All my Fault

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My family.

That's all I cared about. Now that they're gone I have no point in living anymore. I sighed as I went to sleep on the cold stone floor of my lonely cave. I dreamed of them every night. I thought of them everyday.

It was all my fault.

The small egg, our sister, shook. Even in the dark of our cave you could see the soft red glow coming from it.

"Mom did you see that!" One of my brothers squealed.

Mother smiled softly, "Yes baby, I did."

We all stared in awe. The egg was just days from hatching. We all knew it.

Little did we know at the time it would never take it's first breath.

It would never take its first step.

It would never see the sun.

All because of me.

I, now all alone, sat curled into a ball for warmth in the corner of our empty cave. A few snowflakes fluttered in. I shivered and got up. I've been getting more flashbacks lately from my family. It's like my body was trying to make me never forgive myself. I brushed off my fur and smoothed out my tails.

It was a new day.

A new day without my family.

A new day to remember all of the mistakes I've made.

I walked out into the cold frosty air and looked around. A family of Spheal's skidded across the ice chasing after their mother.

I watched with a small glare at them. They saw me and quickly turned in the other direction and ran away. I didn't blame them. If I was them I would have run away from me too. I turned and went to my usual spot, a cliff overlooking the battlefield where my family took their last breaths.

I come here everyday.

I cry here everyday.

I remember here everyday.

There's no forgetting what I did.

"Hi Vulpix." A small voice squeaked from behind me.

I turned around with a glare and growled. It was Eevee . He comes over to me every morning to ask if I want to play with him and the others. Every morning I say no. Pokemon like me don't deserve to play and be happy, not even for a minute. Not even for a second.

"Go away." I growled.

"Come on Vulpix, just come and..." I cut him off with a growl.

"I said go away! Just leave me alone!" I screamed. I shot an Ember in his direction and it hit him straight on. He whimpered and took a step back from me.

Eevee's eyes filled with tears and ran to the other Pokemon. They all looked at me with mean and slightly scared expressions. I didn't care. I was used to this.

I deserved this I told myself.

I looked back to the scorched field. Even after all these months, the grass never grew. The lush green grass and flowers that used to cover the land were long gone. Now it was empty, filled with rocks and dust. Pokemon never played here. It was always deathly silent in this field. The only thing in its empty land was three small, little hills. Graves.

Not just any graves, my family's graves.

A memory crashed over me like a giant wave. I gasped and couldn't stop it. I slowly drifted out into the memory, drowning in the pain from it.

"Mommy?" I asked one night as we were all getting ready for bed.

"Yes sweetie?" She said walking over to me to smooth out my curls and tails.

I looked to my siblings with an evil smirk. They nodded their heads excitedly in agreement. We all held back our giggles as much as we could.

"Sing is the song! Sing the song!" We all yelled together.

She laughed and stood up. Our mother gently picked up our unborn family member and walked over to the side of our cave where we sleep. She gently laid the egg down on our nest. The hay was piled high and warm around it.

We all ran over and sat in front of her. The egg sat in the middle of our huddle and we waited excitedly to hear our mother sing our song. We get to hear a new part of it every night.

She smiled at us and winked at me. I grinned back. She started,

"The love in our family flows strong and deep, leaving us memories to cherish and keep. "

"When we get to the end of our lives together, the home we had, the things we owned won't matter. The only thing that matters is that I had you."

"The only thing that matter is that I had you." Our mother repeated softly.

By the end of tonight's part, everybody was asleep. Everyone except for me and mom.

"Mom?" I whispered. My voice echoed off of the walls of our cave.

"Yes little one?"

"What did tonight's song mean?"

I always asked mom this. Every night her songs had a deep meaning. Always one about our family and us being happy. She was quiet for a minute thinking about my question. I was about to ask again when she answered.

"Little Vulpix, it means that one day we will all be gone but, we must be happy and realize how many memories we've made together. We must be strong."

I was too tired to respond. My eyes were heavy with sleep. I snuggled into my family and closed my eyes. I smiled. It was cold and frosty outside, but I felt a warmth. Not just from being in a warm cave surrounded by fur, but because of my family. The warmth came deep from within my heart. The warmth bloomed throughout my entire body covering me from head to toe. I felt complete happiness. I don't know what I would do without my family.

The memory faded and tears slid down my cheeks hard and fast. That was the last night I spent with family. The last night before they all died, because of me. My tears came down as a roaring waterfall. Maybe if I cried a river I could float away and out of this mess.

I went down from the cliff and walked along the path leading down to my family's graves. Their last resting places.

I let out a shaky breath. This was the first time I've been down here since the night I buried them. I reached a paw out and went to touch my mother's grave stone when a sudden shove pushed me back. I slap to the face. A kick to the side.


I don't deserve to touch them. I don't even deserve to be this close to them. I quickly spun on my heel and ran back to my cave and threw myself on to a heap of messy straw.

I shuddered as a bone chilling cold spread all out through my body. I was cold from the outside air but this was different. It was the empty and alone feeling I've carried around with me since my family's been gone. The warmth of my entire family was long gone.

I started to feel hungry. I didn't want to get up but I needed some food. I picked myself up off the ground and walked out of my cave. I looked around and walked towards the edge of the woods to collect some berries.

I picked up a Tamato berry and quickly threw it down. The color of the berry was the same color of my family's blood.

"We must go now children!" Mother yelled at us. We were surrounded by the humans deadly war over land.

She took off at a sprint and the rest of us struggled to keep up with her long strides. She barreled over fallen trees and bushes. Mom stopped up ahead and I saw a look of horror cloud her vision.

We were trapped. The fighting swirled around us. Men's screams to their pokemon filled the air and the sound bullets rang in my ears.

The war was raging on around us. Mom ushered us over to her and we all huddled underneath mother's protective body. She would never let anything happen to us, I thought.

I looked as the battle came closer to us. We were on the edge of the clearing watching a bloody war. Bullets rained down like a mighty thunderstorm. Pokemon and people screamed as their bodies were punctured with deep, fatal holes.

Bodies littered the ground and yet the humans kept fighting with each other. Screams filled the air, my family's  included. The usually soft green grass of the field became sticky and red. Charizards flew over head and released rounds of Flamethrowers over our heads. The field ignited into a fiery blaze.

I saw a small Eevee limp away from the battle and towards the woods, not far away from where we were. I wiggled out from underneath mother and towards the helpless Pokemon. He needed help and I was going to give it to him. I ran to him and he gave me a scared look.

"Hey! Over here!" I yelled in his face and motioned over to my family.

I looked back to them and they were charging straight at us. What the heck? Mother slammed into my side making me tumble into the ground.

I groaned and slowly peeled my eyes open to see a large man in a military uniform looking over her. One bullet. That's all it took. One bullet and my mother was gone.

He lifted the long object to her head and before she could react a loud bang filled my small ears. A huge red hole appeared in between her eyes. Blood gushed from her wound.

I held back tears and ran into a bush. I peeked out from my hiding place to see my two brothers and sister slowly backing away from him, the egg was on my brother's back.

I looked in fear as the man loaded the gun and aimed at my family. The Eevee I saved ran away into the forest. I locked eyes with my brother and he pleaded with his eyes for me to do something. I was about to step out and try to attack the man but I was too scared. I looked at my siblings and their faces  all matched the same look, fear.

"Please." My sister mouthed.

The man snickered and held the gun out in front of him, BAM BAM. Two shots were fired and my sister crumpled to the ground. A pool of blood formed beneath her. The same red as her fur.

I held back a scream as he lifted the gun to one of my brothers. BAM. He was dead before he hit the ground. His body was on the ground crumpled in an unnatural shape.

An Arcanine bursted out from the battle and sunk his longs fangs into the mans chest. He ran back into the fight just as quick as he had come. I turned and ran along the edge of the woods. My brother, still holding the egg gave me a final pleading look. A Dragonite snuck up from above picked him up and into the air.

I choked on a sob and ran away. I blocked out the sounds of my brothers screams from the sky above me. I erased the image of my mother lying dead on the forest floor. I pretended I didn't let my brother and sister die without even making a move to help them.

I kept running.

My family is dead.

It's all my fault.

I smashed my paw into the berry and threw it far into the woods. I let my family die. I didn't even have the decency to die along with them. Instead I ran like the coward I was just to save myself.

I tried to help a stranger, an Eevee, now look where that got me. I should never of tried to help him. I should have let him die and have my family live.

But no. I don't think.

I was stumbling deep into the forest when I saw something that made me let out a silent scream and run behind the nearest tree.

There in the clearing, my brother laughed. He was smiling as a small Vulpix chased a Caterpie around a tree. I watched with wide eyes. It couldn't be. He was dead, just like the rest of them.

But there he was. My new little sister ran up to him and jumped into his arms for a hug. She was so small, so young. So...carefree.

I was like that once. Happy. My brother smiled and laughed right along with her. I felt a fire ignite in my heart. I was angry. Here he was laughing and having a good time when our whole family was dead.

He scooped up the little Vulpix and they continued their walk in the opposite direction into the forest.

I didn't dare follow. I turned and walked over to the top of the cliff, my cliff. Tears streamed down my face. I knew what I had to do.

The family of Spheal walked happily around. The wind rustled and blew my fur a little. I walked to the edge of the cliff. I looked over the edge and saw the jagged rocks below. I held my breath.

All because I had you. My mother's voice whispered in the wind.

I opened my eyes and jumped high into the air. I seemed to float for a second before plummeting fast. Wind whipped in my eyes causing me to squint. My fur flew around wildly in the air.  I didn't scream. A small red dot bursted from the tree line while another was close on it heels. I looked away and at the sun.

"Sister!" A voice yelled over the wind in my ears.

I didn't care. He wouldn't of wanted me around after what I did that day.

I'm coming mother.

~The End~


First I just wanted to thank everyone who read my book. I've been working on it for awhile now and I'm super excited to finally be sharing it with all of you!

Thank you xXLillie4EverXx  for the beautiful cover! It's so pretty and very well done!

I want to dedicate this book to my sister, Rose. I hope you are smiling up there, I think of you everyday. Our love flows strong and deep, even though your not with us anymore. We have made so many memories together in our short 13 years. I want to let you know that I love you so much and hope you are happy up there.

I love you my little flower.

Thank you all reading!


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