The Underground

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I stared, still silent with shock, as Socks slowly eased me into the room.

It's them.

You wouldn't think that I'd be scared of my own creations, but knowing what they were capable of I really wasn't so sure about being in a room of a bunch of them.

Inferno noticed me first. She flicked a tentacle at me, her red eyes boring holes through me. "Socks, who's this?"

"I'm gonna be completely honest with you and say that I have no idea," Socks chuckled nervously, "She hasn't spoken since I found her. From how she's been acting, I assume she's been in shock."

Inferno tilted her head slightly. "And where exactly did you find her?"

"She was lying unconscious in the woods," Socks explained.

"So you just brought some random kid you found knocked out in the woods here?" I could hear the tension in her voice rising. I was tempted to walk out the door, but judging by the fact that we were in the middle of the woods, this was most likely the only bit of "civilization" anywhere near here.

Inferno walked over to me, her eyes sweeping over me, observing me.

"You... remind me of someone..." She said, a low growl edging her voice.

Right. Addie was obviously based off of real-life me, and Inferno was currently possessing Addie.

"What's your name?"

Well, I couldn't really get out of this one. After a tense, silent moment, I finally replied,


"Interesting," Her eyes bore through me suspiciously, and I felt a cold tentacle wrap around my torso.

"Now, let's not get harsh here-" Socks attempted to get her to back off, but Inferno simply gave him a sharp growl. He shrunk back immediately.

Inferno glared back at me.

"And how did you get here again?"

"Uh- I, uh-" I stuttered, trying to think of some explanation.

But just then, someone cut in.

"Lay off her, Inferno. She's done us no harm. Yet."

I turned my head to see a girl, not much older than me, with dark hair and green eyes. Her hair was also streaked with green.

Inferno growled, and I sighed in relief as she unwrapped her tentacle from around me. Didn't think that she would listen to anyone that easily, especially the person walking to me now.

"Hello, there," Anatox gave me a tired smile.

"Uh- hi," I said.

"Sorry about that," she apologized, "You'd think these guys were animals by the way they act."

Inferno obviously took offense to that, even though she was technically part wolf. She pinned her ears and gave a low growl.

I remained silent, not really wanting to agree in fear of getting killed.

"You're quite the silent type," Anatox observed.

I shook my head. "Sorry, I'm just... confused about the last fifteen minutes of my life, I guess."

"That's understandable," Anatox chuckled, "Not everyday you run into a bunch of supernatural and mostly bad or evil beings that want to kill you as soon as you walk into the door."

I gave a nervous laugh.

"And who do we have here?"

I inhaled sharply. I knew that voice. I felt myself tense up.

"Gradient, would you stop doing that?" Anatox sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. "I swear, you're gonna give someone a heart attack one of these days."

"First of all, do you really think I care?" I heard Gradient reply, "And second, you didn't answer my question. Who is this?"

"This is Addie," Anatox introduced me. I turned around and waved nervously at the apparition. He wasn't currently in his killing state, so his appearance was not as creepy as usual, but his mere presence still gave me the chills. "Addie, this is Gradient."

"Doesn't seem very confident about her current situation," Gradient pointed out.

Oh, wow, you think so? I thought sarcastically.

I shoved my hands in my hoodie pockets, a habit of mine when I'm nervous. My hand hit something smooth and cylindrical. That's weird, I didn't have anything in my pockets before, I don't think...

"E-excuse me for a moment," I quickly said, and before anyone could argue I stepped outside the door and closed it behind me.

Sighing in relief, I pulled the new item from my pocket. It seemed to be some kind of art pen, black with silver on the lining on the cap. I opened the pen, and the silver tip glittered in the sunlight. Curious, I tried drawing on my hand with it (What? I didn't have any paper with me). The scribble line stayed for a few seconds before fading away as if it was never there.

What's the point of a pen that fades immediately? I thought to myself.

It had faded so fast I didn't comprehend the shape of the scribble to be very similar to the yin-yang symbol.

"What's that?"

I nearly jumped out of my skin at the sudden entrance of the voice. I snapped around to see none other than Harmony standing behind me. The deity was observing the pen in my hand curiously.

"Jesus, you scared me," I sighed, "Hey, uh-"

"Call me Harm."

Right, forgot about that.

"Right. Uh, I don't know what this is, and- wait, have you been standing there this whole time?"

Harm shrugged. "I just kinda appeared behind you for no apparent reason. I know I didn't do it, so I assumed you did something."

"I-I don't think I did anything..." I said, looking back down at the pen. Did I do something?

"By the way, what's your name?" Harm questioned.

"I'm Addie," I said. I was a bit less freaked out by the fact that a bunch of my antagonists are now alive at this point, even if I still wasn't very comfortable with it. A question popped into mind. "So, what is this place?"

"Ah, you're new. That makes sense," he said, "They call this the Underground. Even though it's obviously not underground. I think it's just referred to as that since this is where the creeps and murderers hang out, if you get what I mean."

I gave a nervous laugh. "Y-yeah, that's probably why..."

I wonder if there's other characters that aren't mine here...

Harm, although he didn't have mind reading abilities, seemed to answer that thought.

"Everyone here is a creation made by our creator, who's name no one currently knows," he continued, "Only that it's very similar to Inferno's host's name... Which is also your name, coincidentally."

I nodded. That answers that.

"So... Do you have any ideas as to how the hell I got here?" I asked him.

"No, actually," Harm shrugged, "But usually we just appear here once we've been created. I'm assuming she made you, and that's how you ended up here. Although I wonder why she made another character with the name Addie..."

He trailed off, unable to answer his own question.

I cleared my throat awkwardly. "So, are there others here, or is it just you and the guys inside?"

"Oh, there's plenty more than those guys," he replied to me, "They should be somewhere nearby. We were told to stay in the area for whatever reason this morning, so-"

"Told by who?"

"Why do you ask so many questions?" Harm suddenly snapped.

I shrunk back in fear, surprised by his sudden outburst.

His glare remained on me before he visibly calmed back down, and sighed.

"I apologize, I've been a bit on edge lately," Harm said, "Anyway, I couldn't tell you who informed us of this, since it is secret to only Xirox. Don't know why it's only him, either, since Inferno's really the one in charge around here."

Well, at least they have some sense of leadership, I thought.

Harm seemed to listen to something distant before saying to me, "I have to go. Yang apparently needs to speak with me. I'll see you around, Addie."

He disappeared before I could say goodbye.


Take it *yeets*

Harm is chill in this B)

1341 words

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