Cloud Nine (Review Forty-Two)

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Remember that the point of this review is to guide you to improvement. If you have any questions, do not before afraid to talk to your reviewer or to @ericson119. We are here to help you, not review your book and simply move on to the next one.

Cloud Nine
By: Shreya_VA

Reviewer: The_Scarlet_Writer


Cover/Title: 9/10

- I really like both the cover and the title, I don't know why, but I find them so cool.


Blurb: 10/10

- This is such an amazing blurb, it already tells me a lot about you as a writer; and trust me, I was excited to get started on the book.


First Chapter: 10/10

- I love this chapter (as well as the prologue), and I think it was a great start. Already we have gotten to know our main character Alizeh and the world she lives in. For that matter, I found the way you fed the information about World War 3 and all of that, very smooth. I was able to understand immediately the way it works over there without being overwhelmed.


Grammar/Punctuation: 10/10

- Great job :)


Vocabulary: 10/10

- I think you are very eloquent, always including a vast varied vocabulary. Your descriptions are beautiful as well.


Plot/Pacing: 9/10

- The pacing is almost perfect to be honest, always flowing smoothly.

- The plot is satisfying, enriched with some twists and suspense.


Character/Character Development: 9/10

- It's clear that you have done a great job on the characters and you've done them justice (by this I mean that when you describe a person in a way that maybe they are strong or smart... etc, you show these qualities through their actions and the dialogue).


Originality: 9/10

- Now, there are many books of stories following the 'apocalypse' of Earth or the actions following World War 3, but yours is still considered very original, especially the part about living on clouds. I haven't read something similar before, and it was a nice change.


World Building: 9/10

- As far as world building goes, it was really good. I felt like I was living there and taking part in the story, which is something I love and need in my reading experience.


Imagery: 9/10

- To conclude this review, imagining the scenes was easy, fun, and lovely. Your descriptions, your talent, and your attention to details helped a lot.


Overall: I loved your book as far as I read, and hope you continue down this path and get even better.


Questions for the author:

- What do you think of the review? Did it help you improve?

- What kind of story are you going for? Tell us so we can understand you.

- What do you enjoy about writing? Tell us how it makes you feel.

- What is your writing process like?

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