The Smallest Ways To Show I Love You

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Dazai loved Chuuya dearly and he constantly watched out for him. In more ways than he ever realized. When Chuuya would cook, Dazai knew it was difficult. But he never complained. He had just wanted to be independent and continue to do what he enjoyed. Chuuya is currently cooking lunch and Dazai was moving the food closer to Chuuya's hand trying to evade being brushed by him as he helped. He didn't want to make Chuuya feel helpless. His family already made him feel that way. Dazai wouldn't make him feel that way too. He'd never forgive himself. Dazai also knew today would be a hard day. Chuuya's mother and father were visiting and they always made Chuuya feel so handicaped. It made Dazai angry. Couldn't they see he was doing well? How much stronger he had become since losing his sight?

Dazai heard the doorbell and he put on the nicest face he could.

"Oh they're here." Chuuya went to put the knife down to answer the door.

"No it's okay. Stay here. I'll answer it."

Dazai heard the doorbell again. "I'm coming!" Dazai answered the door and Dazai greeted Chuuya's mother and father. And they stepped inside and took their shoes off.

"Where's Chuuya?" His mother asked.

"He's in the kitchen."

Dazai walked them to the kitchen and Chuuya's parents said hello and hugged them. Chuuya went to cut the last of the vegetables and before he could continue his mother grabbed the knife from him.

"What are you-"

"You shouldn't be doing this! Dazai why are you letting him do this?!"

Dazai went to speak but he was cut off by Chuuya. "I can do it!" Chuuya tried to grab the knife and ended up knicking his hand. Dazai's eyes widened and he was by his side in moments.

"You hurt yourself... It's bleeding a lot..." Dazai took Chuuya to the bathroom. Chuuya leaned on the counter as Dazai grabbed the medical kit from under the cabinet. Dazai put his hand over the sink. "This might sting a little." He sprayed antiseptic on the cut and let it sit on his hand for a moment.

"I hate that they treat me like that... Like I'm useless... Why can't they just treat me like you do...?"

"I- I don't know. I wish I had an answer. But... maybe you should talk with them?"

"I've tried. They never listen... they just don't care..." Chuuya tears up. "I should have told them I was busy... I knew I shouldn't have invited them over... I just want us to have a relationship but they make it impossible."

Dazai's heart was breaking hearing Chuuya talk that way. Dazai cupped his face and wiped his tears. "Please don't say that... No matter what they think. I'm here... and I believe in you..."

Chuuya smiled softly. "Thanks Dazai..."

"Now c'mon. Put that pretty smile on your face. It's just dinner. We can do it, and I'll be there holding your hand the whole time."

Chuuya smiled. Dazai always knew how to make him feel better. "Okay..."


Chuuya and Dazai were sitting through dinner with his parents, and it was awkward to say the least. Chuuya hadn't talked to his parents much since becoming blind. What was he even supposed to say truly?

"So Chuuya," His mother started to talk. "How is school going?"

"Good... My professor said I made a perfect score on my last exam."

"Still studying to be a vet?"


"Hm." His dad said skeptically. "I thought you'd change your major especially since you're blind."

Chuuya tightened his hand around the silverware. "No, I've always wanted to be a vet and my blindness doesn't stop me. I can work around it." Chuuya says confidently.

"Chuuya maybe you should just get put on benefits from the government. They do offer that you know? It would be hard for you to work."

That was it. Dazai couldn't take it.

"He's not just useless you know!"

Chuuya's eyes widened as he heard Dazai yell.

"Excuse me?"

"I said he isn't useless. Why do you guys treat him that way? Like he is completely helpless! Chuuya can do things on his own. He cleans, he does his homework all by himself and makes it to the college safely everyday alone! He cooks for us and he takes care of me when I'm sick... He's smart and kind... and he deserves to be treated better."


"How dare you speak to me that way?! He is my son! I know what is best for him!"

"No you don't..." Chuuya spoke up. "Ever since I have become blind it's like I've been a burden. You've made me feel worthless and less than, and that's why I stayed away from you both for so long. I... I won't deal with that anymore. Dazai's right... I deserve better." Chuuya said, tearing up. "And I am going to be something rather you guys believe in me or not... I think it's best if you leave..."

"Chuuya..." His mother was shocked.

"Get out!" Chuuya yelled. His mother sighed angrily and she and his dad got up quickly and walked out of the kitchen, Dazai heard the door slam loudly as they left. Dazai's eyes widened as he heard Chuuya let out a sob, and Dazai's heart ached. Dazai quickly pulled Chuuya into his arms and he rubbed his back.

"I'm here... I believe in you... I know you can do it... I'll be here when no one else is..."

Chuuya sniffled as he pulled back and wiped his tears. "...I know... That's why I love you..."

Dazai smiled. "I love you too..."

Dazai leaned down and he kissed Chuuya softly. And that one moment in time, Chuuya wanted it to last forever.

To Be Continued...

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