His Touch - Wattpad Version - Sample

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Chapter 1

I watched him as he strolled down the street. How his tight fitted blue jeans hugged his firm butt and strong built legs. Legs that could hold us both up for hours as our sweaty bodies rubbed against each other.

His black muscle shirt barely contained his drool worthy abs; ones that I dream about on a daily basis. I have dreamed of running my hands up and down his toned body, leaving scratch marks in their wake. Just thinking about his body made mine ache with need. Need that I wish he could satisfy this exact moment.

My werewolf mate and his friends moved to my small home town about a month ago and ever since that first day I spotted him, I've dreamed of very naughty things. How his body would feel against mine, or how amazing his tongue would feel in certain areas.

Slapping myself in the face, I forced myself to stop thinking about him. I needed to get a grip on my feelings; which was not easy.

He had no idea that I was even in the same town as him, let alone across the street.

Yes, I have officially become a stalker. Who wouldn't if their mate had the body of a god?

I can still remember the first time I saw him. It was just over a month ago when thirty new wolves showed up. Our border patrol informed our Alpha and in a matter of minutes the top seven were traveling the streets, looking for the new wolves.

I was one of those seven.

It took us a total of ten minutes to locate them. When we did, I had to step back. Not knowing if they were safe, I couldn't chance going up to the man that took my breath away. He had been looking our way, but because we were partly hidden he wasn't able to look into my eyes as I had his.

I felt the bond flow between us instantly. He was my mate and I knew nothing about him.

The guys around me could tell instantly that I had found my soul mate. My body went into heat and was affecting their wolves.

Anthony; our Alpha demanded that I run to the tree's. He wasn't going to let me go near my mate until they found out more information about him and his so called pack.

They could have been rogues for all we knew. Most packs didn't up and move that many people. If they did then every pack would be notified and we would watch out for them; protect them if they needed it. We hadn't heard a word from the King.

Taking a few steps back, I was swallowed by the forest that surrounded our small town. Our town was made up of only werewolves. We lived out in the middle of nowhere, no other towns for thousands of miles and that's how we wanted it.

I watched as my Alpha and five best friends walked up to the strangers; there were eight of them. That slightly worried me. I had confidence in my boys, but it was six to eight. Those two extra men could do some damage to mine.

The conversation didn't end badly. Anthony seemed angry when he walked over to me, but that was it. No blood shed or deaths; that was a plus.

The moment Anthony reached me he grabbed my wrist and dragged me back to the pack house. I didn't say a word as I knew something was wrong.

I found out the moment we reached the living room. Those eight men were moving into our town for good. They belonged to a pack called 'Black Knights'.

Everyone knew about them, they were a vicious pack. No one knew how many people made up his pack. There were rumors that it only had thirty, but others would say there were thousands of them. It was rumored that even the king didn't know how many members it had.

Anthony was worried because our small town couldn't hold that many, but also we didn't know how they would treat our pack. The pack I belonged to consisted of five hundred and eighty two members. It was a big pack. We weren't the top wolves in the world, but we were pretty high up there. Ranking at number ten in the world, was pretty good.

The Black Knights were not on the list as no one knew the total of wolves. They were number one though in the fighting world. If a pack attacked them, they wouldn't survive to tell the tale. That was why no one knew the numbers. No one even knew who the Alpha was.

It's been told that he has been looking for his mate for the past five years. The moment he turned eighteen and didn't sense her, he went on a man hunt sort of speak. A man hunt for his mate.

It was said that for the first two years, he and his five brothers traveled the world searching for their mates. You can find your mate if you look directly in their eyes or touch bare skin. No one knew if any of the brothers have found a mate.

No one actually knew anything about this pack, everything was rumors.

The fact that I was now a mate to one of them scared Anthony the most. I was like a sister to him and the guys. Yea, Ant had a huge crush on me, but he has never acted on it. We all knew we would find our mates one day and didn't want to cause problems by falling in love with another.

His affection was returned.

That night I received a lecture on not leaving the house by myself or traveling the town alone. They guys demanded that if I wanted to go into town I had to take at least three of them; no if's and's or but's.

Runs in the forest were now forbidden unless we ran as a pack; meaning forty or more at a time.

I loved running in wolf form as many others did. It became a nightly ritual for our pack. We would travel our boarder every night in wolf form. It didn't matter how many times we would circle around, the thrill of running surpassed that.

It's been over a month now since I've been put on protection detail and for once I've actually managed to escape my entourage; or so I thought.

I felt them the moment they came with in twenty feet of me; all six of them. I couldn't feel anger coming from any of them; instead it was worry. That's what my life has been all about now; at least with these six.

No one in the pack knew that I had found my mate; not even my family. I was an only child and my parents were constantly working. They worked from home for a big firm company. They were computer techs; good enough to fix problems from home and never step foot in the companies buildings.

I was proud of them, but rarely saw them. At first I was sadden, but I got used to it.

A lot of our parents worked like that. Since we didn't live near a big populated town, we had to find our own way of earning a living. We had food and other products shipped to us from all over the world. They came from other werewolf packs. In return for helping us out, they send their children here for summer vacations. Little get a ways from the big cities. Some like it and some hate it here. We've even had mating's and marriages take place in the forest before.

Smaller packs didn't have land like we did. They couldn't afford to do a werewolf wedding; were everyone was in their wolf form. Can't have a human walk in on six hundred wolves, now could we?

"I can tell by your body posture that you are not thinking about your mate."

Jumping out of fright, I turn around and glare at Antony and the guys.

"That wasn't very nice Ant and you know that!" I growl while giving him my best mean face. It was hard to stay mad at my boys for very long.

He was right though. This was a first for me, usually I'm constantly thinking about my mate.

"Whatever woman. Now what was going on in that pretty head of yours?" He was now right in front of me as the others stood behind him; leaning against trees. They looked as if they were causally relaxing, but I knew better. They saw Roarke and his gang of buddies behind me. Not one of my boys would be relaxed right now, but tense.

"Just thinking about the day they came to our town." I whispered softly.

"You mean the day we took away your freedom?" Kai spoke with a knowing smirk.

They all knew I hated being babysat. I felt as if I was four instead of twenty-two. The guys were all a year older than me. I was the baby of the group and I was consistently reminded of it.

"Shut it Kai" I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms. Stupid mutt!

"Awe, is our baby sister throwing a fit? Do we need to put you down for a nap?" laughs rained down on me. They loved to make fun of me. Not in a mean way. Oh no, they knew what would happen to them if they were mean to me.

Cain once called me a whore for sleeping with a wolf he didn't like. He learned fast to never do that again. He wanted kids after all.

"Alexis you know we are only messing with you," Rob came up giving me a hug. He is Ant's beta and cousin. None of the guys were related, but those two.

"I know, it's just my damn hormones. They have been driving me insane ever since he showed up. I can't help, but to be moody," sighing I lean up against Rob's chest. It felt wrong because he wasn't my mate, but I didn't care; I needed a solid body to lean against.

The feeling in the pit of my stomach was getting worse and I knew someday soon, I had to confront my mate.

"We know Alexis. It's why we don't blow up in your face when you yell at us for something stupid," Ant sighed as he turned me around. The guys loved giving me hugs. I didn't know why, but they did.

While in Ant's arms I remember all the feelings I held for him. Held, meaning past tense.

Growing up, Ant and I were inseparable. We spent every waking moment together that my parents let me move into the pack house with Ant and his family. I was ten at that time.

We never became intimate because we didn't want to ruin our friendship, but the feelings never went away. Each boyfriend I had before I turned eighteen did nothing to erase those feelings.

The whole pack thought Ant and I would be mates. The way we acted together told them so. To everyone's shock, we weren't. It was disappointing because that meant they would have a Luna they didn't know. She would have to come from another pack. Everyone was worried she would demand they treat her like a Queen. It's happened before and no one wants a repeat of that.

My thoughts came to a complete halt when I felt a certain set of eyes on my back. A delicious shiver shimmied down my spine.

"Ant!" I couldn't say here. If I turned around and he caught my eyes, I would be in big trouble. The guys haven't found out any new information and I wasn't ready to confront my mate. What if he was a vicious killer?

"I know Lexis, I see him."

All the guys stepped closer to me. They would protect me and keep me away from him if need be.

I know I said I didn't want to go near him, but that was a lie. I craved him more than anything. Every minute of every day was spent thinking about him.

How his hands would feel against my naked flesh, or how his lips would taste. I craved to smell his scent. I had to stay away from him and because of that I've never once smelt his scent.

Even saying his name out loud sent my body into hyper drive; Roarke Maccoy. This man wasn't normal by far. He was a god.

Every woman that walked passed him purred to him. They wanted him to bed them. Our pack wasn't short on its whores and every one of them has been grinding themselves on him. They didn't care if they were sleeping with a murder.

Now I didn't know if that rumor was true or not, but it did crush my heart to this it was. If he was still searching for his mate, would he actually sleep with a pack whore? He had to know it would devastate his mate right?

Two weeks after they arrived, there was a town meeting. One that I 'accidently' missed out on; not. The guys forced me to stay in the pack house's underground basement.

We aren't sure if Roarke knows who I am. We don't think he does otherwise he would have taken me back to his pack house. One that was almost finished as they did have more than thirty pack members. Every time we counted, either we would be short or way over. It was frustrating.

The reason we aren't sure about Roarke knowing about me is because while I was in the basement I heard sounds coming from upstairs. The only way to enter the underground room was through a two foot solid concrete door. They would have had to know the passcode to even open it. For a half an hour doors were being opened and rooms searched.

Whoever was in the house found the underground room, but didn't try to enter. Nothing was disturbed when the guys came home.

We understood the reason for them calling a town meeting. It was to see if any of the females were their mates. They had an alternative motive and we still haven't found out what.

We didn't know if they were trying to find information on our pack or me. Cameras have been installed since then.

"Lexis, we need to get you out of here, if you don't want to confront him." Collin spoke in front of me.

"What is he doing?" I whispered softly. Werewolves had astonishing hearing.

"The six of them are heading towards us. What do you want to do?" Ant didn't seem worried, but his eyes were kept on mine.

"I don't know Ant. I doubt I will be able to hold off any longer. The pull to his wolf and him is getting stronger every day. I feel as if I'm dying, my body is in constant battle with my mind. I want him with every fiber of my body, but my mind tells me we don't know what kind of man he is," I whispered to the guys.

"You have less than a minute to decide if you want to stay. We are fully behind you in whatever you pick," Rob stated from my right.

Do I stay and finally meet my mate or do I run and hide like I have been doing? My wolf purred at the thought of finally meeting our mate. I had made her suffer just as much as I was.


Chapter 2 -

"Fine, but you're not ready to meet him yet? Right?" Ant demanded.

"No, I am not. I will keep my eyes downcast. Keep him away from me, but I need to have his scent wrap around me. The need to hear his voice is driving me to the brink." I wanted to experience the warmth seep across my flesh.

"You boys have no idea what seeing your mate will do to you. I promise you when you meet your other half, your life flashes in front of your eyes. All you will ever think about is her; is she safe, has she been eating healthy, is she getting enough sleep? New questions and worries pop into your head every second of the day. When you are not with her, you're constantly on edge. It's a blessing and a curse to have a mate; more of a blessing."

"You mean when you are actually able to be with him?"

No one replied to Collins remark as we all felt the six men come to stand behind us. Rob and Ant pushed me behind them. Colin came to stand to my right, Kai to my left as Andrew and Cain took up the rear. They caged me in and I felt safer that way. This way I wouldn't do something stupid; like jump my mate.

The urge to mate him right this instant was strong; too strong.

"How are you today Anthony?" My drop dead handsome mate drawled. The wolf inside me curled up and purred the erotic sound.

Though I wanted to scoff at him for not using Ant's title, I couldn't. Hearing his voice for the first time sent my body into complete shock. My arousal hit its all-time high. I had no control over it and every male within a mile radius would soon know too.

"We were about to take our friend back to the pack house. She is in heat and shouldn't be out an about," Ant countered. He was already getting ready for a fight.

"Where is her mate?" Roarke inquired, making my toes curl inside my shoes.

"He rejected her; called her a whore. We had to dispose of him," Cain spit out with anger in his eyes. Wow, was he convincing or what?

I felt my eyes widen at his words. We never discussed lying about that! It would back fire if and when I tell Roarke I'm his mate. He would surely demand who proclaimed to be my first mate. This was not going good.

"He must have been extremely unintelligent to let a beautiful woman go. No woman should ever be rejected. In our pack it's a law to never reject your mate. If you have a problem with your mate, you fix it. If you do decide to reject her, you're the one in trouble," his voice barely floated over towards me he was speaking that softly. It wasn't in a caress either; no it was spoken with a deadly intent. You reject, you die.

"That law does not take place in my pack. I will never force two people to be together if they do not want to be. Do not expect to punish my members if they reject yours," Ant growled out at the threat. None of us wanted to see one of our own reject their mates, but it's not unheard of.

Roarke and his men didn't respond back to Ant's demand. Instead he continued on about me. "To let her walk around town unattended while in heat is unreasonable. If I had my mate, I wouldn't let her leave our bed during her heat," he growled. "She would be awake long enough to be thoroughly pleasured before falling back to sleep. By the end of her first heat, she would be carrying my pups. My brothers and I have exhalant genes."

A slight purr escaped my lips. I couldn't help it. His growl did wonders to my insides. Looking up I notice Andrew glancing at me with a smirk. He loved teasing me.

"I can tell her hormones are going haywire if she is purring at me." He had to be smirking. No male wolf would give up the chance to boost their ego.

"They aren't for you Roarke. Rather her delicious and sensual purrs and growls are for me. She has been sharing my bed ever since we got rid of her disgraceful mate; a month ago." I didn't have to look at Ant, to know he was smirking. He was trying to rile Roarke up and it was working.

Loud growls and snarls were heard from behind me. "I beg to differ there Anthony. She purred at my growling." Roarke's wolf knew who I was and he didn't like Ant talking about his mate that way. Roarke on the other hand was clueless, or so I thought.

"Why don't you leave us alone? You're not welcome here," Rob snarled back. The hostility between the twelve men was mounting. We had to get out of here before blood shed came to pass.

"Oh we know, but this is now our home and you do not have the power or the authority to make us leave. I believe my mate is here in this town," he purred softly. "Once I look upon her beautiful eyes or slid my hand across her silky smooth skin, I will know for sure. Isn't that right love?"

At his words, I wanted to turn around and glue my body to his. The need to feel up his strong chest and arms, dug deep into my core. He was teasing me and knew it. Blast him!

"Anthony, do you think I can see my beauty's eyes? I don't think my brothers or I have seen her face yet. You six are always hiding her from us. You have been hiding her from my sight the moment we walked through this town. The very day you confronted me, you made her stay in the trees. I won't have it an longer. "My mate spoke with authority and power.

Could he be the Alpha?


"Now that isn't nice. We are neighbors now. You will want to obey me on this Anthony. Don't you want to be on excellent terms with the man who will keep your best friend warm and safe? I know she is mine. You will learn to not anger anyone in the Black Knights pack. We do not take kindly to other's keeping our mates away from us." The pure venom in Roarke's voice took the air out of my lungs. Little goose bumps covered every inch of my body. This man was torturing me by being this close.

"Lexi, darling do you hear that? Roarke here thinks you're his mate!" Kai laughed out loud. That boy would never learn. You never taunt an Alpha or high ranker and Roarke was probably the Alpha.

"I'm used to it now Kai. That's why I have six amazingly buff bodyguards; not that I can't take care of myself mind you." I stated without thinking.

Shit! His wolf will defiantly know I'm his. Wolves always knew before the human did; by either the voice, scent or the beating of the heart. I wasn't supposed to talk near him.

I felt it the moment his wolf sprung to the front of Roarke's mind. The reason; my wolf was purring to him.

"Lexi?" Roarke purred softly.

"That's Alexis to you!" Ant snarled. His hand reached back and grabbed mine. Leaning against his back, I close my eyes.

Oh god. Please kill me now. He did that on purpose, I know he did. He knew him purring would send me over the edge and it did. Heat pooled between my legs and if I wasn't leaning against Ant, I would have dropped.

My body did exactly what he wanted it to do. My heat flared up and surround the thirteen of us. He played me!

"Roarke, I believe we have the answer you have been wondering about," a male voice declared from behind me. It had to have been one of the five with him.

"We do indeed Dalton. All I have to do now is touch her," again he purred, driving my wolf and I senseless.

The lust was growing and I felt my legs become weightless. Cain jumped and me and swept me into his arms. I wasn't able to stand on my own anymore. My core was already pulsing to his voice. If he touched me, I would lose all sense of being. He would be all I wanted and I doubt I would be able to stop myself from completely mating with him. For over a month now, I've wanted nothing, but for him to throw me on his bed and ravish my body until I could scream no more.

"You won't get the chance Roarke. You will have to get through the six of us to get to her. She isn't your mate, I don't know why you're trying to steal her away from us when you have a mate out there somewhere," Anthony growled viciously at Roarke.

"Oh please, you're lying out your teeth. We have noticed the way she has looked at our brother. She desires him, devours him with her eyes. If only we were close enough to see those eyes of hers, then we would know if she was his," another male voice boomed with pride behind me.

Did they actually want me in their pack?

"Keep thinking that way Tristan, you will never have our Lexi," Rob growled.

The tension hadn't faded away, it was getting dangerous. Egos were being thrown around left and right. Someone was bound to get got in the cross fire.

"Oh believe me, I will. Your pack is no longer the top wolves in this town. By the end of this month our pack will be doubled. Even if you try and hide Lexis from us now, you won't then. We will tear your pack house apart looking for her," the Tristan guy spoke again. This time he had a hint of anger peeking through his words.

"You know where she was last time don't you? I mean you did send wolves to find her when she didn't show up at the pack meeting two weeks ago?" Rob barked out. I could tell by the way he spoke his wolf was showing himself.

They entered out home and tried to steal me away. The boys wouldn't let me go without a fight. That is if I didn't want to go.

"And what if we did? What are you going to do about it?" Another male probed.

"Right now nothing, but if she was your mate, how do you think she will feel when you try to kill the people she loves? Huh? Have you thought about that?" I heard the smirk on Ant's face. He was gloating and they knew it. "Didn't think about that did you?"

Before Roarke and his brothers could respond to Ant's statement, one of our trucks drove down the street. It was headed straight for us. My back was still facing the street, but from the sound of the engine I knew Ant had called one of the enforcers. They were coming to pick us up.

"Looks like our ride is here, gentlemen. If you wouldn't mind moving out of the way." Kai laughed.

They had no choice, buy to move. If they hadn't the truck would have hit them. The enforcer wouldn't have missed either.

"Come on Lexi, let's go home." Ant stated while walking towards the truck. I was still in Cain's arms and couldn't do a thing. My body was a mass of jell;, I couldn't move if I wanted to.

"You can open them now." I was facing the opening of the truck when I opened them. Hopping in, I kept my eyes down.

"This isn't over Anthony. We will steal her away from you. I may not have touched her deliciously smooth skin or gazed into her breath taking eyes, but I know she is mine. My wolf has been howling viciously in my head since the moment we came to a stop. Her aroma is driving me to the brink. I will have her in my arms and marked by the end of the month. I can promise you that!" For added belief he purred again.

Oh...please don't speak like that. I was already holding onto a thin piece of string. If he continued speaking like that, my boys wouldn't be able to hold me back. Roarke would have his mate in his arms in less than a minute.

"Baby, have you been craving my lips as much as I have yours? Do you wonder how my hands will feel against your bare skin as I thrust into your warmth? I do every night. I fall asleep thinking about my perfect mate, my beautiful mate. The very same mate that is sitting in the truck right in front of me." His voice vibrated all around me. Sending me on a high; one that I didn't want to lose.

"Enough! You will not speak to her like that. She is not your mate and she never will be!" Anthony's harsh words did not settle well with Roarke and his brothers.

Loud growls and snarls echoed the now empty streets. How did I know they were empty? Ant sent out a warning to our pack mates. Clear out as we didn't know if Roarke would fight for me. If it came to that, I wouldn't let them fight. I would step out of the truck and go to him. No blood shed was worth it.

"How dare you deny me my mate! She belongs to me and only me and you know that Anthony. Don't you dare deny it!" Roarke's loud roar made me close my eyes. Not from fright, but from pleasure. Licking my lips I lean my head against the head rest. My body was still too weak to move. To deliciously weak.

"I'm not denying it. I'm telling you it's not the truth. Now if you will excuse me, I'm taking her back my house."


Oh no... Roarke sounded overly furious. Ant shouldn't have said his house.

I hadn't been paying attention to who had already gotten into the truck, but seconds later four doors closed and tires were squealing.

When I felt my heat die down, I knew it was ok to open my eyes.

"You know that wasn't very nice of you Ant." Sighing I turned my head to face him. He of course was sitting right now to me.

"I know, but it was the perfect opportunity to find out how he would react. Aren't you happy that he has a dirty mind just like you?" His comment, brought laughs from all the guys.

Yes, I was a closet pervert and they all knew it. Well except the enforcer, but I guess he did now. Damn!

"When you slammed the door in his face, what did he do?"

"He reached for the door handle, but Chris locked the doors in time and sped away before they could do a thing."

"How did he look?"

"I'm not gay woman, how would I know!" I couldn't help, but let out a soft chuckle.

"That's not what I meant and you know it."

"He looked furious. I believe the big bad wolf didn't like having a door slammed in his face. Too bad."

Rolling my eyes, I come to wonder how Roarke will get Ant back. I mean Ant is keeping me away, or so Roarke thought. The guys weren't ready to give me up and I wasn't ready to lose the pack I've always known. Plus not knowing if they were cold blooded murders didn't help either. "You're just asking for trouble you know that right?"




"We are not boys!"

"We are men!"

"And wolves!"

I couldn't help, but laugh. These six guys are attached at the hips that they finish each other's sentences. I loved it.

"Oh you wolf men are so adorable." That's what I always called them, my wolf men or my boys.

"Not adorable."

"Handsome is the more correct word."

"What did I tell you about calling us names like that?" Ant growled playfully; an evil tint to his eyes.

Oh no, he wasn't. No not in the truck. I have no exit. I was a goner.

"Please no. I beg of you don't!" I screamed, not in a scared way. Oh what I was I say, hell yes I was scared. Every time I called them cute, cuddly or adorable, they would gang up on me and tickle me half to death.

"It's not going to work this time sweet cheeks," Kai laughed evilly.

I didn't have a chance to respond back. Kai and Ant ganged up on me, tickling each of my sides. They had me laughing and gasping for breath in seconds. Those two are the evil step children, I swear.


"No way sweetheart, you called us adorable, we are werewolves not kittens," Kai chuckled. He thought my suffering was funny. When I mate with Roarke, I have him beat Kai up. Not really, but I could always threaten him with it.

"I...so...ry...you...no...ador...ble...you...scar...y..." I couldn't get a single word out; they came out in a jumble. It didn't matter; the guys were used to me speaking like that because I would get tickled once a day.

"We are not scary! Take it back!" Ant whined.

If I wasn't already laughing I would have. Ant looked like a little kid when he whined; so cute and cuddly.

The whole truck erupted in laughter. When they are tickling me, I let my walls down. All the guys could hear what I said and hearing their Alpha being called cute and cuddly was hilarious.

"Oh now you're in big trouble missy."

I was dying for air. How much worse could he do?

He didn't get to do a thing as I felt the truck come to a complete stop. Taking full advantage of it, I throw my body on top of Ant's. At first he was shocked, not knowing what to do. I was straddling him after all. Right as he went to grab ahold of my waist, I pull the open handle up and fling my body at the door and out of the truck. Tucking my head in, I hit the ground and roll. I will have a nice size bruise on my back tonight.


"Ouch! That is so going to leave a mark. Look what you two made me do!"

"Why in the hell did you do that? You could have snapped your neck!" Ant stepped out of the truck yelling. I didn't want to look at his face; I knew it would hold a furious glare.

"Do you know what it would do to us, if we lost you woman?" Rob stepped out of the passenger's seat.

"We wouldn't be able to live if you left us. You're our little sister, Lexi. Don't you ever do anything that stupid again; do you hear me?" Kai stepped around the truck and got in my face as he pulled me up. He was in protective brother mode.

Best thing to do was say I'm sorry and I won't do it again.

"I promise I won't throw myself out of a truck again, unless I am in danger and it's the only way to escape the bad wolves." Looking up into Kai's eyes, I give him my puppy dog eyes. They work on each and every one of the guys. If I used those eyes, they gave me wanted I wanted. In this moment it was forgiveness for almost getting my neck snapped in half.

"You and those eyes!"

"Your mate and his pack are going realize soon enough who runs the pack." Rob spoke with a wicked grin.

They knew I would use my eyes to my advantage.

"You bet your butt I will."


Our little conversation was over; three enforcers walked towards us with series faces on them.


"While we were running patrol, we came across the scent of four rogues."

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