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Someone pounded on Roman's bedroom door and he woke with a start. Jumping to his feet, he jerked on his boxers and grabbed his pistol. Zoya sat up straight and pulled her knees to her chest, then covered herself with the sheet.

"Roman! Wake up," Flynn yelled.

Roman yanked open the door, staring Flynn down like he was a raving lunatic. "What the hell? You're about to get your ass shot."

Flynn pushed past him and paced back and forth babbling a mile a minute. "I have a son. Can you believe it? I'm a dad." He looked at Zoya, not really registering anything. "You knew about Tommy, didn't you? That's why you said not to give up."

Roman looked at her, confused, still standing in the doorway. "Who the hell is Tommy?"

Flynn didn't give her a chance to answer, bouncing on his heels like a make-a-wish kid at Disney who had just snorted pure sugar. "He's my kid! I haven't met him yet, but I will in a few hours. Mariana says he looks like me."

Roman threw his hands up, the pistol still gripped in one. His thoughts felt too sluggish for this rapid-fire flux of information. "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Back the fuck up. You have a kid with Mariana? What the fuck?" He faced Zoya again. "Is he right?"

She nodded.

"Damn." He raked a hand through his hair, trying to collect his thoughts. "Why didn't you say something?"

"She asked me not too. But I encouraged her to tell Flynn. Every man should know his children."

Roman reached out and grabbed his brother. "Stop the damn pacing. You're wearing out my new carpet."

"Sorry. I can't help it." He slumped onto the end of the bed. "Me. A dad. Shit. I want to buy him something." He twisted to face Zoya again. "What does he like? What would be a good gift? Wait." He ran his hand over his face. "I don't have a job. How the hell am I going to provide for them, much less spring for a present?"

"I can loan you some money."

Roman glanced at her, jaw ticking. Old habits die hard. "That won't be necessary. I'll give him some."

Flynn stood and looked at Zoya again. "What should I get him?"

"What happened to your job?"

"The job goes with Céline but that doesn't matter. What about the gift?" He almost started pacing again. His mind wasn't really settling, all revolving around his son.

"He wants a pony." Zoya shrugged, and Roman glanced at her, exasperated. As if a pony were a toy truck you could buy for a five dollar mark down at the store.

"A real pony?" Flynn posited. He always thought that's what little girls wanted, along with being General Organa and prima ballerinas. But this was Louisiana, and Tommy was probably too young for an alternator.


"Damn. Where will I get a horse on short notice and at this hour? Wait! Is Russell Wallace still alive? He used to have horses."

This time, Roman grabbed both of Flynn's shoulders, stilling his erratic movements. "Go to bed. We'll call him first thing in the morning. If he doesn't have a horse, he'll know where we can find one." He nudged his brother toward the door. "Now get the hell out of my room."

"Okay, okay. I'm going." He made it to the hallway, then turned back. "Oh, one more thing. I asked Mariana to marry me and she seems amenable. Well, she didn't really say anything, but she didn't beat me with a pipe so I think that's a positive direction."

"Damn, Flynn. Now you're engaged to two women?"

"Technically, yes, but she's it. I love her, man. Always have. I know it sounds crazy, but when I saw her, I knew. And we have a child. God, I can't believe it."

Roman ran his hand over his stubble. "What I can't believe is that you're not pissed about that. But we'll add that to the discussion for tomorrow. I'm going to bed." He grabbed the door and closed it before Flynn could barrel back in.

"You know I won't sleep!" Flynn shouted from the hallway.

"That's your problem. See you in the morning." Roman crawled back into bed and Zoya scooted down next to him. He curled an arm around her, pulling her into his side.

"I think it's a good thing. I mean, now Tommy will have both parents. And if two people love each, they should be together."

Roman shifted to spoon her. "Don't do this."


"Try to start a conversation about love and marriage shit."

She frowned. "I'm not."

"Yes, you are. I thought we were clear about our situation."

She pulled away and rolled to her back. "Perfectly clear."

Roman hated the disappointment in her voice. He'd been too harsh. Gathering her in his arms again, he nuzzled at her ear. "I didn't mean to be so gruff. I'll always be here for you, but I'm right and you know it. We're from different worlds, Zoya. I'm not the guy to attend operas or dine at the country club, or do any of that rich people shit. And I never will be."

"Neither am I."

"You are and don't even realize it because you've always had money. Besides, a piece of paper doesn't guarantee fidelity."

"So you're saying Flynn won't be faithful?" She had seen how Flynn reacted to even a mention of Mariana's name.

"No. He will. But not because of a legal document."

She stiffened. "Stop talking."

He scrubbed a hand over his face and tugged at his hair. "Dammit. What do you want from me?"


He took a deep breath. "Yes, you do." He pushed away and propped on his elbow, then stared into her eyes. "As long as we're sleeping together, I won't have sex with anyone else. That's the best I can offer. You have to decide if it's enough."

God, she gazed up at him with those big eyes shimmering with tears and he wanted to take it all back. Why had he pressed the subject? He should have dropped it, but he couldn't let her expect something he could never give.

"And if it isn't?"

His lungs burned at the thought of losing her, but he had to stand his ground. He had seen how marriages worked and ultimately ended. "Then I guess we're done."

She drew a ragged breath and her bottom lip quivered. "I don't want to talk about this anymore." She snaked her hands around his neck and pressed her lips to his.

He rolled on top of her and deepened the kiss. He could be monogamous, with Zoya. He preferred it, but marriage had the ability to ruin even the best relationship. He'd stay with her, as long as she wanted him, but he couldn't give her anything, especially not for a girl who had everything.

The next morning, Roman left Zoya in bed while he and Flynn went to see a man about a horse. Roman had never seen his brother so happy. Which was nuts because he still had an engagement to break and no future job in sight. But his luck was changing because Wallace had several ponies that fit the bill for a young boy.

Flynn wanted to saddle one up and walk him home, but the old man talked sense into him. Said it'd be better to let Tommy pick what he wanted. Even take a test ride.

Forty-five minutes later, Roman stuck his checkbook in his back pocket and as they reached the truck, Flynn's phone rang. He looked down at the number and pulled his brows together. "Hello—yes—what?" He leaned against the fender as if needing it for support.

Roman tried to read his face. Confusion? Worry? Hell, was it bad news?

Flynn's eyes widened, then he smiled. "Yes, Ma'am. I can be there next week. Yes, Ma'am. Thank you." He clicked off and stared at Roman. "You won't believe this. I got a job offer. And a damn good one."

"No shit. From a university?"

"No. From St. Clair Steel."

"St. Clair Steel," Roman repeated.

"Yeah. They're the biggest..."

"I know who they are." Roman got into the truck.

Flynn opened his door and slid onto the seat. "They want to see me next week."

"To interview?"

"No. To make an official offer. She mentioned a signing bonus. I don't understand this. How the hell did a company like that even find out about me needing a job?"

Roman started the truck. "Hey, don't question it. Just consider yourself lucky."

"Damn straight I won't question it. I'll sign that contract so fast that Fiona Archer, the CEO's head will spin. Another thing. Since when does the top woman call a new hire?"

"Thought you weren't going to question it." He backed out of the drive and pulled onto the road, not meeting Flynn's eyes.

"Yeah. You're right. Do you know what this will mean for Mariana, Tommy, and me? We can buy a house. With a yard. Hell, we may be able to get a place big enough to keep his horse. Damn, somebody upstairs must be watching out for me." Flynn leaned back against the seat, grinning.

"Yeah." Or somebody back at the house. "Must be Charamel."


Roman glanced at him, changing the topic. "Well, you look like shit. Did you sleep at all?"

"No," Flynn tapped the door, acting every bit like a coffee addict that had one too many espressos. "Couldn't stop thinking about meeting my son. Think he'll like me?"

"You're giving him a fucking pony, of course he'll like you. Give me a horse, even I'll like you."

"Shut up. You like me now."

Roman grinned. "Yeah, I do, and I'm happy for you. You'll be a great dad."

Flynn smiled, albeit nervous. "I hope so."

"Tell me something. What'd you ever see in Céline?"

Flynn stretched his lips tight against his teeth and sighed. "I got caught up in her world and then mix in a job with the biggest company around. I guess I went a little crazy. Take somebody like you and me, we don't fit that circle. We've had to work for what we have. Céline has had everything handed to her, and because of it, she doesn't appreciate anything. Feels entitled. Know what I mean?"


"Now you tell me something. What's really going on with Zoya?"

Roman paused. "What do you mean?"

"Are you in love with her?" Flynn asked matter-of-factly, as if inquiring about the weather.

Roman shot him a look. "What makes you think that?"

"You were upset when you thought she wasn't coming back, so if you don't have feelings for her, why go after her?"

Roman tightened his grip on the steering wheel until his fingers tingled. "It's none of your business, Flynn."

"You like her. Like, really like her." Flynn grinned from his seat, as if he had it all figured out with kindergarten mannerisms. Roman half expected him to start singing and mocking him.

"So what? Now that you've found your one true love, you're psycho-analyzing me? Don't waste your time. I'm a lost cause when it comes to commitment."

Flynn chuckled. "You're living together. I'd say there's already an element of commitment on your part."

Flynn's evaluation hit hard. Roman had made plenty of mistakes. "Look, I know she likes me now, but she doesn't plan to stay in Arcadia forever, so it'll run its course and she'll move on."

"If you say so." He didn't look at-all convinced.

"Well, I do," Roman huffed, "so drop it and worry about your own love life. You've still got an engagement to break."

"Yeah, I'm going back tomorrow to take care of that."

Even as Roman said she'll move on, something in his gut twisted and his lungs burned. It had to be the thought of giving up the sex. Hands down, the best he'd ever had. The way she gave herself to him was as if she wanted to seep into his soul. But he wasn't wrong and Flynn confirmed it. Roman didn't belong in Zoya's world any more than his brother belonged in Céline's.

The house came into view. Ophelia sat on the porch thumbing through a book, while her thumb moved in rapid succession over her phone's screen, permanently attached to her hand. Zoya stooped by the shed planting seeds. Probably zinnias because that's what Charamel always planted in that spot, right next to the hollyhocks.

Roman brought the Chevy to a stop and Flynn got out and went inside, while Roman made his way to Zoya, pausing only to say hi to his sister. "Planting zinnias?"

She looked up and shaded her eyes. "Yeah."

Damn, she looked so natural there. Like she belonged on a farm, digging in the dirt, but she didn't. He stuck his hands in his pockets. "So—Flynn got a job offer from St. Clair Steel. Imagine that."

She smiled, as if she was letting him in on a secret. "Good. Now he won't have to worry about supporting Mariana and Tommy."

"Thank you."

She went back to work and spoke over her shoulder. "No problem. Just wielding my heiress power."

From her tone, last night's talk had only pissed her off. Damn.

Unable to sleep, Mariana spent most of the night rehearsing how she'd tell Tommy about his dad. It was a subject they'd never talked about. She was thankful for that but now it was time to face the truth.

She sat on the edge of the bed and ran her fingers through Tommy's hair. His big brown eyes blinked open, and he held out his arms. She pulled him in close and nuzzled his ear. "I have a surprise for you."

He sat back and scanned the room. "A present?"

"Better than that."


Unable to hold back, Mariana burst into tears.

"What's wrong, Mama? Why are you crying?" Tommy patted her cheeks.

She pulled him into another hug. "Because I'm happy. You're going to meet your daddy today."

"He's here? To see me?"

"Yes. And this is the best part. He wants to be a family."

"I want to see him." Tommy jumped from the bed and stripped off his pajamas. "Hurry, Mama. Help me get dressed."

In spite of her tears, Mariana couldn't help but laugh. "Not so fast. He won't be here until ten."

"No. I want to see him now!"

"Okay. Okay." She pulled her cell from her pocket. "Why don't you call him? I'll dial the number." She punched it in, then handed the phone to Tommy. "When he answers, tell him who you are."

"Hello, this is Tommy. Are you my daddy? I want you to come see me now." He listened for a second, then grinned. "Yes, sir. But you better hurry cause Mama's crying."

By the time Flynn parked in the drive, Mariana's emotions still weren't under control. She didn't wait for him to knock; she jerked open the door and threw herself against him.

Flynn stroked her hair. "Don't cry. It's okay." Then his eyes zeroed in on his son. Flynn knelt, held out his arms, and the little boy ran to him. "Tommy. I've been trying to get back to you and your mama for a long time. I promise, I'll never leave you again." Then it was Flynn's turn to cry and Mariana's heart swelled. She dropped to her knees and wrapped her arms around both of them.

After a few minutes, she stood, but Flynn continued to hold Tommy and whispered in his ear. "Guess what?"


"I'm taking you and your mom to Mr. Wallace's house for you to pick out a pony."

"A real pony?" His gap tooth grin spread wider than Mariana had ever seen it.


Tommy wheeled around to face his mother. "He's getting me a real pony!"

"Flynn!" Before she could say anything else, he raised his hands.

"If you don't want it in with your goats, we'll keep it at Roman's. So come on. Let's go."

"Wait!" Tommy ran to his bedroom and came back wearing his cowboy hat and carrying his bandana. "Tie this on me."

Flynn looked at Mariana. "Let me do it." He draped the kerchief around the boy's neck and knotted it. Then he pulled him into a hug and kissed his cheek. "You look like a real cowboy."

Tommy stepped back and ran out the door. As Mariana and Flynn caught up, he told her about his job offer. In the short span of a day, all his dreams were coming true.

When they arrived at Wallace's, Tommy didn't waste any time choosing the pony he wanted. Flynn helped him saddle the nine-year-old pinto named Artax, and then the old man led the little cowpoke around the corral.

Mariana had never seen her son this happy. Hell, she'd never been this happy. That's all she had wanted for years, some semblance of a family for Tommy.

Flynn leaned in close. "I'm headed home tomorrow to take care of the Céline problem. Only staying one night, then I'll be back. I wish you and Tommy would come with me."

"No. I think it'll be hard to tear him away from Artax. How'd you know he wanted a pony?"


"Is she okay?"

"Yeah. She's sleeping with Roman. Not sure that's such a good idea, but he claims to have it under control."

Mariana frowned, placing her hands on her lips like his comment personally offended her. "He's going to hurt her."

Flynn shrugged. "I'm not so sure."

"What do you mean?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I think he's falling for her."

Russell brought Tommy and his mount to where Flynn and Mariana sat on the fence. Flynn climbed down, helped Tommy off the horse, and hugged him close. "I love you, Tommy."

Tommy wrapped his arms around Flynn's neck. "I love you, too, Daddy."


Now they can all be one big happy family, if Zoya and Roman could get their shit together.

TEASER: "Who the hell are you and what are you doing in my house?"

Wonder what that is about...

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