth Sanders issue in the butt. If you don't, I have no idea she will drug you. For all we know she will get those bad boys inside her and become pregnant just to spite you."

"Fucking hell, Jason! Can't a man shower in peace?" I groan, fingers swiping through my ear length hair. Not cutting it gave me something to pull on in frustration.

"Not when you were nearly sexually assaulted down in your own personal gym. Togen's men were with the guard for all of five minutes before he broke down and confessed all. Beth promised him a better position once she became your official mate."

"Idiot for believing her." Finishing up, I turn the water off and step out of the shower. Naked as the day I was born.

"Your father has called a meeting with the commanders and council. It's to take place in an hour. You best give them a reason to back the hell off. Otherwise you might not have a choice in it." Jason faced the door with his phone in his hands.

I've listened to him on everything since my mind came back to me. He was right, as was Nikolai and I had failed in ignoring their warnings. Not anymore.

Quickly dressing in royal attire, I clap him on his shoulder. "After this, I will need to get away. I already know they will push my last button. Allow me time to myself before a commander, or my father seeks me out." My muscles tense at the thought of entering the war room. Nothing ever good comes of entering those doors.

"You have my word." He opens my bedroom door for me. "Though you might hear shouting and fighting going on before the entrance to your private beach. I know you're up to something and it will cause anger, and desperation. I'll make sure Tarek and his men are posted to intercept the council members."

Jason always has my back. Even when I've been an absolute idiot.

"It's why I will be hiding out. The gym evidently isn't safe for my own private time anymore. The beach is my next go to spot."

"We all know. It's why there is round the clock guards." I give him a look. The gym was guarded too. "Don't look at me like that. The beach has men Tarek and Togen have handpicked. No one is entering it unless you deem them fit too."

Stopping, I place my hands on Jason's shoulders. "I know I've been a shitty friend man, and I know I don't deserve your loyalty. But I thank you for it. This round, I swear to listen to your advice even if I hate it."

"I can't say I understand how you're feeling right now Caden. Truly I can't." He grips my shoulders. "I've known you since diapers days, I know how your mind works. And I know with everything that's happened you will think clearly from now on. It's all I could ask for. Seeing you self-destruct that first month scared me. I had no idea how to help you. None of us did. Whatever you do, don't you dare revert back to that lifeless man. We all know Claudia would deck you for it."

"She would, wouldn't she?" I smile at the remembrance of the back of her head smashing into my nose during one of her rants. If she became furious because of jealousy, I knew she would murder me if she ever found out how low I sunk.

"You should be saying she will. We will find her Caden. I don't care if Nik is in a coma, barely hanging on by a thread. She is alive and fighting for her life, where ever she is. You have to have hope."

He was right. We all feared she'd died because Nik's heart has stopped beating multiple times. The doctors had to restart it at least once a day. I fear he is at deaths door because he lost the link to her. Which would be one thing.

She was dead.

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